1 Post – 85 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm a dude in Oregon. I regularly make bad life decisions and do not make a habit of learning from my mistakes.

Though Shasta is nice this time of year.


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Everyone is a furry now, and this pleases me.

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You said everything people need to hear, but in a cruel and condescending voice to someone looking to fix the issue that we're all pissed off about. Consider your presentation given the context, homie.

You can turn off nudity in BG3, but it won't push your buttons if you exclusively get off on space lasers.

Who doesn't want to leave a sparkly, effervescent corpse after dying of asphyxiation and painful organ failure due to excessive carbonic acid buildup?

I'll have the brain bullet, thanks.

I live in Oregon! Someone tell me how to do the Bethesda potion hack so I can raise all my stats to reality-breaking extremes.

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Damn, I thought you were just an Amazon employee.

My faithful dog truck died and I buried him with a beer alongside a dirt road that serves as a metaphor for nothing in particular.

I'm an Adderall and Jameson man, myself.

I wonder why disparate and well-meaning communities would leave a social media platform full of outspoken fascists.

Atheist and skeptic, so I can't jump to conclusions, but I watched a sphere of light move alongside me in my car while I was driving next to the Willamette river in West Salem, Oregon. It moved and stopped with more precision than I've ever seen from a drone and stayed about 50-some feet in the air above the river. I moved my head around consistently to ensure it wasn't a reflection on my windshield. My friend had told me about his "alien experience" that sounded shockingly the same, also in West Salem, but a good year before this. He claims to have seen multiple and was just standing outside for a cigarette.

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Perhaps, but you can only crush so much blood from a stone and the masses are slowly becoming destitute.

He'd best have a good security detail. If anything goes awry, a bunch of Leftists are going to be peacefully asking him pointed questions that might make him uncomfortable.

If you're assuaged to believe that winning means everything, I can't speak for you. It assumes that you start and stay on the same side of any moral argument and you have to fight for it to the end regardless of if new evidence nullifies your opinion.

That's not how humans understand each-other. Humans garner nuance and discern things in new and meaningful ways over time and social interaction. We understand others - people that we can identify with in profound ways even if they don't necessarily share our point of view.

I would give him a moment of our time - maybe 30 seconds if he doesn't state one of the over-used vitriolic statements on the Bingo cards that I will be handing out now.

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I'm not sure how he's everywhere, but I'm thankful.


Breath Freshener you mean.

I suppose I would pronounce it like, "Giff".

Me neither, but I'd be convinced if someone teleported the proof into my brain.

If we're studying the psychology of behavior in any life form, we can't allow ourselves to fall into boxy or linear thinking. It's a trap we're prone to.

Pupils dilate differently in response to light, drugs, love, food, being Nala in the Lion King, getting punched in the eye, concussions, and genetic manipulation.

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I mean, I usually do both. Gotta find balance in your life.

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Assuming they're relying on established metrics... good luck with your trashfire-smokescreen of a libel case?

Probably an attempt at a viral marketing campaign. Everything seems to turn out disappointing these days.

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Yeah, and it's awesome! Same with Lemon Chicken. I want to experiment with a peach sauce.

I thought it increased the uptake of particulates to the chemoreceptors in their noses, but I'm no dog therapist.

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As a furry, this breaks my (OC) generic neon green wolf's heart (don't steal).

Suggestions for a wine pairing?

I'm literally losing friends by nature of death. It's been humbling and horrifying, and I don't know how to make sense of it. I'm terrified and there's no getting out of this roller coaster.

Unregulated capitalism causes more harm than any other form of government not appropriately regulated. It's worth more thought if you find yourself actively against it. We've been indoctrinated hard.

Don't take unlabeled food from known stoner fridges.

We had one of these bad boys powering my Dad's shop when I was younger. The look on my Dad's face when I was troubleshooting why the power to the shop went out was priceless. Communication saves lives, kids. It certainly did mine. Reasonable electrical wiring will do that in place of communication.

I've had 3 dramatically different outcomes depending on the context in which I take it.

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10K tags for vaporeon to date and more ever cumming.

Everything I eat becomes a sausage until it's not again.

No, thank you. I'll enjoy it at the lowest brow without prerequisite knowledge.

Give me $5K and a case of beer and I'll make you a dog suit that breathes fire.

You always get a better bang for your buck investing in furries.

$7.5K if you want safety standards, though.

Like dolphins in name brand tuna manufacturers!

...Except for the part where there's truth behind that one.

You gotta wonder how much of your tuna is actually vaporeon.

I mean, killing people as a function of time plays a role here, right?