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I don't want to hear one damn thing about thier next game until the day of release. Over hyping was what got them into trouble last time.

I'll probably get down voted to oblivion, but I remember EVERYONE had the same "I'll never move" rhetoric with Windows 7, and before that Windows XP. Ya'll eventually move.

I've moved 3 of my 6 windows boxes from 10 to 11 and it's not that much different. I just debloat the stuff I don't want and move on. Even that isn't different, ya'll remember nlite? We've been ripping crap we didn't want out of the OS for as long as I can remember.

Hell, I even remeber getting doublespace.exe off my old dos 5 disks so I could use it on my dos 6 and Windows 3.1.1 install. People who use Windows are just more used to tearing down what they don't want rather than building up what they do (*nix). Is it harder these there more to remove...yup. But it's still the same crap we've always done.

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I get the feeling that the kind of person that is on Lemmy is the kind of person that ain't gonna take no shit and drop it just to stick to the man. I myself dropped Netflix but seems to be a common theme here.

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Accurate, my 970 lives on!

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I wondered what was happening. I got a notice my daughter installed this app (under 13 account) and was like why would she do that. We don't have any HP devices. Brother for life.

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So many bad news headlines, this was a breath of fresh air, I could feel tension leaving my body as I read the article. As a father of 3 daughters, HORRAY! Gotta vote these aholes out.

"...use a second controller to help friends in games."

I remeber playing Mario Kart in college and one of my buddies got his wireless controller from upstairs and put it on the same channel as mine. Everytime I went to take a corner or make a critical maneuver he would move the opposite direction and send me off a cliff or into a shell. He really did and excellent job of "helping" me.

Hopefully this will enable this sort of "helping" for people to make memories. (Clearly this has stuck with me for 20 years).

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Here's the thing, you own the domain, set up what ever email alias you want and send it to your primary.

Also depends on what model was used, prompt, strength of prompt etc.

No news here, just someone who doesn't know how to use AI generation.

*nix systems are not immune to needing reboots after updates. I work as an escalation engineer for an IT support firm and our support teams that do *nix updates without reboots have DEFINATELY been the cause of some hard to find issues. We'll often review environment changes first thing during an engagement only to fix the issue to find that it was from some update change 3 months ago where the team never rebooted to validate the new config was good. Not gonna argue that in general its more stable and usually requires less reboots, but its certainly not the answer to every Windows pitfall.

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Haven't used windows in a while huh?

Edit: Just to clarify, I run ALOT of operating systems in my lab; RHEL, Debian, Ubuntu (several LTS flavors), TruNAS, Unraid, RancherOS, ESXi, Windows 2003 thru 2022, Windows 10, Windows 11.

My latest headless Steam box with Windows 11 based on a AMD 5600g basically reboots about as fast as I can retype my password in RDP.

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Salt and Pepper grinder from a well recommended brand. Was like 80 bucks for the set and it's not better than the ones I get from Sam's Club. Infact it's worse. Disappointing.

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That's the cool thing about docker you can just map a different external port.

So if you look at the first flag it mentions: -p 8080:80

This means it's mapping external port 8080 to the internal port 80. You can change the 8080 to anything you want so you don't have conflicts.

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Make sure to read the article. It's about building the plant, not staffing it after. Apparently skilled construction workers for these types of plants are only where these plants are located currently (Taiwan for example). Not too surprising there are a limited number of skilled workers like this and they live where the work is.

Dark City

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Sync for Lemmy (ad free, not sub)

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It's for the lock pick mini game.

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I host and use SearXNG at home. It's a search engine aggregator that combines results from multiple search engines (including Bing). It also doesn't track your searches.

There are some hosted instances you can use as well, but I recommend hosting it yourself if you can.

Hosted instances:

GitHub link:

Pihole has entered the chat.

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Back in the day, devs used to not release games until they were done. Patches were bascially unheard of.

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I really REALLY love my Kobo Libre 2, it's a fantastic reader. I would like to move the Color version, but they didn't actually show anything like a graphic novel, guess I'll be waiting for reviews, not sure why they wouldn't show the most common use for one of these unless maybe it's not great at it.

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You should check out the book "Jesus and John Wayne".

It's a great book that describes the changing history of how evangelicals have interacted in politics for about the past 100 years. Worth the read.

For this same reason, he's one of my favorites.

I'm kinda not mad that he's crazy AND vocal. What I'm more worried about is when maybe when he older and wiser he shuts up and just starts funneling all that money towards his nutto crazy talk. At least now you can hear him coming.

Nothing overly crazy but I remeber watching the Matrix in the theater for the first time and being sooo pumped up that my buddy and I went whopping and hollaring through the mostly abandoned mall food court (got out super late). Mall security ended up chasing us down in the parking lot because they thought we had stolen something or were vandals. We had to explain we were just high from a great movie lol.

I've got some inlaws that use my Plex, the device coverage really can't be beat. Would consider Jellyfin if I didn't have old people requirements.

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If it could be spoofed easily, wouldn't that defeat the point?

I mean you can't just "spoof" a ssl cert or private ssh key, I have to assume this is at least that good.

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What were they?

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I wasn't going to respond, but then I read the article and not just the headline and your goading appears to actually be the crux of the issue. The whole thing is a about how the EPA is worried the cases will make it to the Trump appointed conservative Supreme Court who will likely limit and undercut them further.

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Holy Mountain.

That movie is WTF.

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PSU is different than UPS. PSU is the Power Supply Unit and doesn't have a battery. UPS are Uninterruptable Power Supplies and do have batteries. Seasonic only makes PSU's.

I use Debian because it was the easiest to get Docker GPU pass through working on.

I LOVE that the leaned into save scumming on BG3. They know their audience for sure. Lets get those outcomes folks!

Nice setup.

I did make the switch to SeerXNG, loving it so far.

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Deleted comment: "Tech people already get well into the six figures starting out of college… if anything, they fucked everything up for the rest of us, then ducked out to live in a cottage in Montana somewhere during COVID. Honestly I’m tired of hearing of their “struggles”."

Hahahahahahahahaha. When I started with IBM in 2010 (NOT fresh out of college, about 5 years experience) I made less than 40k with them.

As you said, "modders"

Used to play the crap out of some Populous (all of them) was a great game. Not giving EA any money though. Just get them on GoG so you don't rent them.

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That's funny because I'm an old person in IT and we struggle to find new hires that know how to troubleshoot beyond basic issues. Most of them might have been the techy for thier family but few have experience with actual enterprise solutions, that's only something that comes with experience.

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