1 Post – 209 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hal effect or GTFO

This was a really odd scene, dude just stares right off into space and comes back to say he's fine. That was a classic seizure if I ever saw one.

10 more...

Good, fuck spez.

This is the real problem for me, I can forgive the goofy bullshit and half-ass benchmarks, but that is straight up sexual assault and harassment. There's no way I'm supporting them until they address the allegations professionally and without some stupid "sponsor" joke video apology.

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Linux exists people, without copilot using your information for training data and if you game, has Valve releasing updates like crazy for proton making it easier and easier to use Linux for gaming. The only thing I use Windows for is GeForce now as the windows and Mac apps are the only way for me to play 1440p 120fps with their service.

Good beginner distros: pop_os, Ubuntu, Linux mint, Nobara or fedora, Garuda, Manjaro, solus, zorin. The possibilities are really endless. Just take your pick, make a bootable USB and try it out.

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Whoever can make a compatibility layer that successfully translates x86/64 to arm and vice versa and make it widely available will be a major player in the market. Valve has already somewhat done something similar with proton and Apple with Rosetta 2.

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Good thing I exclusively use Firefox.

The scammer even looks high AF every time he does an interview. This guy is a fucking joke.

Honestly just shows how dialed in the steam deck is, it's why I won't ever buy one of their competitors.

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I fucking hate how this company is just taking data and metrics without any permissions and repercussions. OpenAI and Sam Altman can fuck right off. Same with Microsoft and copilot and every other company rushing for the AI/ML arms race, its disgusting and irresponsible.

We joke about skynet and terminators and whatnot, but the reality is OpenAI is legitimately moving towards that end with no safety precautions, no thought put into the economic and humanitarian impacts they're going to cause. Capitalism in general (and yes I'm going to be that guy and say it) simply cannot survive the AI/ML age of humanity without evolving.

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It really depends on the games you play. The thing is, you need to be really honest with yourself in regards to what you play and how far you're willing to go for the ease of use. Most, if not all games that don't require invasive anti cheat will just work,there are outliers like media foundations cinematics that just don't work without protonGE, but even that's not really a problem and getting smaller and smaller with every proton update. Are you comfortable installing the heroic games launcher from a terminal if it's not available in your software center? If so, then that opens up a whole new library of games to play from Epic and GoG, if not then use a distro that has it preinstalled.

The Linux community will make you think it's an easy transition, and for the most part it is, but as someone who moved to Linux full-time and has been running only Linux for about 6 months, there are still hurdles to jump over, it was about 80% click install and play, and the other 20% was troubleshooting and trying different versions of proton. I'm willing to live with those odds if it means complete freedom of my computer and cutting all ties to Windows. If I want to play games that have anti cheat though, I either have to use GeForce now or use my consoles. However, increasing support for crossplay makes this a non-issue in most cases.

I do hope you make the jump, it's pretty clear the path Microsoft wants to follow and I don't want any part of it, neither should anyone else. We're in sort of a golden age of Linux gaming right now thanks to Valve, and the momentum doesn't seem to be slowing down thanks to the steam deck.

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Nah, they didn't win, the results of these protests are going to be felt for a while and have shone a light on federated social media. Organic growth will always trump corporate growth and greed, that's the advantage of the fediverse.

I tried the demo, it has a lot of problems outside of it being a AAA single player shooter. The "magic" system is just reskinned guns, the story is nonsensical at times, and the movement is stiff and slow. It's like they never play tested the game and just said it was done one day. That's not even mentioning the almost ten minute walk around the city at the beginning doing nothing but following what I will assume is a non critical character to the plot.

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Honestly, this is probably a good move. I think we're going to see more and more of this happening in the future. Self hosted media platforms that can partner with other streaming services, that's my guess as to what will happen. Ironically right back to what life was before YouTube, the main difference now is that self hosting is much cheaper and easier these days comparatively.

I'll just jump ship completely and use my Linux install 100% of the time. If I need to use a more mainstream OS for some stupid reason I'll just use my Mac.

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Fuck this guy, Microsoft is just as guilty. Their business practices are based around limiting competition and exterminating it, the only reason they don't have a monopoly on cloud platforms is because they were to busy trying to sell overpriced Windows server, SQL and office licenses to businesses and Amazon jumped into the cloud business first. Look at what they're doing with Activision-Blizzard, the Indiana Jones video game from Bethesda, Starfield exclusivity etc. in the gaming space. This shit is part of the reason why I run Linux.

It's ironic yeah, but if trust is the only way to implement something like this, then Mozilla is probably the one company I would trust considering they're a non-profit org.

I don't like it, so many loading screens, the faction bounties are copy/paste, the space combat is awkward, neon was a huge disappointment to me being just one long corridor with neon signs, the main quest railroads you like no other Bethesda game before it and it's just not fun to me. I've come to the conclusion it's just not for me and moved back over to baldurs gate 3 and recently started another new run in the outer worlds.

21 more...

I feel like I'm the only one excited for this game. Every post about it is getting shit on for absolutely stupid reasons. We have 4 low res screenshots and no videos of gameplay with a few details on the gameplay loop. This is what icefrog was working on for years when he stopped working on DotA 2, the man damn near created the entire moba genre, he's taking liberties with the gameplay and incorporating overwatch gameplay with moba mechanics that sounds like it's handled in a more meaningful way instead of just copy/paste mechanics from other mobas and move the camera to 3rd person like smite. As someone who's older and loves mobas but struggles to keep up with the pace of them, this game sounds like it will be right up my alley and for the record I love the art style, fuck me right?

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Obsidian really got the last laugh considering what Bethesda did to them with New Vegas. Now the roles have essentially been reversed. I'm really looking forward to Avowed.

