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Joined 1 years ago

Use any old computer you have lying around as a server. Use Tailscale to connect to it, and don’t open any ports in your home firewall. Congrats, you’re self-hosting and your risk is minimal.

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guys guys GUYS this song has lyrics in it that aren’t literally true omg

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PooShooter: Toilet Invaders

Oh good, I was waiting for that one

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Open source software maintainers, thanklessly (and often without pay) maintaining infrastructure without which the global economy would collapse immediately

Title text: If that doesn't fix it, git.txt contains the phone number of a friend of mine who understands git. Just wait through a few minutes of 'It's really pretty simple, just think of branches as...' and eventually you'll learn the commands that will fix everything.

Former C-130 Flight engineer here, it was my job to calculate performance data for takeoff and landing.

Rain only matters because it increases stopping distance. It doesn't affect engine performance, and it never even occurred to me that a wet airplane would be heavier than a dry one. To get a sense of weights we care about, our empty weight is ~90k pounds and our max (peacetime) takeoff weight is 155k pounds. Performance numbers are good for 5000 pounds, so even if the water weighs several hundred pounds we'd never notice.

The most important factor in engine performance is the density of the air, which is driven by temperature and altitude. You get more power on cold days and at low altitude, less on hot days and high altitudes. (Which is why Denver has long runways)

There is a decision tree when planning a takeoff, and extended stopping distances due to a wet runway sometimes pushes you to use a higher power setting which is a bit less efficient. So the answer to your question is maybe a little, sometimes, but not in the way you think.

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The correct way to fix traffic is to stop designing the world around cars to the exclusion of absolutely everything the fuck else including humans.

johnny cash is a fucking liar he never shot anyone in reno

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pretty fly for a wifi

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I’ll interpret “just learned” as in the last year or so

  • Lifting weights is good for you and you should do it
  • Running is only bad for your knees if your form sucks, your shoes suck, or you overtrain. Done correctly it’s good for you in basically every way.
  • Eat an inconvenient amount of protein, it’s also good for you.
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dude sometimes I just wanna be a basic white girl

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Nobody uses coffeescript anymore, and typescript is there to make things easier not harder.








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Not to defend capitalism in general, but it’s really good at answering these sort of “is it worth the cost?” aquestions. The whole point is to allocate scarce resources efficiently; the problem is that it assumes nobody is a scumbag and all the costs are accounted for.

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You’re allowed to be happy sometimes. This is a win, enjoy it

  • If you don’t have a surplus of time and energy, self hosting is not for you. You’re taking on administration that normal people effectively contract out
  • docker is worth learning and using. It’s one thing to learn, and with that knowledge you can run basically everything. It really does make your life easier
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You aren't lazy, you aren't undisciplined, you just have ADHD. get that shit diagnosed and treated or you'll lose your full ride scholarship.

A desk job is fine, and you're good at programming. Don't be afraid to major in something computer related.

BTC is a scam but buy a lot of it as early as possible, it'll peak around 65k. God doesn't exist, the republicans are fucking ghouls

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There aren't two sides to every issue, reasonable people can't differ on everything. Your trump example illustrates this perfectly: at this point no reasonable person has a positive view of him.

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I’ve had exactly the opposite thought - every tutorial or explanation I find starts from scratch with create-react-app or something when I already have a project and I just want to know how to use your library.

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Can't even use the heater in my mre what the fuck is this bullshit

To clarify, calibre-web is not "the docker version of calibre", it's a separate project that provides a nice web frontend for an existing calibre database.

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While you’re in the security line, take all your shit out of your pockets and put it in your carry-on. Same for your belt.

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Web dev here.

  • editor + web browser + devtools when working on frontend (workspace 3)
  • editor + tests + another terminal for whatever when working backend (workspace 2)
  • server terminal + lazydocker for both (workspace 1)
  • web browser with work related tabs + todo list + notes app on workspace 9
  • chat apps and email on workspace 10
  • long-running jobs and performance monitors on workspace 8
  • 4-7 are used for whatever
  • music on scratchpad

Tiling (as well as stacking) make it manageable to have a bunch of windows open with a minimum of fuckery. Sure I can only read one at a time, but when coding for example I'm rapidly switching between the code and the result. I can have a text editor, browser, and devtools accessible as fast as I can think, and I spend very little effort arranging windows.

Also, a good tiling window manager replaces the need to learn a bunch of windowing features for other apps. My devtools open in a new window, I don't use tmux or my terminal's split features, and I generally have a bunch of browser instances open because my window management handles it all, better.

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Curation and moderation

It’s a lot more painful if you don’t know what you’re doing and disregard good advice.


Alright hang on now - responsive design is about not excluding people based on the device they're using. Many people do everything in their lives from a low end cell phone and cutting them out is a shit thing to do. Responsive design and progressive enhancement are objectively good things.

The tools have gotten better over the past several years, it's not as hard as it used to be.

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Well then maybe you should also pass on making generalizations about selfhosting?

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This thread is amazing. My own fuckups:

  • Tried upgrading Ubuntu
  • Closed laptop while updating
  • I bork bootloaders with concerning regularity
  • While experimenting with writing a PKGBUILD for some personal scripts, ignored a warning having to do with a conflict on /bin. Blew away that symlink.

snapper is good software i like snapper

You're observing the current state of american politics manifested in a discussion platform - one side is saying "hey maybe there are things more important than shareholder value?" and the other is banning books because they were written by minorities and taking kids away from their parents for providing them healthcare.

Regardless, you're the one who brought up posts mentioning trump. He's in the news a lot because it's finally looking like he'll see some consequences for all the criming he did.

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Namecheap has been fine for me so far. Avoid godaddy.

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My advice is to just use Tailscale. It’s a 5 minute setup and you get access to your stuff from anywhere, securely, without opening ports to the public internet. It will give your server a second IP address, which you will be able to access from any other device which is also registered to your Tailscale account.

My personal setup:

  • Tailscale installed on all devices that need access to my home lab
  • Custom domain with root A record set to server’s Tailscale IP
  • caddyserver reverse proxy on server, with DNS https authentication configured (regular http with won’t work because it’s not on the public internet)
  • services all on subdomains

You don’t even need grub to boot Linux; the kernel can be its own bootloader.

Your quoted paragraph is the only sane alternative to the ad supported internet. Think Fastmail vs gmail - both are run for a profit, but fastmail’s business model is to simply sell subscriptions. Their incentives are better aligned with the consumer, and while nobody’s going to become a billionaire off the company I have to imagine that they have a very reliable customer base.

Good software should be paid for, devs gotta eat

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The guy who wrote it is the editor-in-chief.

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If you roll a 1% chance of dying every day, you don’t make it to your first birthday

‘dd if=image.iso of=/dev/do_not_fuck_this_up bs=4M’ is a complete tutorial

All the time, the tip has to stay subsonic so they don’t spin that fast. 1021 RPM on an H-model herc for example.

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It doesn’t? Been a month or two since I updated the ISO but I’ve never had a problem