2 Post – 310 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Bluetooth devices only broadcast their name when in pairing mode, at other times only the mac address is available. In other words, these are just people's Bluetooth devices like headphones, cellphones, airtags, etc.

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They even stole's logo:

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Put #define true (rand()%1000 != 0) in some obscure C or C++ header file on their system/project. This makes true evaluate to false one in a thousand times, and will make them spend hours trying to figure out why things like infinite loops, aren't quite infinite.

Other languages should also allow you to do things like this, if not messing with constants, messing with standard library functions.

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Tankies are the cringe "communists", authoritarians that beleave that no one but them (definitely not rich people) should have power. You can generally spot them because they often idolize the Soviet Union and CCP, despite the fact that both were/are authoritarian shitholes.

Sealioning is when you repeatedly ask someone basic questions in an attempt to annoy them or make it look like they don't have any. Often sealioners pretend they just want to engage in debate, but in reality ignore or deny any evidence or arguments presented.

Oh so that's why you can't buy them anymore, people are using them as microcontrollers.

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Easiest and most secure way? Mail (or hand deliver) a flash drive. That's how they transfer data between super computers and data centers. (AWS even has dedicated trucks to do it)

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As far as I know Tom is left as an enigmatic character and never explained. Just a strange encounter to make the world seem larger and more mysterious.

No, if you want to see a community more, subscribe to it so it shows up in your subscribe feed. The "Hot" ranking is only based on the age of a post and the score, "Active" is similar but using the time of the last comment instead.

The feeds are "All", including every post on Lemmy, "Local", including only posts to your instance's communities, and "Subscribed" showing subscribed (joined) communities.

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Considering how overloaded is right now, a pi in someone's basement would be better, and besides, centralization is bad. Federation is what prevents lemmy from becoming the next Twitter.

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Hot take, C is better then C++. It really just has one unique footgun, pointers, which can be avoided most of the time. C++ has lots of (smart)pointer related footguns, each with their own rules.

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The TV will try and amplify and display any signal. Without a station, it will end up amplifying random radio noise and tiny fluctuations in the amplifier circuits themselves.

The momentary signal strength is interpreted as brightness of a spot which is rapidly scanned over the display. In this case the signal is random so every spot on the screen will be a random brightness, changing every frame.

Modern digital TVs won't do this, because with compressed video recognizable data is needed to even attempt displaying a picture.

As for the sources of the radio noise, most of it is from electrons being jostled by heat, some from space. (Including the cosmic microwave background others have mentioned)

The electron jostling (thermal noise) is the reason the receivers on radio telescope as cooled to insanely low temperatures often with liquid helium.

This is actually how you should declare something that you will never change, but something might change externally, like an input pin or status register.

Writing to it might do something completely different or just crash, but you also don't want the compiler getting creative with reads; You don't want the compiler optimizing out a check for a button press because the "constant" value is never changed.

More context please: What happened? What were you doing? What does you setup look like?

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Move to a different instance to spread the load. You can see all the same content from any other instance, but the experience will be a lot better with less lag.

Lemmy is not the same as

The problem with and is that they are just too popular and instances don't scale well.

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Python is just as bad if not worse then JavaScript. The fact that if you misspell a variable name, instead of giving an error like any sane language, Python code will still run, but do something different then it looks like it does, creating a hard to spot bug is just awful. The amount of time I have spent debugging python code only to find a tiny typo that any sane language would have caught before the code even ran is several weeks now, I can't imagine how much collective time has been lost over this, and a few other, horrible languages.

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Webp is a fairly standard if rather new image format, that are frequently used by websites due to their small file size. To further cut bandwidth costs and loading time, websites will often only include a tiny webp of an image until you click to expand or something like that, so that they don't have to serve a massive image if the user will only even see a thumbnail sized preview. However, this does break the "save image" button as if you try to download the thumbnail, say from google images.

Completely separately, some scummy sites will make you sign up for an account or something to download a full size image, and the only advice I have here is that it is almost always faster to find another site with the image then jump though the hoops.

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Doesn't everything do this? If someone gets access to your hard drive, your fucked anyways. AI chat logs are about the least problematic thing on there.

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These aree same guys that asked people to pirate instead of buying from key resellers, because most of those keys were bought with stolen credit cards. In that case the game company doesn't get to keep the money, but does have to pay exorbitant fees.

