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From the article's sub headline: ”Palestinians in Beit Hanoun were instructed by Israeli army to leave their homes and head for city centre. Hours later, the city centre was targeted”

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This article seems to omit the most important fact about headphones - how do they sound?

I love repairability and all, but it hardly matters if I don't want to use them in the first place because they traded off too much quality for repairability.

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It was a tough sacrifice, but the really important thing going forward is making sure Elon gets his 56 billion dollar bonus reinstated that was so cruelly taken away.

That's what I thought about the elephant tusk looking AirPods yet here we are.

The Reality Distortion Field sometimes makes things hard to predict when it comes to Apple products.

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Yet this is the same party attacking the left for being antisemitic, and the media never contextualizes their attacks with things like this or their Jewish space laser actual antisemitism.

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It doesn't seem like neo-Nazism in this case but rather the long standing hate by Muslims if it makes any difference. From the news coverage I've seen of this, it seems like it was a mob of Muslims waving Palestinian flags.

This is total BS and people are upvoting it just because it sounds truthy.

Piracy links? Yeah, sure.

Archive links? Like OP said, even corporate Reddit allows those. The risk to a Lemmy instance from allowing this is literally zero. There is a rule of lawsuits among lawyers that you always look for the deep pockets because you can't get anything from a lawsuit if the defendant can't pay. There is no way would be sued for this before Reddit, which actually has money to pay with. That's even setting aside the notion that linking to archives could be found to constitute copyright infringement.

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How? How does a country take that much of a financial beating and still be thriving? Where is the point of being broke and not being able to fund a war anymore?

Not only that but I remember reading a lot of articles about how Russia was going to economically collapse as a result....almost two years ago.

Also a lot of articles about how weak Russia was militarily, how they lost all their troops and equipment already, how morale in their military was so poor the army was just going to run away at any moment, how one major asset after another was destroyed by the Ukrainians...for almost two years now.

Yet here they are still, not collapsed, not defeated. It probably is a good idea to take the media with a grain of salt and realize just because they're the so-called free press doesn't make them necessarily the truthful press.

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I'm sure this has been commented a lot but my first time seeing it, wow the leaker's name is actually Littlejohn as in Robin Hood's right hand man.

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From the article:

On the federal charges, Dedmon and Elward each face a maximum sentence of 120 years plus life in prison and $2.75 million in fines. Hartfield faces a possible sentence of 80 years and $1.5 million, McAlpin faces 90 years and $1.75 million, Middleton faces 80 years and $1.5 million, and Opdyke could be sentenced to 100 years with a $2 million fine.

Fortunately, doesn't seem like they're letting them off easy or anything.

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I'm scratching my head, who is the normal candidate? The one that was pretending like the Civil War wasn't about slavery? The one that picked a fight with Mickey Mouse to try and score political points but then got his ass kicked?

Meanwhile, Representative Elise Stefanik—the star browbeater of the hearings on campus antisemitism called by the House Education and Workforce Committee—has been gunning forthe resignation of Columbia President Nemat (Minouche) Shafik (a matter that is not the purview of politicians, but of faculty, administrators, and trustees). 

It's funny how even after kowtowing to right wing demands, she faces demands to resign not only from the left that she sicced the police on, but also the right that she has been groveling towards.

When asked why the Times doesn't see its job as trying to "stop Trump," Kahn completely missed the point and said journalism's role is to provide "impartial information" rather than becoming a "propaganda arm."

That's pretty rich when you read any of the New York Times' coverage of countries that are America's geopolitical enemies. Their articles practically read like State Department press releases.

The French government has reported 24 arrests for more than 100 antisemitic acts in France since Hamas attacked Israel on Saturday, including verbal abuse, people caught with knives near Jewish schools and synagogues and a drone equipped with a camera spotted over a Jewish cultural center.

This is the best they could come up with to hype up the threat and justify the crackdown on freedom of expression?

Is there even an allegation that the drone with a camera, aka basically all drones, was related to anything nefarious? Or could this just be a case where a hobbyist was flying the $25 toy drone he just bought but now that's antisemitic because it was over a Jewish cultural center.

But ironically in this case, it means someone who illegally rebeled in support of an authoritarian overthrow of democracy is given another chance to support authoritarianism.

Try visiting a not ugly state like California.

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In this case, it seems he was boldly talking about assassinating Democratic congressman in a public restaurant and someone recorded him.

I really don't think so. The fact that we're still talking about this week's later is an indication of how dead her national political career is. Her brand is the dog killing politician now.

She was a contender to be Trump's VP candidate, and he can't stop talking about what a fool she is with no political acumen.

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This is also interesting in that the far more commonly heard story on social media is when the theft victim is the poster, and the police refuse to take action to help recover their property even though they have the Find My Phone on the thief's location.


Has it increased in some way over time? I think men not wanting to wear condoms because of how they feel is a tale as old as the condom itself.

