
0 Post – 71 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Jesus, what a nightmare story. That entire article is filled with horror. She must have felt so terrified and alone.

"After Caswell delivered her baby alone and lost consciousness, staff still refused to render aid and instead took photos of her baby without her consent, her lawyers allege. When she returned to the jail from the hospital, staff denied her access to her prescribed breast pump and ibuprofen."

Wtf is wrong with people? It's so fucking petty and mean. I'm gonna assume that none of the staff will actually face any consequences..?

And even if the girl was trans, she still shouldn't be bullying kids online. Jesus fuck, these people are so disgustingly pathetic.

How would this even work? How are they going to stop brigading, bots, low effort spam crap for upvotes, massive reposting, etc? How will this actually increase quality of content?

Also: this would mean giving reddit your actual information, right? How else are they going to pay you? Or are they going to try using crypto and nfts?

It sounds like a terrible idea to me, tbh. Maybe they should start with paid moderators to deal with all the extra spam, crossposting, brigading and bots that will result from this move.

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This is because we can be of two minds about these things. You can have a personal response to heinous acts, but still think the government ought to be better.

If some guy murders the murderer of their kid, I can absolutely 100% understand why, and I could even admit that I might do the same in their position. But I still think that as a society we should not lower ourselves to this standard and I will always be against the death penalty (especially because the system will never be perfect and I will never think it's worth killing even one innocent person by accident).

It's why vigilante justice is so easily understood, but it's still something we, as a society, shouldn't accept.

Emotional reactions can cloud our minds to these things. But I absolutely agree with you. This is horrendous and barbarous. I can still somewhat understand the "he deserves it for what he did"-response, but I'm absolutely against this on a deeper level.

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False claim? How about we call them lies? Trump is a liar. He lies.

A false claim implies it could be made with good intentions, simply out of ignorance. No. Trump lies. He lies maliciously.

How many lie-filled years need to pass before media call it what it is?

r/interestingasfuck still doesn't have moderators. It's been closed for 18 days now.

Well, there's a shocker. But not to worry! He'll surely not get away with the next crime he commits.

Agreed. When I saw the Apollo thread, my first thought was 'Nah, not even spez would do this' but I choked on that very fast when I saw the e-mails, the audio recordings and everything. It was so blatant, so asinine, so horribly fucked up.

I've never used the Apollo app, but millions of people did and in stead of thanking him for all his work, reddit just stabbed him in the back. Can't believe there are people still taking reddit's side on this, it's crazy.

I'll start by saying my skin is really pale. Like, ginger "burn after 5 minutes in the sun"-white. Thus I don't personally experience racism often (although of course I do notice it around me a lot, because fuck are there many racists), nor do I think it's even comparable to how bad it is for other people. But this one time caught me so off guard, because this woman actually thought she was giving me a compliment and she had no idea how fucked up it sounded.

One of my parents is white, the other is mixed. That side of the family has roots in Suriname. When I told one of my colleagues about it, she told me "wow, then you really got lucky with your skin color!" Like wtf? And here I am, always jealous of my sibling, who can actually walk in the sun without burning up like a vampire.

I often wondered if I was making too big a deal out of it, because it pissed me off. I called her a racist and never talked to her again. Luckily I don't work with her anymore.

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It's always the same disingenuous bullshit. I'd wager most people on here couldn't care less about Hamas. All Hamas members could drop dead right now and I wouldn't lose a second of sleep.

But somehow we're all Hamas supporters because we don't put a "I hate Hamas"-disclaimer above every comment about Israel. It's so terribly low-effort and transparent.

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r/interestingasfuck has been without mods for 2 weeks now. It's just so idiotic. They remove all the mods and then... don't replace them? Now there hasn't been a post in 2 weeks on a sub with 11+mil members.

I wonder if they just forgot about that particular sub?

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The total death toll and the number of people suffering health issues (past and present) due to coal are orders of magnitude larger than those due to nuclear power (not to even mention the damage to the environment!). The problem is that people respond more to one-time big disasters than to numbers over time. Something like Chornobyl is terrifying and a big deal, so people remember it. They don't remember every Tom, Dick and Harry that's died over the years due to black lung or accidents or other stuff from coal.

You can even see this attitude in other ways too. It seems like a lot of Americans are still suffering mass trauma from 9/11 and accept the most horrific Patriot Act-type shit because of it. But in the end, it was less than 3000 people who died in the attack (and don't get me wrong, it was terrible!), but waaaaaaay more people die (and have died) from lack of (access to) healthcare, and it seems that still barely anyone is actually trying to fix that. Or a mass shooting that kills 11 people, that's a big deal, right? But the fact that over a million Americans died due to Covid didn't really register as a disaster for a lot of people.

Nuclear power is such a no-brainer to me, but it sounds 'scary' and lots of people don't understand it, which makes it even more scary. Plus, of course the fossil fuel industry propaganda and lobbying, and the memory of people who know other people who used to work in coal towns and had pretty decent lives. Or the "what about nuclear waste!"-crap that always comes up. Yes, nuclear waste is a thing, but let's put it next to all the damaging crap that coal mines produce, accumulated. It's way worse.

