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What i find most stupid about all of this is that Air Canada could just have admitted a mistake, payed The refund of ~450 USD which is basically nothing to them. It would have waisted no one's time and made good customer service and positive feedback. Then quietly fix the AI in the background and move on. Instead they now spend waaayy more money on legale fees, expensive lawyers, employees sallery, have a disabled AI, customer backlash and bad press all costing them many hundreds of thousands of dollars. So stupid.

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ISPs are to me like infrastructure. They are like roads or power lines. If you ask the ISPs to block malicious activity it's like asking the electrical poweregrid to be responsible for stopping their electricity being used for illegal activity. Asking the ISPs to block malicious activity is like asking the road builders to be responsible for bankrobbers and murdere driving on the roads. It's simply just ridiculous to put the responsibility like that.

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Just the fact she has to shoplift probably also means she has very little money or is struggling to get buy on her sallery. She's getting a baby soon and is maybe trying to save up because the US has no proper help to offer. Being shot and murdered by the police for a relatively harmles crime is beyond crazy for a society to accept. The policeman should be arrested for murder and abuse of power and Final put behind bars

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As a Dane i can say that maybe its because Scandinavians are generally pretty tech savvy and good with digitalisation. Also Scandinavians has a low tolerance for bullshit.

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Stimulants.... Or lots of coffee... I mean loooots of coffee

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Wherever you leave from instantly goes to war.

Good. That'll be the day I finally update to windows 11 Linux

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Isn't it kinda stupid of the police officer to put himself in that dangerous position. He could just as well have let her go and find her later or follow her. Trying to stop a car by standing in front of it is imo. just stupid and unprofessional.

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Is it really 1st of April already

Also wanna add:

  1. Missing subtitles in the language you want (looking at you apple tv without English subtitles on local language movies.)
  2. Ads
  3. Only the 2 random seasons in the middle of a TV show are available. And new seasons not added.
  4. Ads
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BS like this has made it impossible to maintain a consistent experience for my parents who aren't super tech savvy. It's so frustrating helping them over the phone for hours only to realise that windows just on a whim changed major settings without any user interactions. Changed theirs OS to Debian now. Much better.

What kind of answer would you rather have. I'm seriously asking what should the comment have been in order for you to be happy?

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Debian. Since so many distros are based of it I always thought of it to be a stripped down, minimal and basic distro, but after daily driving for a year now in suprised how feature complete and pleasent it is out of the box with kde DE.

Welp... Now I want more...

More like sitting down and doing neither and instead watching memes for 5 hours straight

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Product idea: "water cooled micro SD card reader"

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It can manifest itself in the same way for men but it is usually then never discovered untill maybe much late in life when you have someone with depression and anxiety coming to the doctor's who may also miss the fact that it could be ADHD

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Why does developers managers think we want this!? It's awful and distracting.

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Thanks. I do know tho, but im slightly dyslexic and English is not my first language so it's hard for me to catch my own mistakes, while I can easily see it when others are making it. Also autocorrect is a blessing and a curse for me sometimes.

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I love it. Ubuntu is already bloated enough and have been using the minimal install for a long time. It's actually better imo. because now the "minimal" version will hopefully include just a bit more so have to manually install a bit less. If I ever got lazy and took the full install I alway uninstall or remove the bloat from my sidebar as the first thing anyway. Hopefully this will strike a nice ballance instead

Tbh. While Ritalin is high on this list, the single most life improving thing was to get my shit together and finally go talk to my doctor about it and get help from a psychiatrist. I begged my doctor to not just send me home and leave it up to myself to call the psychiatrist and I begged for her to force me to call back and verify I booked a time. My ADHD gives me anxiety if I break a promise so that finally did it for me by promesing to my doctor that I'll call back when I got the help. I safeguarded the hell out of the situation also with my girlfriend because I was so desperate for help and just could not get myself to do it alone. As I got started it got easier to keep going realy quickly because I got motivated, but oh boy was the beginning it all the hardest part of everything.

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Every. God. Damn. Time... And then I realise that I understand nothing and I jump up about a third and read again and still understand nothing so I read from the beginning and then realise that the text is not interesting anymore so I skip reading any of it only to come back an hour later after frantically searching for other articles on the same topic only to realise that the answers were just right there all along if only i had read it properly the first time round.

