Rickety Thudds

@Rickety Thudds@lemmy.ca
3 Post – 123 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

After he slow walked the subpoenaed records for 21 months, he should be granted no extra time

Royalty 🇬🇧

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Read the CIA simple sabotage field manual and try to tell me that isn't exactly the republican playbook. They're not interested in governing. What's weird is how few of them seem to be even doing it deliberately.

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I think you're doing my part too

Little mf has to return some video tapes 🤣

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This meme clearly came from the good timeline. That would imply they've got a version of me without a moustache. Terrible look. I'll volunteer for the interdimensional incursion mission.

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There's no great way to handle people whose only goal is to drag you down or lessen you. Just block and move on to better things.

Ignorance can surely explain why a pack of republican lawmakers spent the 4th of July at the Kremlin.

The Russians have always had really commendable spycraft. I never thought they'd get a president. That was wild...

But, to go back to that well again so soon? They must be running out of ideas.

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Activism would help very little, but at least it isn't fatalism.

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Time to create a satanic AI

Anyway...Have y'all tried Animal Well?

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"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source."

  • a kids show
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The real damage will be done to down-ballot candidates who need party support to mount a serious bid for office.

My pearls have been firmly in the clutched position for the last nine years 😑

Whatever y'all decide, please just remember what McLuhan said: "The medium is the message." What's the message implicit in your decision? Be deliberate.


Silver lining, they were caught.

I made such a surprised face when the torture mogul decided to pose in front of a Trump flag. 😐

Crazy how nature do that

It's clutch for boring emails with several tedious document summaries. Sometimes I get a day's work done in 4 hours.

Automation can be great, when it comes from the bottom-up.


America has been rendered effectively schizophrenic.

We should start throwing acorns at murderous dumbshits

Why did you lowball it at thousands? That war would give COVID a run for its money

"Our policies are unpopular. Clearly we aren't being evil enough."

Conservatives on days ending in Y

Meta Tarsal Gun

Bibi heard about surgical strikes and got a wild gleam in his eye

As someone who was being stalked for a while, would have been really fucking nice if Voice had sorted this out a few years ago

One more stately rotation of the wheels of justice. Moving right along, dugga dun dugga dun 🎶

The mainstream view has lost a lot of that spirit, but plenty of Americans go just as hard as the French. Our corporate media downplays or slants the perception of protestors to make them seem like a noisy misguided minority when all we're usually asking for is basic dignity.

Then the news media goes off and makes any anti-protest vehicular homicide a celebrity, and right wing nuts flock to their go fund me pages.

It's not that we're as bad as we look, mostly.

Wizards would give this equation a nickname and use that to avoid saying the word eight.

The fact that this didn't result in a revolution ended my hopes for the country

Obedience module not detected, contractual obligations terminated

Ukraine and Russia have been using cluster munitions from the start. It's a valid concern but it's closing the gates after the horse has bolted.

You moustache someone more knowledgeable

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... You had me until the end. Nobody owes any allegiance to race.

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It is truly tragic that he feels none of the pain he causes.

This has nothing to do with climate change, except for the likely possibility that billions of climate displaced people will (through no fault of their own) fuel xenophobia across the globe by their mere presence throughout the next century, potentially resulting in several holocausts that our children's children will be dealing with.

If you go west enough, you get to the east. 🤔 Horseshoe theory confirmed?! 😱

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He didn't accept them when he won either so the joke doesn't really track.