
9 Post – 947 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Also zeppo@sh.itjust.works. Not a lot of Zeppos out here.

Why are you taking the time to tell us about this? You should be off playing with your dog or whatever.

I’m going to take the free gravel and 7 inch teleportation. The gravel is a valuable commodity which can be sold. 7 inches is enough to get through any doorway.

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No shit. Groceries have gone up 40% in the past 1-2 years for no real reason while wages have not and things like housing are going up too. Amazing that people would be buying less 'units'.

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I’m still confused that people don’t realize this. It’s not an oracle. It’s a program that generates sentences word by word based on statistical analysis, with no concept of fact checking. It’s even worse that someone actually did a study instead of simply acknowledging or realizing that ChatGPT is happy to just make stuff up.

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police removed her toilet from her home and searched it

Everything about this is insane and exactly what sensible people thought would happen.

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One problem is that it's very socially unacceptable to mistake not-a-hint for a a hint. Maybe people should stop trying to 'hint' and be more direct.

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It’s a native feature of the device that allows its user to get enormous amounts of attention, in real life and subsequently online, by simply wearing it in public.

Sounds horrible. I guess I’m not someone who seeks attention at any cost like some people, it public is the last situation I’d use this thing in. I would feel like a complete dumbass wearing it at a coffee shop and waving my hands around.

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Not too suave. Pretty sure "I'll dick you down" isn't going to work on most 36 year old ladies on tinder, especially in a transactional manner they could get fired for.

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Having to constantly communicate in abusive opposite-world ideas must be tiring. The notion that NATO is out to invade Russia or something is one of the most ridiculous things I've heard.

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That’s the entire point of the phrase, as far as how I’ve always interpreted it: don’t blame people for doing what’s best for them within a system they don’t control.

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One can assume that whatever facebook ends up doing with AI, it will be poorly thought out, kind of half-ass, abusive to customers and have all sorts of negative side-effects and consequences that they either were too laszy to think of or they actually desire for some reason.

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He’s the biggest victim-player in the entire world. Sure is odd how his fans think he’s ultra-masculine just because he’s also an overconfident bully.

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It's quite a giveaway to a lucky American business. I vote Google because then they'll get bored with it and shut it down.

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Sometimes people mix up the order of things and thus the cause and effect. For instance, with some medical issues, doctors have thought things like "oh, you went on this extreme diet, then you lost weight and had gastric issues". No, I lost weight and had gastric issues, so I went on an extreme diet. In this case, i think the misogyny precedes lack of success at finding a partner. It can also be a situation of giving up too soon. For me, middle school and high school were so horrible in various ways that i assumed I was 100% doomed - I didn't realize that life after 20 is very different. It still has high school social aspects, but it's a lot better in many ways.

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He would die.

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It's amazing that not only did they fuck up the regex, but only changed how the link was displayed and not where it linked to. And somehow their org is fucked up enough that someone not only wrote this incompetent code but it went into production.

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I hate even reading the deranged stupid shit that he has to say. So glad we don't have to hear it every day anymore.

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Weird, this week they’re also claiming that TwitX has 24 times the engaged users of YouTube.

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”This order is simply more communist persecution of a supporter of President Trump and a follower of Jesus Christ.”

Back in reality, he was being investigated for his unhinged statements and other complaints with the potential for disbarment in Georgia, and asked the bar there to “retire” his license. They close the investigations and said sure, and you can’t practice law here or anywhere else. Colorado is following the practice of their federal courts, that he’s not allowed to practice law in CO as he’s not in good standing in other jurisdictions.

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Shorting stocks is LIFE

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I don’t see how people who aren’t racist, sexist or transphobic could vote for conservatives when 75% of Republican campaigning (other than “guns and taxes!”) is focused on being racist, sexist and transphobic. People who aren’t any of those things are turned off by it and would not vote for republicans.

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Great… it’s like dollar store Facebook or Quora for 12 year olds or something.

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So… technically true: he was fired after doing the baptism thing. But pretty misleading since apparently he was fired over an undescribed “incident”.

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Not really? The format is well documented. Whether it is possible to include some sort of exploit depends on the client you use to play it, and if so, I doubt Microsoft or IBM would be the ones to do it.

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Ad revenue down 70%, who wouldn't want to emulate that!

I wonder, could it be because prices of everything except gasoline have jumped 60% in the past 2-3 years for no real reason?

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Wash their sheets and pillow cases. Also vacuum. Dust mites are not healthy to have around.

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The way they can spoof originating numbers is absurd. The phone system needs to fix that somehow.

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What bothers me is, I have to drive on the road with people running some braindead Elon Musk software?

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I> Remember to criticise ideas, and not people.

That’s a nice guideline. I kept trying to explain that to my recent ex… the vast difference between saying “this behavior is unproductive” vs. “you are unproductive”.

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If you believe Elron didn’t just make up whatever results he wanted. I watched it and the ratio didn’t change at all in the last 800,000 votes, which seems a little weird.

They’re perforated to half the size that paper towels typically used to be. It’s common now but wasn’t in the past.

I love the bank system of charging you extra money for being broke. Have they capped overdraft fees yet or addressed how they run charges from highest to lowest to maximize fees?

“Sorry, that password is already in use” ruins it for me. That’s not a realistic message to receive.

Maybe “Your password cannot be one you’ve used previously”.

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It would be pretty difficult to do that considering the US government has been giving Israel billions a year in aid a long time before Joe Biden was President, and the vast majority of other US politicians support Israel as well. But sure, blame it on Biden I guess, maybe we can elect Trump, who will probably be asking his staff "why can't we just kill all the Palestinians with the nuclear?"

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Why would I think about Jake Paul?

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I don’t really get a lot of what people want to use Discord for. A couple web forums I used (ram by companies, for specific games) closed and they moved to Discord. How is IRC-style chat a replacement for a forum? They’re totally different formats.

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Since the excerpt here is cut off,

In an interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the former president said he would accept the results of the November election showing he lost "if everything's honest."

"If everything's honest, I'd gladly accept the results," Trump said in an interview Wednesday. "If it's not, you have to fight for the right of the country.

"But if everything's honest, which we anticipate it will be — a lot of changes have been made over the last few years — but if everything's honest, I will absolutely accept the results," he said.

So in trump terms, honest = he wins, dishonest means he didn't.

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Because companies make their best and most reliable income from subscriptions.

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