1 Post – 395 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

How is the law unconstitutional?

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A post so inaccurate it belongs on tic toc.

Begone from this place, fiends.

Memba reddit comments circa 2016 election? I memba.

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Yeah the title would have you thinking she got back from holiday and everything she owned was probably in there.

Anyone who says more than a day is more beast than man. That said we are on lemmy, so yes you are likely abnormal.

Dentists hate this one complex molecule

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I only drive burner cars.

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Healthier than weed lol

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Recently an acorn fell on a cop car, the cop thought it was gunfire, empied his magazine over it, and then did a fucking barrel roll.

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  • Look up your birthdays in the newspaper archives if they have one.

  • See if you can find your favourite book from when you were a child.

  • Get caught giving sneaky blow jobs.

If you were worried about dingos and drop bears when coming to Australia then you don't want to know about the bunyip.

It'll fuck you up.

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Rip. You were always better than msm message.

Just post the IP address and we can sort it out for you.

Back everything up first and you will be their hero.

You can hope in one hand and shit in the other, see which one fills up first.

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What kind of secrets do you guys think are in there?

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It was with their butts though wasn't it.

Yeah but your on lemmy so your a write off (and so am I)

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No I'm pretty sure that's not the case lol

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By op, into posting

he didnt pay the troll toll

dulce et decorum est pro patria mori

A rule that I stole for tools is to buy a used or cheap one. If it breaks I buy the better version. If it don't break then I don't need it at all.

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The state sterilised you?

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Ah yes, the 'no girls allowed' club.

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Post racist conspiracy theories until your scrubbed from the site, it's your only hope.

Legal advice.

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I heard once that the only way to stay properly clean is to cover yourself in mountain dew.

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It's weird that entire governments come across like thinly veiled boomers posting on Facebook to trigger and dunk their friends.

It actually feels like it's the same ball park now.

When I was about 16 a random girl gave me her number and I gave her a fake one because I was nervous about... Something? I don't even know.

I often feel bad about it.


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It's easy, I've quit multiple times.

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No that's rapes that lead to pregnancies and were reported.

Jesus christ Texas.

The results are in. You now feel as if you are constantly moving. You aren't, but it sure feels that way. Forever.

also you should check out his card

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Keep it up nobody can tell.

I'm trying to imagine what it's like not able comprehend what's going on.