New York AG questions whether California company can handle Trump's $175M bond to – 272 points –
New York AG questions whether California company can handle Trump's $175M bond

Letitia James asked the firm to show it's capable of paying the bond if needed.

New York Attorney General Letitia James questioned Thursday whether the California company that underwrote former President Donald Trump's $175 million bond in his New York civil fraud case is financially qualified to handle a bond of that size.

In a court filing, James requested that Knight Specialty Insurance Company submit papers demonstrating it is financially capable of paying the bond should Trump lose his appeal in the case.

The California company is not registered with the New York Department of Financial Services.


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Good for her, really fucking hitting everything she can against this asshole.

And fuck these California insurance companies. You can’t even get home insurance now from these assholes, but somehow they are willing to insure Trumps criminal nonsense. Someone should go after these companies next.

EDIT: I was mostly wrong. He insures subprime auto loans.

Original post: It isn't an insurance company. It's a guy who owns a company giving subprime auto loans and then repos as soon as they default. Fuck this guy, but he's not an insurance company.

Hey, if Trump becomes president this guy will share the presidents balls with Putin. Not a bad investment

Nah come on now. Insurance is all about numbers not emotions. Chance of Trump skipping bail near 0%, chance of wooden housing in Florida getting trashed in the next few years? 100%

I get your emotive response but it's not based upon facts.

It's not about skipping bail. This is for his civil trial, so it's an appeal bond. The real question is: what's the chance that Trunp loses his appeal, but still refuses to pay the penalty? I think that's meaningfully >0%.

Ok agree, my bad, that does make it worse.

Also can we talk about this

Donald Trump did not expressly direct him to reverse engineer financial statements, he ordered him to do so indirectly, in his 'mob voice.'"