Russia Loses Last Black Sea Missile Ship to World – 621 points –
Russia Loses Last Black Sea Missile Ship – Putin Demands Better Protection

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Is 40 a lot? That seems quite ambitious but I have no idea how long it takes to build one.

Edit: Russia's built ~16 of these Karakurt-class ships since 2018 lol. So no, it won't be 40 missle boats.

Russia's built ~16 of these Karakurt-class ships since 2018 lol.

It's taken Russia over 10 years to just build a little over 10 stealth fighters. (And Ukraine has destroyed one)

Meanwhile the Netherlands alone has 24, and the U.S. has over 600.

Russia's high tech side of their military industrial complex is incredibly weak compared to the old USSR days, and even their low tech side is struggling.

Russia’s high tech side of their military industrial complex is incredibly weak compared to the old USSR days

They've been screwed since like the '60s because of the gap in microprocessor tech.

Yeah, let's face it: the USSR collapsed for a reason, and its MIC was already failing by the time it did.

Yeah I can believe they're getting 40 vessels in the next year if they include literally everything they're getting. They certainly aren't getting 40 corvettes.

It really depends on the kind of vessel though. China for instance has a ton of ships but less than tonnage than the US, and if you restrict that to ships that could realistically conduct long range opperations that tonnage is buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo even lower than the UK and Japan (not combined). So Russia could just be launching 40 new patrol boats next year, or maybe 2 actual ships and 38 patrol boats.

Depends. 40 RC sail boats? No, not very impressive. 40 supercarriers? Yes, very impressive.

At this point, I wouldn't put it past Russia to claim 40 RC sail boats as "new ships in the fleet".