Anyway. It's hard to fight all that, even when rationally, statistically, nuclear power should be a no-brainer. Edit: and there is no political will either, it seems. Whether it's because they love their fossil fuel bribes or because they're too scared to lose some voters.. they'll never do good things just to do good.

Edit: just to be clear, it's definitely not a USA-exclusive problem. I currently live in Germany and their weird relationship to nuclear power is also batshit. All based on fear and bullshit.

It's looking bleak here, indeed. My Heimat is jerking off Wilders and here in Germany it's the AfD, though luckily in BW they aren't as popular as in other parts of Germany..

Still, not really sure what to do about it. I vote, but it doesn't seem to matter. Don't know how to explain to people why they should care about others. It's a good thing I have enough books and games and series to offer escapism, because otherwise I'd probably need to get some prescription medication.

When my husband and I started living together I actually told him that he had really bad aim and I don't like having to sit in his piss. And that if he insisted on standing while peeing out of some weird sense of manliness, then I would choose not to clean up the mess he leaves behind all the time, so let's see how fast it accumulates!

I especially don't get it in your own home. There aren't any other men around, so no need to act 'manly' and all it does is force you to clean it more often, which, come to think of it, probably also isn't 'manly' so what? Do they just not clean their own toilets? Ew.

Anyway, dirty toilet seats are a choice. Any time you're forced to use a toilet with piss all over it, it was someone's choice to not care about the next person using the toilet. Many people have accepted it as normal, "it's just what happens" - no, it is a choice. I still can't believe my mother accepted it all those years, tbh. :p

My husband also said it has extra advantages to sit, like being able to pet our cats. So there you have it. Oh and we've lived in Germany for a couple of years now, and I was not at all surprised they have a special word for it. Germans have words for everything.

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I think what many people (and thus governments) don't want to accept is that maybe people just don't want kids. It always happens, when people are more educated and have better quality of life -- and access to contraception, they have fewer children. If money was really the defining factor, then why aren't all rich people having 10 kids? Why is the birth rate in countries like Finland (where they have a lot of social programs, high quality of life and support for parents) so low?

I am absolutely not denying that having no money factors into the decision to not have kids, for people who actually do want them. But we need to face it, a lot of people -when given the choice- just don't want kids. You can't pay me enough to have kids. I could be a billionaire and I wouldn't want kids. The only way you could make me have kids is by forcing me. And while typing this, suddenly I have the urge to erase it all, because I fear the day when governments finally realize what I typed above and they actually start forcing people to have kids.

Edit: I think what should happen is for us all to figure out how our society should work when global birth rate inevitably drops below replacement rate, and what we want from life other than infinite growth.

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I think I know what the user means. Trust me (yeah sure random internet person), you have no idea how often the most innocuous stuff gets used as an opening, a justification to keep bothering someone. Some guy asks for the time? Suddenly he also wants to know your name and do you want to have a drink? Some guy asks where x building is? Oh well, have you lived here long? I'm new here, maybe we could get together? Or it's "does this tram go to x station?" and then, fuck, you're stuck in a moving tram without an easy escape and the guy keeps asking why he can't have your phone number, even though you already said no and then you lied about having a boyfriend, but still he won't give up. Playing along with someone, being nice, trying to help them with innocuous stuff, 8 out of 10 times it doesn't end there at all.

Before I get a bunch of downvotes: No, it's not every guy. We know it's not every guy. But most of us don't want to sit through 6 creeps just on the off-chance of meeting a nice person. It's just not worth it. And yes, it's always guys who do this. I've never had a woman following me after giving her directions. I've never had a woman keep pushing me after I said no (and I'm sure they exist, crappy women exist, but usually I feel perfectly safe responding to women - so sue me, confirmation bias).

Edit: Just to respond to your specific situation. I think I might have given you the high five if you'd been at it for a little bit and I'd seen you do it to everyone else and not acting like a creep. The fact that it's a bar scene and a social environment makes it all a little easier, imo. Most of my examples, real experiences btw, always happen in non-social scenes, like when going to work, or while doing groceries, etc. So in your case, I probably would have. But just to point out: it wasn't about you personally, basically a bunch of creeps ruined it for you.

I mean, theorethically it should be possible. The problem is that government consists of people and it seems to me that people who actually want power are the people who should never have it.

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Mass Effect trilogy.

Or maybe Bioshock.


Very late edit: Deus Ex. I still play it every once in a while and while the graphics are terrible, it's a lot better with GMDX and you get used to it very quickly. That game is still a masterpiece.

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Yep, and just to add to this: Don't immediately delete your account afterward, keep it for a few days.

Sometimes some comments will be restored, or suddenly show up after a subreddit has opened again, or something like that (I've only had four straggler comments total, but still, wouldn't have seen that had I deleted my accounts).

