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Joined 12 months ago

Not a week comes by without a reminder about

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That's not very typical, I'd like to make that point.

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Haven’t they recently renamed “My Computer” to “This Computer” on the desktop?

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Escape From New York Jacksonville

Thomas Pynchon.

Youtube’s Ashens has a couple of books about games published - Terrible Old Games You’ve Never Heard Of and Attack Of The Flickering Skeletons. If you know his style you can imagine the general tone.

I repeat myself when under stress I repeat myself when under stress I repeat

Overcast because it’s infinitely better than Apple Podcasts

Hmm interesting, I use Apple Podcasts and have no issues with the app. What does Overcast do better in your opinion?

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I see. Thanks for the details!

As someone on Mastodon pointed out, “the problem with electric cars is that they’re still cars”.

As I see it, they are close to parity on the video/shows side, but the music thing on Jellyfin is severely lacking for me. PlexAmp and all the special mix and radio features are where it's at for me, and so far I don't know of an open alternative to that.