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Joined 1 years ago

Quite an emotive title for "domain name not renewed"

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Ok sure, there's limitations. So what percentage of their current deliveries are actually possible with drones? If it's above 0%, then there's an opportunity.

Beyond that it's a finance/ risk/ reward/ regulation issue.

Imagine a van which drives into a suburban housing estate and instead of parking individually at different houses for 5-10 mins each, spends less than 5 mins prepping a set of drones which take off from the roof of the van and return in minutes.

It saves time and fuel. It doesn't work everywhere, but it doesn't need to.

In fact it could be the same van. Do deliveries exactly as normal, and use a drone for the last half mile when convenient. It's not either/or.

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It's not DNS.
There's no way it's DNS.
It was DNS

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Interesting that they note that the installation and upkeep are expensive. I wonder if they've factored the upkeep into the energy expenditure. Flat roofing is far worse than a pitched room for needing replacement etc.

Basically, it sounds good, but the research needs to consider the full lifecycle of these projects.

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How rich? How should the empathy be shown? Is it a sliding scale where the lines meet in the middle somewhere?

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Sure, but these are loans owed by a country to another country, so as long as the terms aren't too crippling, I personally see this as better than the alternative.

For example, the UK only paid off it's WW2 loans in 2006


Is chatgpt the default starting point for inexperienced / early career/ students now?

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I love how arbitrary, cultural and opinionated that must be to work with. You'd learn something about the implimenter of the compiler by using it for a while.

Surely every company makes decisions on how best to increase income, that's a pretty significant part of being a business.

Such adorable little jerks

I'm neither surprised nor unsurprised. I'm middle aged and don't have much insight into what university students are doing day to day.

What are birds?

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It does still allow for catch-up at the end of the run though. I prefer to binge watch, but now I wait a few months for it all to be released and then watch it. Which still doesn't allow for week to week discussion, but fits my watching patterns better.

Is very possible to know exactly what should be done, but not have the time available to achieve it.

I'm not sure how to do the cost/benefit analysis on this one. If it keeps the shipping lanes open, and avoids costs on pretty much everything going up, £30m might be quite cheap.

Yeah, this one is worrying

Yup. Green hydrogen comes from splitting water with electricity from renewables.

Other flavours of hydrogen come from splitting natural gas, using electricity from burning stuff. Which isn't as green.

I think you mean a moo point

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All you're saying here is that the base pay is too low.

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In the UK it's quite unusual to have a fixed rate mortgage that goes that long. Normally you'd get a decent rate for 2-5 years, at which point the rate changes to whatever the current default is, and you get the opportunity to fix for another few years

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I like this, but having skimmed it I didn't find a description I connected with.

For whatever reason, I feel the world isn't "just", but I personally will have a better life if I do good things. It's rooted in selfishness rather than celestial balance.

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Not if you randomly jumple and replace the switches before typing each password

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The Animatrix described it fairly closely

In the era of arcade games, finishing it wasn't intended

Ah, Pareto

Bike shedding.

Let's focus on this small but easily understood problem and hope that someone somewhere else is sorting out the big and difficult stuff.


Are the spikes to brush the cat as they go through? That's kinda genius

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Pour the water and leave it to ferment for a few weeks, then the dog will jump in and refuse to leave.

Seems to work fine with Sherlock Holmes

Genuine shudder

KDE. Not a distro, but I can't get on with it. Too much screen real estate used by flashy things, and everything moves. I want instant transitions not a shwoosh. It's probably all toggleable, but I don't want to fiddle with it for every install or release.

M. For Mancy.

For me it's all about watching Sips playing it on YouTube years ago. Schafer commented upon it at the time, which shows how connected to the audience he is.

Are you assuming that everyone currently alive is immortal? You may be in for some disappointment.

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The BBC More or Less podcast looked into it. The problem existed pre COVID and is likely more related to cuts in healthcare funding than anyone being anti vaccines.

It's more about access and support.

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Not necessarily true. Presumably there would be a terms of service you'd know about before takeoff. And any of it could easily be voluntary rather than mandatory.

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Which is turn stands for "of the clock"