More than 26K rape-related pregnancies estimated after Texas outlawed abortions, new study says to – 703 points –

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That’s a crazy amount. That’s nearly 3000 rapes a month. Or roughly 100 rapes per day. And that’s only those that resulted in pregnancy. Actually for a state the size of Texas maybe it’s not that surprising, sadly.

That is astronomically bad. I know why women hate men. They are making a bad rep for all men. Disgusting.

Yeah, once you can stop the defensive toxic masculinity, and listen to women, it's impossible not to be a feminist unless you're truly evil.

oh gawd, and crybaby man-children complain about girls rejecting them, when girls are just trying to stay safe 🤦‍♂️

I'm not crying about rejection. But thanks for playing miss interpreting sentences that can have alternative meanings. Next week you can read into a meme I post and think it's about your childhood.

Oh my gosh. I'm sorry. My reply/comment was very badly written. It was not directed at you. I meant to talk about how, in general, some men, who are child-like, take rejection so badly when they don't understand the dangers women deal with when it comes to dating or other social interactions with men.

Again, I apologize. I should have looked over what I wrote before posting it.