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In short: Embrace, start pushing the service, driving users to it. Expand: add non standard extentions, locking users onto your quasi-compatable version. Extingish: break compatibility entirely, preventing users from swiching to the fully open version.

Not only can the creator delete comments, but YouTube itself seems to algorithmicly delete comments, especially longer comments.

I just grabbef a generic IP camera, connected it over ethernet, and firewalled it so it could not make connections out to my home network or the internet. Turns out it just uses an mpeg stream for the video, so recording it is just a matter of running curl on a server. Any network camera that does not depend on a server should work fine for this type of stuff.

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Ignore it. Anything you say will be used to build their case. I would just set up another server.

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Generally GitHub has low lock in, the only real thing lost in moving to another service is the bug tracker, but this can easily be scraped. There is no real network effect, as git is fundimentaly decentralized. The main this preventing a mass migration is that GitHub has been remarkably nonshitty, possibly because they now how quickly their marketshare could implode.

TLDR: There is not really anything preventing migration, but a lack of anything to kick it off.

Mastodon for sure, you can even use mastodon bots from lemmy, and there will be limited compatibilty witth anything else using activity pub.

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if asked by a user prompts chatGPT to summarize a copyrighted book, it will do so.

So will a human. Let's stop extending copyright law. Also, how you know it read the book, and not a summary of it, of which there are loads on the internet?

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Fake nudes of real people are generally illegal, regardless of if the nude is real, or photoshopped, or AI generated.

People have been arrested and convicted for AI porn of real people.

For now convictions seem to be confined to people who have already created/used more traditional CSAM (hidden cameras). This could just be because it is hard to catch someone simply generating images, so if someone with no record would be jailed for just fake nudes remains an open question. Fake nudes of fictional people are also very much an open question. Being very new technology, new laws have yet to be made, so feel free to write to lawmakers about where the line should be.

The simple fact that lemmy federates posts will mitigate the problems posed by this. For example if they want your IP, they need to go to, but for mine they will need to go to If we were using reddit, they would be able to get everyone's address with just one request. The more small instances there are, the harder it becomes.

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Oh but we don't play it, we put lighting into rocks and trick them into doing it.

It's either the instance sending the comment, or your instance. Let's check: fuck shit crap bitch

Edit: looks like censored bitch.

If you don't want this, just get an account on another instance. There are some tools to help copy over your list of subscriptions.

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It's just scammers trying to cash out. They know Elon has a large (and gullible) following, many of which see him as as trustworthy and a super good business man, making them easy targets.

It ends up as the usual, a scam investment promising huge returns, but of course they just run away with your money.

It's fundamentally the same scam they use to hack accounts, posing as a rich sponsor and tricking the youtuber into downloading malware that steals their account.

They are programmed to do that to cover the companies ass. They are also set up to not trust anything you tell them. I once tried to get chatGPT to accept that Russia might have invaded Ukraine in 2022, and it refused to believe anything not in the training data. (Might be different now, they seem to be updating it, just find a new recent event)

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Facebook want enraged users, enraged users are engaged users. They don't care about mental health or enjoyment, just how long you stay on Facebook.

Why does the tea project not have users claim ownership of GitHub profiles. That way it could be retroactively applied with no effort on the user or maintainer.

UTF-8 for plain text, trying to figure out the encoding, especially with older files/equipment/software is super annoying.

They will delete it if they get a DMCA takedown request, as required to avoid liability under US law. They don't however proactively look for copywriten content. As long as the music owner doesn't care or doesn't notice it will be fine.

Looking at the logs if my Stable horde worker, more then half of requests made were to generate porn. They'd be shooting themselves in the foot regardless of if the filter worked as intended.

If you have nothing to hide, you wouldn't mind handing me your unlocked phone so I can scroll through your texts and search history, go ahead.

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If you are doing anything tgat could get you in legal trouble on the internet, only use acounts that can not be linked to your real life identity, and always use tools like Tor. Do not depend on tools like private messages, private voting, etc. In those cases, there is always someone who can give you away, and service admins will give out information when the feds come knocking.

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Would CC BY-SA do? It requires attribution, and there is no real way to attribute text from an LLM to the training data. Assuming that LLM output counts as a derivative work of the training data, which a consensus on has not be reached. (It would also be required for any other copyright based solutions)

Edit: reading the licence, it requires "a credit identifying the use of the Work in the Derivative Work", which may allow companies to just post a huge page showing all the training input, but I doubt this counts as "reasonable means".

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