
3 Post – 387 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Back when I was maybe seven years old I went to this kids birthday party. I got him an ant farm with tubes.

Later on when all the kids were playing together in his room without adults, he pulled the roll of clear plastic tubing out of ant farm box, he shoved one end up his ass and then started sucking on the other end.

It's nice to know that he is still alive and tweeting.

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Linux: OK

User: Oh great, I downloaded a virus

Linux: Lol. You should have read the 2000-line python script on github before running it.

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Who cares? Bethesda is long past the point of developing a good game.

They could take all the time in the world and it would still be shit because their formula for game development is pathetic.

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Its actually worse than that. I PAID for Windows. If I paid for WinRAR they would stop.

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I'll also argue you shouldn't skimp out on a motherboard.

I once owned an Asus Ranger VII. When I turned it on for the very first time, it lost its magic dust, and fried my RAM.

RMA found the MB was faulty, so they covered the RAM too.

This is from ASUS too, so I can only imagine how the chances of this sort of accident rises as you reduce the cost.

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So, Elon dislikes that white people can't be proud of being white.

Why would a person of any race be proud of their race? Shouldn't people be proud of their own accomplishments, and those of the people they've helped?

I never really understood the rationale here. I support Pride Month for example, but I think the language is kind of wrong.

Shouldn't people be proud, despite traits which have historically been denigrated?

This is a serious question BTW.

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Go to toilet, 2% chance to hit

I like those odds.

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Stump-guy should just work harder TBH. Fucking Gen-Stump always wanting everything handed to them on a stump platter.

Reimagine deez nuts.

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Gentlemen, we unplugged another one. Zion is growing day by day.

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Ability to stop time.

As soon as you stop time, everything will go pitch black. The photons which refract off everything will be absorbed by your eyes instantaneously.

Assuming you could still see, it would be freezing everywhere as the heat would dissipate the moment you touched it.

Assuming you could still see, and wouldn't freeze to death, if you were to unfreeze time, the human-shaped vacuum tube you created while walking from point A to B would collapse violently, killing you, and anyone else standing close to it.

This also assumes that with time stopped, you can push microscopic particles around. If not, then any movement at all will make every molecule around you act as radiation, and and dust will feel like tiny razor blades, ripping through your body.

Also, the ability to stop time doesn't guarantee the ability to start it again.

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I prefer getting a finger cut off, as opposed to an arm.

Doesn't mean I want to lose my finger.

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Rich coming from a person who implied Apple innovated, when all they really did was be the first ones to assemble a consumer product out of already invented tech.

Why does Microsoft hate Halo so much

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I was a Christian until I was 18. One day I was reflecting on how Jihadist's will blow themselves up because they're totally convinced they're right.

I asked myself if I would do the same, but ended up saying "I don't believe that much", which promoted me to ask myself "then why believe at all?".

Since then I've totally deconverted and I'm now anti-theist. I resent that I was indoctrinated, and I see religion as the main culprit for most of the problems in the world.

Why would I google it when I already have it bookmarked?

I would absolutely not vote brain. That thing is the cause of 99% of my suffering.

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People don't realise how little time they save by speeding and weaving in and out of traffic.

Just chill. You can spend 20 minutes relaxed and comfy, or 19 minutes gripping your wheel with white knuckles, screaming at grandmas and jacking off at red lights.

Choose wisely.

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It has been almost four three years since he left office. He's 77 years old. He's by no means a healthy person. He might die of old age before he gets sentenced of anything.

The fact that the response happens four three years AFTER he loses office does not inspire confidence in the system.

The message being conveyed here is "If you fail to take this country by force, we'll give you a four three year head start".

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I think the cabin crew need to have an emergency straight jacket in case of loonies. Duct tape does seem rather archaeic.

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This cunt wearing dogtags...

I hope he needs them.

Edit: they're Israeli dog tags... Woooow...


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There are legit VPN companies. Mullvad would be my choice if I didn't already use Proton for their suite of software.

Nord is shit-tier. CCleaner is shit-tier. Raid shadow legends is shit tier.

Note which youtuber it is, and completely disregard anything they say.

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The way I've always thought about it:

You're listening to music at a party, but there's lots of people around you talking so you keep getting distracted.

Stimulants turn the music up, so the sound of talking disappears.

I think he looks more like Pink Guy than Frank

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You wouldn't download a Mom.

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While many medical doctors do not recite the Hippocratic Oath, it is totally applicable here.


Prolonging pain without a foreseeable remedy is harmful. This is a no brainer.

I loathe Fallout 4 for all the things the game has robbed the franchise of.

Most dialogue choices boil down to "yes / sarcastic yes / tell me more / not right now"

I really hate the settlement building, but I feel like I need to interact with it to play properly - it's too powerful to ignore when playing on Survival.

I would have preferred if the settlers improved things themselves over time if the resources were available for them.

The three factions make the moral choice a no brainer. The Institute are slaveowners, the Brotherhood are Nazis and the Railroad are the Underground Railroad (very clever Bethesda).

(Minute men is not a real faction, they're tertiary)

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Comments are back, and even comment replies! This is huge!

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Terry Gou, a candidate in next year’s Taiwanese presidential election, has even proposed giving people a free pet if they have a child.

Okay, so your solution for people who don't want children is to give them "children lite"?

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Yeah, fuck him. But also they should accommodate for his diet.

The reason we imprison people for life as opposed to executing them, is because we want to demonstrate compassion. Prison is merely isolation for the safety of the public.

His diet doesn't just affect him though, if his diet is to reduce suffering of non-human amimals by not eating meat, then he's still doing good.

Think about the flip-side of this, if in prison, vegan meals were the only option for everyone, and an inmate refused to eat until given meat.

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Lol, remember when everyone was hyped about Valheim? It still isn't finished. (Next biome is coming out soon though!)

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If devs started making anticheat for Linux it would get closer.

If they stopped making launchers it would be easier too.

No, it is a hole, of glory.

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I use my Lemmy for architectural blueprints.

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There's something special about every animal, dogs are no exception. If you spend time with cows and pigs, you'll know they're capable of being gentle, loving creatures. Pigs are arguably smarter than dogs in some ways.

Many people will argue that it is morally permissible to eat non-human animals because of the difference in intelligence. This isn't a very good argument though. Suppose an alien species with an IQ of 300 visited Earth. Using the logic above, you would have to concede to their request to eat you.

At a bare minimum, the benchmark should be based on suffering. But even this has flaws. If I was to raise my human child until they were 10, then kill them painlessly in their sleep so I could eat them, people would be mortified.

I personally don't think there is an ethical basis for eating meat of any kind, provided you don't live in a food desert.

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Yeah back scratches are great and all, but have you ever noticed the exact moment when your nose becomes completely unblocked and you can suck as much air as you want through either nostril?

Suicide by point blank RPG. Sensational

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How hasn't this been taken down yet?!