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Hmmm it's almost like Jim Ryan was on to something when he said gamepass wasn't good for the industry and publishers didn't like it during the antitrust trial with Microsoft.

It blows my fucking mind how stupid some people are just to be able to play the next rehashed bullshit CoD on gamepass instead of paying $70 a year for the same garbage.

The only reason any of those businesses use Microsoft products is because of active directory and exchange. Both of which are legacy products that are being, if not already, phased out. The real truth is this, the enterprise runs on Microsoft, but the world runs on Linux. Windows is so bad for containers that Microsoft has to make their own distro of Linux specifically for containers with azure Linux and that's just one example of the technical debt Windows creates. The quicker NT can finally die is when the world can finally move towards real innovation instead of being handicapped by Microsoft and their unfair business practices. Some of us haven't forgotten "embrace, extend, and extinguish" which is exactly what they're doing in the gaming markets by buying up the competition.

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This comment is honestly incredibly thought provoking. When you really think about it and the whole of games that just work on Linux now thanks to proton, there really isn't a game outside of games with proprietary anti cheat that don't work, and even then, some do like Apex. There really isn't anything out there keeping me on Windows.

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The beauty of federated networks is you can avoid the platforms with these kinds of people altogether. I typically avoid altogether unless I don't have a choice and even then it's pretty easily to find alternatives.

The loading screens are atrocious even for a Bethesda game. Walk up a ladder, loading screen, open a door, loading screen, dock with another ship, loading screen, travel to another planet in the same system, loading screen, land on a planet that's already loaded, loading screen, exit the ship, loading screen. Maybe it's different on PC, but I'm playing on a series S that has pretty fast read/write speeds and that's just absurd. Pretty sure if my character could use the toilet there would be a loading screen for the bathroom.

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I just started using mastadon, is there something wrong with it? Why would I want to switch to firefish?

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Cassette beasts is so damn good! It's pokemon, but better and unique.

Last epoch, path of exile, grim dawn, Torchlight 1,2 and if you want to suffer 3, if you can suffer through Korean p2w nonsense then lost ark, and also titan quest. All of these games are on multiple platforms.

I played about 3 hours of 2018, and my honest opinion is that the story was kind of interesting, but the gameplay was slow and clunky. The most fun I had with my time was the fight in the beginning with Baldur, and most of it was a cutscene. I prefer the gameplay and fluidity of combat in the original trilogy, which I have beaten, to this new version. With that being said, it's still a good game, just not my cup of tea.

I would stick with steamOS, it's designed for the hardware. Windows will only hinder the device IMO. I plan on getting one soon and everyone I've known that has one sticks to the stock config in regards to the software.

They bought up studios like crazy and expected to make a return when they didn't. This is the same company that stole assets from Riot for honor of kings, who then took those stolen assets and created another game for the EU by the name of arena of valor, only to roll it out again in the Americas and then roll it out again for the switch and not include crossplay with the other platforms and the switch only to then promise to release a global version of honor of kings effectively killing the arena of valor player base before wild rift gives it the finishing blow. These guys buy up studios in hopes of remediating the costs of their failed projects and get butt hurt when they don't make money. Tencent is pathetic.

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I feel like I'm the only one even remotely interested in this game. Does it look like watch dogs in space? Yes, but I for one enjoyed watch dogs for what it brought to the table. I've been dying to play a star wars game that doesn't involve a Jedi as the main character, so this game is right up my alley. It's Ubisoft so I'm very skeptical though and cautiously optimistic.

You completely miss my point, are you saying data such as copyrighted published works and medical records are free? Because I did not in any way consent to sharing medical records to OpenAI

Now I realize this is an alleged offense, but it's still fucked up. As for wanting to be the first to make a LLM, I have no desire to put myself into that amount of responsibility and liability. Sam Altman is chasing money and nothing more.

So me not wanting to upgrade my pixel 6a to a pixel 8 because it works just fine is a problem for the global Smartphone economy? Fuck these guys. I want hardware that lasts and doesn't end up in a landfill. I don't give a shit if these executives can't buy a third yacht or another tennis court in their back yard, I'm going to stick with what works. The hypocrisy of these kinds of articles is disgusting at best and immoral at worst.

Wtf was that....? I'm going to reserve judgement until we see some gameplay but damn that trailer was filled with cliche modern marvel movie bullshit.

This thing is terrible, who the fuck is buying shit like this? What a waste of electronic materials. They could've made a true handheld with the power of the steam deck that could run PS5 games at lower resolutions, but fuck no! Let's make some bullshit abomination of a Vita successor and give anyone who loves portable gaming the middle finger, especially since you can't use Bluetooth headphones. Fuck you Sony.

It's more than just being a certain demographic, I've caught myself numerous times just swiping through YouTube stories without thought. It's a way to gauge interest in topics quickly and frequently to sell advertising. It honestly freaks me out sometimes, how easily it is to just scroll and scroll without even noticing....

I literally can't play this game, my PC has 16GB of RAM and it runs out of free memory after like 10 minutes and crashes to desktop. When your "fix" is to just buy more RAM or increase your page file size, then your game is a fucking scam. I understand new games require more powerful hardware, but this is Amazon lumberyard ffs.

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It's not, it's a superficial opinion on color and functionality that apple and Google want you to think is a big deal but in reality it's two companies using two different protocols and they want you to pick up their product over the over. Even Americans don't know why it's a big deal, they see green in iMessage and freak out.

1 more... not sure if this is what you're looking for but someone has been tracking overall video game layoffs for the past 3 years. 2023 was approximately 10,600, we're halfway there at 5600 in 2024 and it's only been a month. That's pretty fucked.