New Windows driver blocks software from changing default web browser to – 472 points –
New Windows driver blocks software from changing default web browser

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Some people are saying this is good, but Microsoft recently changed my default search engine to bing "In case it was accidentally changed or changed by another program". I have zero faith they won't abuse this, they are becoming ever increasingly pushy about using edge and switching to bing.

It doesn’t seem like your computer, does it? It’s like you’re a user in their enterprise.

Haven’t they recently renamed “My Computer” to “This Computer” on the desktop?

Like the USSR, but somehow shittier, and expensive. And Theres human piss and shit on the streets because we don't let the poor sleep in abandoned buildings.

BS like this has made it impossible to maintain a consistent experience for my parents who aren't super tech savvy. It's so frustrating helping them over the phone for hours only to realise that windows just on a whim changed major settings without any user interactions. Changed theirs OS to Debian now. Much better.

Seriously. Windows has become garbage enough that 20 years ago Linux is the better OS. Even though 20 years ago windows (well, let's say 15) was better than modern Linux is.

I use Kagi, and so far, it seems to casually switch it back with that message about once a month.

Yeah that's why you can't give your computer to Fucking m$

Set it via group policy (local or domain) and forget about it.

How long til that's deprecated though?

I would guess probably not soon. Windows still needs to be able to comply with many industries needs for compliance (ITAR, HIPAA, Financial, etc etc.) If they remove the ability to control this, they cut themselves out of their largest profit area (corporate licensing).

I think if they just unilaterally make the move, or charge extra for the feature, no regulator is going to crack down; their market share is too big.

Nah, won't happen.

Microsoft is generally very reasonable when it comes to GPOs

no regulator is going to crack down; their market share is too big.

The bigger a company's market share is the more likely regulation is. Hell, the EU has already done this but for internet explorer.

Microsoft won't depreciate GPOs in many many years, at least.

Has anyone else noticed that MS switched their search engine? I have never heard of that. Sounds like a bug or something.

"Won't happen. Can't flood. Hey does anybody else hear water?"

I genuinely can't tell if this was intentional but its hilarious either way.

What water are you hearing?

Has anyone else noticed that MS switched their search engine? I have never heard of that. Sounds like a bug or something.

I said that they won't mess with the GPOs.

I doubt that MS switched anyone's search engine purposefully. But that's more likely than them messing with the GPOs.

Them switching search engine hasn't ever happened to me at least.

What would you bet that it will never happen?

10 EUR that it won't happen in at least 10 years. Longer than that I won't make a bet for anything.

I'd honestly take that. Uh, is there a remind function? If I assume this will be here and I'll have an account in ten years?

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