I've even seen some posts about people complaining that all their content has been restored and trying to use privacy laws to get reddit to comply. Don't delete your account until you're sure everything is gone!

Besides, I would have kept my account for a little while longer anyway, because I've been lurking on reddit for the drama. ;)

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"May you live in interesting times."

I know multiple people who don't even have a driver's license (and before I get comments about 'Europoors' -- No, it's not because of money, lol), including myself. Never needed one. Within the city I can walk, go by bike, there's buses and trams. For traveling farther (also internationally), there are trains. Most of the time I just walk everywhere. Multiple supermarkets within walking distance, train station within walking distance, bus stop in front of my door, tram stop 1 minute away.

My husband does have a license, but we own no car.

Can't imagine being forced to drive a car due to lack of other options. For a population very obsessed with so-called freedom, Americans seem to accept and demand very little freedom sometimes.

There's a huge difference between reading reddit (with ads blocked ;)) and actually being active on reddit (i.e. posting/commenting -- adding content).

I believe the former will not decline so fast, there is simply too much info on reddit, especially on niche subjects, from experts. I'll probably keep 'using' reddit for my search results and such. But I've stopped commenting and posting. Reddit needs content, not just readers/traffic.

If there is a decline it will probably be slow, and it will mostly affect the quality of content. If power users leave, it won't make much difference in quantity, but quality, well... And when it comes to 3rd party apps I would imagine most of those users weren't the casual 'read a few posts a day'-users, but the really active ones.


Over the years, on and off, I've put 2k hours into that game, and I've never, ever built the ship or helped the High Stellarch or found the Archo Nexus. Never even gotten close. I love building bases and growing colonies, and with all the DLC+mods there's an endless amount to do, but yeah.. doubt I'll ever actually get to the end.

I've never had any other social media (aside from reddit and now lemmy) and I don't spend hours a day doomscrolling here. I'm thinking if I did that, I'd go crazy.

Everything in moderation. This definitely includes doomscrolling. Not good for your mental health.


List of all the Lemmy apps, I'm sure you'll find one you like!

This is what always got to me the most. Even if vaccines caused autism, wouldn't that be preferable to your kid dying? Like, what the fuck is wrong with these people.

Exactly right! I think we're actually agreed on this.

I just meant that OP used to say they ought to do it, which was his 'emotional' response to it, which is easier when it's in abstract. But in reality he doesn't like it at all when his government actually does it.

I'd never heard about that reddit story, but I think it's very apt, lol.

No, I don't use facebook, but I'm pretty sure I'm not the first or only person to say something like that. It's not that deep, lol.

Ha, a familiar face, so to speak. :)

Your posts have always been such a valuable resource. Glad to see you here!

Battlestar Galactica, Haven, Fringe, Orphan Black,

and there are a few more I don't skip more often than I do, like DS9, Stargate: Atlantis, Rome and the Tudors.

Some series just have really nice intros!

Lmao. Well, woosh!

I guess I've just had too many real arguments with people on reddit about this and this comment flew right past me. :D

No, it was actually correct. A historic move.

There is a list of all the Lemmy apps here: https://lemmy.world/post/465785

It shows the current ones, announced apps, apps in development, etc. Across all platforms. Lots of devs have moved here from reddit, including Sync, Boost and Slide.

From what I've read from other users Wefwef is supposed to be very similar to Apollo, so you could try that one.

I hope you find what you're looking for!

I guess it's possible, but what good would that do reddit? That's millions people who aren't going to be browsing that subreddit anymore, and presumably at least some of them aren't using any ad blockers, so they'd be losing revenue..

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Ah well, that's a good point. It's not like politicians never lie about their motivations either.

I can't remember ever experiencing something like this..? Is it possible to forget about it, like a dream? Barely ever remember dreams. Or maybe some people don't experience these hallcinations?

I thought it was because of religious nutjobs trying to force everyone else to live by their rules. I doubt that Kate and Joe down the block have some kind of pro-corporation-meatgrinder reason to be anti-choice.

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I loved Divinity:OS/2 and figured if BG3 was even half as good, it would be worth the money. Waited until it was out of Early Access, then bought it. Worth every euro. And the soundtrack is a masterpiece! Not that I expected any different.

Bloody hell. Your ass should create its own paper, it would be better than 90% of the media out there.

I actually think those kinds of mistakes are made more often by native speakers, because they learn it from other people as they're growing up (including all the mistakes), while non-native speakers learn it correctly (from books and teachers). Same goes for the then/than or they're/their/there, etc. When you learn it spoken first, and incorrectly, it's harder to correct those mistakes than to learn it correctly from the start.

In Dutch, for example, we have loads of people who will say "groter als" (bigger than), which is dead wrong - it should be "groter dan." This als/dan-mistake is something typical of natives, and I've never heard a non-native make this mistake. Same goes for zij/hun. Usually kids just learn incorrectly from their parents. My own parents make those mistakes as well and it took more than a year of my elementary school teacher correcting me every. single. time I made the mistakes, for me to correct them.