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The claim is they completely bypass all Android and iOS security is pretty unbelievable.

If so then the real discussion is how these zero day exploits are just sitting around.

EDIT: It seems the focus is on Android but all the information is nonsensical, like AI generated buzzword bingo.

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That source looks better indeed.

Ars quotes nonsense like “bypasses the security” and “exploit the user”.

Those terms have meaning and they aren’t applicable here.

At the end though they do say things like

is able to hack your phone from the moment you install the app

Without any credible evidence.

Every package has an architecture but you never have to care about it.

No its not, the package is literally “htop”.

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As a packager I’ll just say Debian is the one with the weird package names. Fedora just matches upstream names generally, similar to Arch.

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Fedora will live without red hat. It’s got a community structure in place, all infrastructure is open, etc.

Obviously it would lose some funding and manpower but other distros get by.

I think you are mistaken. An example:




This is the common case, but Debian gets really out there some times.

And I'll just say dnf is a much easier to use tool:

dnf install /usr/bin/aprogram
dnf install 'pkgconfig(glib-2.0)'

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They don’t care about Firefox. Chrome is the browser market, they have weakened extensions, they implemented DRM, and here we are.

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Proprietary software can never be truly trusted. You are always at their whims.

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I’ve improved my life quite a lot but it’s hard to give advice to others.

The comparison mindset is really bad though. It literally doesn’t matter what another monkey on this planet does. Your thoughts about how to improve your life are ones you have to discuss with yourself (maybe guided by a therapist). There is no wrong way to live but you have to make the choice on how you want to.

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Many people have been taught regulation is bad, not much logic to it.

USB-C as a connector can easily last a decade, much longer for just power delivery.

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They can read the room, the US government is pathetic.

From the article

The problem seems to revolve around brands that haven't acquired this licensing

It seems to just be rent seeking? Since it’s retroactive there probably isn’t a security change and malicious hardware can spoof being licensed, though this is unclear. So it probably only hurts legitimate small brands.

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Because they don’t have the same generational wealth.

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TL;DR for anybody worried. systemd-tmpfiles --purge was too broad in scope (and has a confusing name) so now you must be more specific when using it to avoid accidentally deleting things.

Most OS statistics come from web usage which is probably pretty minimal for Steam Decks.

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A PC from 2003 still runs a modern OS. No Apple isn’t the good guy, other companies are just even cheaper.

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There are millions of people who can afford $140/yr. They just don't complain on forums.

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It was written 25 years ago and untouched since probably.

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It also locks more data into their service.

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It is usually easy to detect a specific client. Like even if you ignore the keys there are dozens of little details like the TLS fingerprint of whatever library they use not matching iOS. Things that are easy to miss and sometimes hard to bypass. Then there are heuristics on how it is used is likely unique.

By 2031 nobody will make "passenger vehicles" that aren't "light trucks" unfortunately.

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You want gstreamer1-plugin-libav from rpmfusion.

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You forgot a word, I guess you meant Nvidia GPU. Not that it’s accurate still.

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You pay somebody to deal with it.

Mixture of types depending on your goals. CDs, Bonds, Stocks, etc.

You can just open more accounts also. Having it all in cash probably isn’t the smartest idea.

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The setting being located somewhere is never the hard part, it’s all about the different communities respecting it.

Shared libraries are not a theoretical good, they have been the backbone of computers for decades and many vendors have successfully maintained ABIs for decades.

Modern languages do the statically compiled solution and it has its own downsides. Makes language bindings hard, no stable ABI means no binary platforms exist (other than awkward C wrappers), rebuilds are slow and OS wide results in a lot of churn, reasoning about security fixes is very hard.

Arch is cool and all, but why in the world is that your choice for nontechnical users… it is not robust and isn’t meant to be.

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As consolidation continues corporations do not need to compete on prices as there are no alternatives. Yes people will pirate but they’ve already lobbied vendors to embrace DRM and governments to make it illegal so that makes it as annoying as possible.

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Makes it a job.

It’s not the resolution:

Even with AMD FSR 1.0 at 50% resolution scale, the game cannot come close to 30fps.

They are being overly semantic about what “Linux” means. Obviously this is about desktop projects.

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And Spotify pays them…?

It is source available, under the terms Epic licenses to you. Not Open Source

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What are you even talking about?

A companies instance is used for two things. Having employee accounts associated with them officially and for making their own posts.

If they make spam they just get defederated. They have no power.

A corporate ran open instance is not what they are talking about.

Windows is not usable if you aren’t tech savvy. See young people who grew up on iOS/Android.

I think Linux is very good already and only improving.

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Games are far from the worst examples of this. Largely games are still very high performance. Some lax policies on sizes are not the norm, most data is large because it’s just high detail.

The real losses are simple desktop apps being entire web engines.

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The truth is that accessibility only thrives when the government either funds or regulates it. It is rarely profitable.

Canonical has been pushing their less portable Snap solution and moving away from traditional packages.

This means:

  • They are the sole store host and decide what is allowed.
  • The apps can be less secure or totally broken on other distros.
  • The tooling to make snaps heavily incentivize only using Ubuntu as a base.

It is, the point is to make it to the Supreme Court so they can set a precedent that its allowed.

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