
7 Post – 211 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I need both

Titan A.E. only got a 50% and it is incredible and still holds up!

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I'm on the alpha male video to female pipeline

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Holy fuck I need to get out of Texas

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I started antidepressants

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You love to see it. Does anyone know if 2023 is the biggest year for striking in modern history?

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Also don't for a second think that they aren't coming for gay and lesbian people next.

If you're really sure about getting rid of your beard, laser hair removal will do the trick. It takes many sessions, but as long as your hair isn't blonde or lighter it'll get rid of it. Electrolysis can take care of any white hairs you have. Once you're finished you'll never have to think about shaving again

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Zheanna is great. For anyone looking to get started her voice feminization for absolute beginners video is great. For anyone just getting started my biggest recommendation would be don't try to make a fem voice with these exercises, just try to hit the individual targets. And whatever you do, DON'T STRAIN!

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It's years later and they still haven't incorporated inbox features into Gmail like they said they would and probably never will

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Thanks so much, y'all really did help me to feel better <3

And please, if not for yourself, arm yourself for those of us who can't, whether it be because of disability, mental health, poverty, background checks or any number of reasons. We will need you

We are so fucked

Holy fuck I need to get out of Texas

Honestly I don't see an issue with it. If they can tell the difference between an image that should be moderated and one that shouldn't they can do the job and I seriously doubt the vast majority of people desensitized to that kind of content can't tell the difference. That's like the arguments that we shouldn't make graphic games or movies because people won't be able to tell the difference between them and reality. Not everyone can do every job and these people would be the perfect fit for it and we would spare others from getting hurt

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Hey Sky, here's some information about trans women's periods: https://curvyandtrans.com/p/C4BD87/cycle-dynamics

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I don't think you even need to get high. Financially I'm earning the most I ever have. However, emotionally I'm the worst I've ever felt. My circumstances should, in theory, mean that I should feel the best I've ever felt and yet that isn't the case.

The reason is pretty simple though, my mental health isn't being treated with medication right now. I've had to accept that for myself, I can't therapy and self-help my way out of my mental health problems and that medication is the only way for me to continue to survive. Thankfully I'll be starting again next week and I'm looking forward to feeling good again.

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Don't worry, they're loading up every spending bill they can with bans for trans care.
From Erin Reed:

One of the many sticking points are provisions in the budget bill that target trans people in the military, hospitals that care for trans youth, trans health insurance, and VA trans care.

Republicans will down the government, in at least some small part, over trans panic.

They technically aren't being voted into office. They use tactics such as gerrymandering and voter suppression to get elected. If everything was "fair" and "balanced" they would be a tiny minority in our government

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That might be what the guidelines say, but it's not the experience of any trans British person is or has been and not what the people in charge of the British government or healthcare say. Here's a short video explaining in detail how the British government fails trans people

It reminds me about how people talk about not caring about how they treat their bodies because they'll die early anyways, but they don't realize that what it really affects is their quality of life as they get older

Hoping beyond hope, that in a few months I might find a job that allows me to leave the state that is actively working towards the genocide of my kind, before it gets worse.

I work in tech as well. Thankfully my current workplace is accepting. I guess I'm paranoid about people's biases even if they are outwardly accepting.

My lease doesn't end until october which is cutting it really close to the elections, but the early termination fee is super exorbitant so I'm trying to balance having enough time to find a job, but not ending up having to renew the lease because I waited too long. Finding one that offers relocation assistance would be a dream come true

YES, thank you Ada. I completely agree and will be folding your ideas into my understanding. I think you really hit at what was bothering me with how gender identities aren't only about our relationships with masculinity/femininity and it's so much more than that.

That basically sums up my experience as well. I thought wanting to be them was a part of attraction. As it turns out, not quite

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Hey man, you don't have to hold the world up by itself. Not everything is your responsibility. In fact a lot of what people are saying here that are causing these spikes are a result of isolation and society failing our people. All out individualism isn't that great for people. We need interdependence because we can't do this all alone. We need that sense of community that has all but been demolished. It's good that you aren't blaming others for your problems, but also, society could be more helpful/beneficial to you instead of kicking you to the curb instead of making everything seem hopeless. It could provide you the tools to climb out instead of leaving you in the well.
All this to say, is that please don't be ashamed to ask for help. None of us would've gotten this far without help from others.

“The moon and the stars will need to be aligned for Trump to be defeated,” he said. “And it will be done by the candidate that supports the Trump agenda but opposes the lack of success.”

Cool so they don't care about how fascist their policies are, they just want someone who's better at implementing them. Great.

Then their propaganda machine spins it into being the Democrats fault and we continue to circle the drain

I've learned countless things from reddit, from science facts, to breaking news events and novel solutions for my work. I specifically would like to list how reddit changed the course of my life.

I had always been agnostic and fairly oblivious to the injustices in our world, not really concerned about politics. Seeing how much needless hurt exists out there sent me about as far left as you can go and I've been that way ever since. Combine that with finding the Epicurean problem of evil there and now I'm also atheist.

As time went on I saw a few cheating stories and common signs to watch for. These signs started popping up with my ex and sure enough she was cheating. That ended the relationship.

The last way it absolutely changed the course of my life was I ran across a video by a trans man coming to terms with his masculinity and him describing his feelings that lead him to transitioning. I realized I experienced the exact same feelings he did growing up and that I'm actually trans.

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It happened to reddit


I'd also add that it's okay if your testosterone is outside of cis women's range as long as your estrogen is higher. I was extremely worried that I was ruining my transition, but it really didn't and I still made excellent progress despite it. Certainly do all that you can to get it lower, but in the mean time don't fret too much if it is.

Edit: Also if you're on tablets, you can increase their testosterone suppression by evenly dividing them throughout the day as much as reasonably possible.

I for one have not been pegged nearly enough

That's awesome dude, congrats!

One thing that might help is when I was doubting the name I chose, I would say out loud, multiple times for a few days, "Hello, my name is ******." Every name I've tried so far besides the one I chose has felt off doing that. I don't know if it will help, but it did for me. Good luck!

Conservatives try to pass a constitutional law challenge: IMPOSSIBLE

In b4 they artificially lengthen load times for more ads