
4 Post – 25 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Good riddance, and get fucked. I assume his children are no better.

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I think getting shot is punishment enough, but Cook should at least be banned from posting anymore pranks to his YouTube. They should really shut down his YouTube channel if we're being honest and nothing of value will be lost.

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Traitorous, every one of them. They should be given a dishonorable discharge, barred from reenlistment, and forfeiture of all VA benefits.

They have taken it up on themselves to disgrace what it represents to be a defender of this nation and its ideals. The oath they took was nothing more than words to them. I am very disappointed in my military brothers and hope they can find a better path going forward.

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Out of sight, out of mind. Am I right?!

Just irrelevant details to people who were never looking for the truth in the first place

Good. This ghoul needs to never be allowed near a courtroom unless he is the defendant in some criminal trial for all the bullshit and chaos he has willingly put into this world.

However, some were supportive of the plan. "He's almost onto something with that," one person wrote. "I've been saying if they insist that life starts at conception, men need to be paying child support at conception. Make the testing free. And demand back pay."

I can't tell if the writer is playing along with the joke or not. I read that to be quote not actually supportive of the plan, but pointing out the obvious conclusions to actually make this stupid idea work.

People with spines usually don't need to say things behind closed doors.

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Good. Governments shouldn't be beholden to entities like oil companies that have lied and ruined the planet for decades now. We could be light years ahead with renewables if the vile people that misled the world on the catastrophic effects of global climate change get a few billion less for their destruction of our planet.

Here is my problem:

“We’re just at the start of it,” she said. “Every registered voter, every elected official, every volunteer, needs to start taking ownership and ask what they can do for the Democratic party, not what the Democratic party can do for them."

emphasis is mine We are so stuck in team mentality. Why should we ask what we can do for a party and not how can we better help the American Citizen? Maybe she is trying to echo JFK, but that was a different time and for a different reason that he was making that statement, I believe. I do agree with her that DeSantis isn't as popular as he thinks. I moved from Texas where they have open primaries, and when I moved to FL last year I registered republican because you have to pick one to vote in primaries, but I voted for almost all democrats in the last election. The contrast between what I see in the news and what I feel in my community are different as well. I live in a small city in central FL and there are pride flags everywhere. I have seen less and less trump flags or bumper stickers as well in the last year. I want Florida to be better. There is no reason people who hate so much should control such a beautiful state.

Is it just me or are all of those problems directly related to republican or at least conservative policies? Healthcare crisis because they oppose universal healthcare, debt crisis because they don't believe in regulations on banks as well as bailing out Wall Street whenever they ask these days, a housing crisis because we let corporations run wild and buy up single family homes for the sole purpose of renting them at incredibly unaffordable rent levels. I think you can point to many instances where we are in the situation we are in, specifically because they are incapable of governing for the people and not for themselves and their friends.

The intro music from the American TV show Knightrider

Tots and pears? I think it fits better

What absolute pieces of human garbage. I sincerely hope they both face unfortunate down turns in their personal and professional lives and are forced to work non-union jobs for shit pay and no health care.

I have been giving all the apps a go as well. I was using RIF for over 5yrs prior to the switch. I grabbed the sync app as soon as it was available and was so impressed that I immediately bought ultra, mostly to support the developers. I know it's steep, but maybe as more users start using lemmy the price will come down a bit.

So far I am very impressed with sync. I love how granular the controls are even to the point of having different settings for different logins. Account switching is super easy between several alts that I have and I am really looking forward to being able to import my community subscription to my back up instances in the near future. More than happy with my purchase and I hope the developers continue their outstanding work.

Couldn't have happened to a worse ghoul. Get fucked, Giuliani.

I chortled and I'll second that!

Thank you very much! That is very helpful!

I'd be interested in seeing it if you wouldn't mind passing it along

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Can you elaborate on pre converting them? Do you mean with an outside application like handbrake or an automated one in the arr stack?

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But your quote was specifically about modern reprints and nothing about why they original writers capitalized specific words.

I appreciate your reply! Thanks!

What exactly do modern reprints have to do with why the founding fathers capitalize certain words?

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A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


The founding father's used capitalization to put emphasis on certain terms. It seems to me that they wanted the well regulated Militia, made up of the people, to keep and bear Arms to protect the State and by extension themselves from a tyrannical federal government. If they intended the people to bear arms, why did they add the terms Militia, State, and Arms with emphasis but the people without it?

The only other place in the Constitution that speaks about what constitutes a militia is the fifth amendment, and it specifically only protects a Militia when it is in service to the government, which again is capitalized because they wanted emphasis that it was a proper militia and not a make shift one.

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