To me it's also about integrity. Know when to stop and when to take a break. Sometimes it's good to stop while things are good instead of him keep pushing himself to produce untill something bad happens like worse quality. Scandalous YouTube drama arises or what ever else he's in risk of ending up on. I'd rather keep remembering Tom as a really good person and YouTuber withe excellent content than a Tom who lost to the system. Also he might have a comeback with something else, something new and innovative that we couldn't even imagine.

Can we not start making a publicly sourced blacklist for websites like this? It would be an add-on for the browser that will simply remove these results

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I can remember obscure things from almost any point during my life, but I can't remember a person's name even when I'm told less than 2 minutes ago regardles

Google is making easier and easier for me to degoogle my life. Bit by bit I change to foss apps and never look back

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If only I knew that this is not normal 20 years ago I would have been a different place today. So many internal conflicting voices/thoughts and it fucking constant.

Didn't they say the same when they were developing windows 10? I don't believe it's gonna happen.

Hey, you are okay as you are. Thanks for sharing because that's a really important skill to have.

You sound depressed or maybe just a moment of weaknes is flowing over you, but in any case it's always good to talk to your doctor about it. If you don't like your doctor get a new one. I have before stayed too long with a bad doctor and it was a revelation when I moved house and was forced to change. Having a good doctor to talk to about depression, ADHD and mental health is just so important, and a great help.

I hope you'll feel better soon. Stay safe.

Counter counter point: if the Tesla is doing fraud with the range estimate there is no need to estimate anything that precisely. Just make the software show the same number as guessed when you arrive let's say you end up with 86 km left as "estimated" at the end of the trip but in reality it's more like 42 km and the Tesla just shows something else.

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I found out that for me its often worth it to pay the extra for tickets that can be changed easily. It gives peace of mind and less stress because I know I can just jump right in and change them if I want. It goes not just for plane tickets but for many othe products as well. But it obviously only works if I remember to buy the ticket in the first place. That might require multiple calendar reminders and alarms on my phone.

I used this for a project once and its great. Super powerful and has a great API for automation

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SolidWorks, fusion360, codesys (plc programming) and many other enterprise grade software sadly only really work on Windows. They do however work okay through a VM but annoying to deal with.

Games now work surprisingly well on Linux so i have no problems there except Sims4 that my girlfriend plays seems to be windows only when bought through origin gamestore

And dont suggest frecad for cad work. Sadly It's seriously not even close to being competitive.

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... And also have the ability to skim internet content really really fast for all relevant information i need somehow without actually reading any of it.

An easy donate button that gives the game devs money directly and uncut.

I never really understood the need for that strickt controll of the hardware... Who cares if Linux is sideloaded or if students unenroll. Imho I think if you need that strickt controll you are bound to get so many unnesseary issues down the line. Instead let student 6se what ever the fuck they want and for security just make sure they WiFi/ethernet is secure and locked down and any services the students need are behind a secure 2fa login. Treat any device as untrusted is more healthy for your security in the long run imo. If students need special software that they can't run on their own machines you can lend them a machine for that specific task for a specific time. Problem solved.

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Isn't this a TV series on netflix... Oh yeah The Handmaid's Tale...

I always use it because the speedometer on my car shows way too much and is analog and I prefer a digital speedometer and that's available in the GPS. Also live traffic updates is a must in my city unles you want to get stuck for 30 minuts extra.

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I have a raspberry pi with a cheap 5TB usb drive at my parents house that boots up once a week and pulls a backup. I use rsnapshot to create incremental updates that takes up every little space and is easy to manage. I have the drive accessible with smb should I ever need to pull a copy from there. It's super slow but that doesn't matter for an off-site backup and it is super cheap

Edit: I should maybe add for future readers that cheap does not mean cheap quality but cheap relative to the amount af TB you get per dollar. I use a WD shingled drive wich is quality drive but cheap and slow af. But it doesnt matter because the internet connection is the bottleneck anyway.

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Sounds like it could be too high a dose if you get jittery, been there at 30-40mg but 20mg + 10mg both extended release later in the day works really well for me.

Remember that the way Ritalin (methylphenidate) works is not by boosting dopamin but rather slow down dopamin uptake. You still need to create the first "spark of dopamin" yourself that then slowly snowballs itself stronger. I'd say you need to take it at least a few days to weeks to see an effect and learn how it affects you. Start at just 10 to 20mg. Otherwise try another variation of methylphenidate like concerta or medikinet.