I'd rather have both and there's no reason we should settle for less.

Of course actual protection are more important.

But social signaling that LGBTQ+ is accepted by society and the government is important, too. And preventing bigots who overtly are anti-LGBTQ+ from winning on passing laws like this is also important.

Apple’s customers bought their iPhone knowing alternative stores are not available.

Your perspective seems to be to ignore the very existence of anti trust rules that stand for the proposition that even if the customer knows what they're getting in a free market capitalist transaction it can be illegal.

Can't your justification of Apple be used for every anti trust case? "AT&T’s customers bought their service knowing alternative rotary dial telephones manufactured by 3rd parties are not available."

It kinda reminds me of when Saudi Arabia killed the Washington Post writer. Trump blew it off and Biden basically continued the Trump foreign policy.

Seems like normally consequences for acts at the global level are more based on geopolitical considerations than moral considerations. I could imagine if India assassinated a US citizen the intelligence would have just been buried and nobody would have ever heard about it so the US could contribute building up the India relationship to use against China.

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Unless blue people moving to Texas and Florida flip those states blue, in which case red might be done for good.

That doesn't really contradict their premise about making modern RTS. StarCraft and Age of Empires 2 are ancient at this point. An entire generation of kids has grown up since they came out.

I don't think the fact that you could make a successful mainstream RTS way back then really says much about whether you could make one in 2024.

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For what it's worth, this whole thing is almost definitely not generated by AI. See

They're comedians claiming it's generated by AI as a kind of commentary and schtick. The creators directly compared it to the similar schtick of pro wrestling at one point.

Nah I wasn't being sarcastic.

As I understand it, in engineering these types of mobile space constrained devices you essentially have a "budget" of space. Every hardware feature you include generally eats into this budget and if you want things to be user accessible or repairable it eats into this budget majorly.

That budget has to come from somewhere, so you can pay it with things like reducing the size of your battery or reducing the size of your drivers which in turn represents a reduction in sound quality.

But how does that help capitalists make more money by eliminating their competition?

In addition, prosecutors announced criminal charges related to the sale of the crude oil to buyers in China, Russia and Syria.

It's incredible how the United States can enforce its criminal laws against Iranians selling their property in China, Russia, and Syria.

Seems worth noting he's not being charged with anything spying or geopolitics related, but instead he's been charged with theft. No details in the article about what he's accused of having stolen. Seems like almost the only notable fact in this whole story is his being a US soldier in Russia, otherwise there's a ton of Americans accused of pretty crimes while abroad every day.

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It seems to me the most important element of this conversation is wage growth and unemployment versus inflation.

My understanding is those numbers being favorable are what make economists scratch their heads on why everyone feels so negatively and why the economists say the economy is doing great. The most convincing explanation I've seen that mirrors my own feelings is that wage growth feels like I've earned it through my own hard work but inflation feels like I'm being cheated, so even though overall people can buy more than before they don't feel good about it.

This article doesn't really address this big point at all.

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That's not what I see at all.

Normally it goes more like instead of targeting TikTok specifically, we should pass a broad bill that targets all social media companies regardless of who owns them.

The point isn't generally that TikTok should be free or Facebook et al need to suppress but that we should treat all of their problematic behavior in the same way.

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All the giant real estate investments companies have made is now coming due and they cant fill up their buildings fast enough to get those tax breaks

What are these tax breaks for filling up buildings?

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That doesn't sound nearly as hard hitting to me personally. Doesn't include the attack on the Republicans for making this happen.

The linked article makes very clear that style guides are common.

However, the specifics of this style guide also happen to follow pretty exactly how Israel likes things presented - there is no "Palestine", they didn't turn the Palestinians into "refugees", they didn't "slaughter" the 15000 children that they killed, with the opposite standard for the Palestinians.

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Trump has that incredible either-you-see-it-or-you-don't charisma.

For every Trump there are a thousand wannabes like DeSantis who get destroyed by their gaffes and screw ups (like is supposed to happen) instead of being boosted by them. The exception, despite being very prominent, doesn't break the rule that coverage of a politician's gaffes is normally very, very bad for them.

Yet sadly somehow still as relevant as ever.

Big we're accusing you not because we have evidence but because it's what we would do vibes.

This article seems pretty biased and poorly written.

I struggled to find the part where Iran rejected calls to end support.

They seem to be more denying that they are supporting.

These articles about Houthi never seem to present what evidence we have that Iran is supporting. Are we all just taking government claims at face value with no presentation of the evidence needed?

Turns out being a place for journalism and continuously losing money over time is not a sustainable model.

It can be called throwing everything away to turn a profit but not many people are interested in supporting journalism when it actually costs them money - consumers aren't interested in paying, journalists aren't interested in donating their time to work for free, and investors aren't interested in donating their money to give away the journalism for free.

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