Getting high reveals how arbitrary the connection is between how you feel and how well things are going. to – 383 points –

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I don't think you even need to get high. Financially I'm earning the most I ever have. However, emotionally I'm the worst I've ever felt. My circumstances should, in theory, mean that I should feel the best I've ever felt and yet that isn't the case.

The reason is pretty simple though, my mental health isn't being treated with medication right now. I've had to accept that for myself, I can't therapy and self-help my way out of my mental health problems and that medication is the only way for me to continue to survive. Thankfully I'll be starting again next week and I'm looking forward to feeling good again.

The problem is obviously that you're not exchanging your finances for drugs with which to feel good. Check out that money to happiness exchange rate!

I'm literally losing friends by nature of death. It's been humbling and horrifying, and I don't know how to make sense of it. I'm terrified and there's no getting out of this roller coaster.

I'm sorry friend. Sometimes we can't make sense of things and that's okay. It's also okay to be terrified. I hope you're hanging in there. The pain you're feeling must be immense