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Joined 12 months ago

Thorbot's shit hole has expanded to 10x its previous size in the past year, thanks to increased usage by members of the public.

5 years ago


Now listen here you little shit

No, he means every opinion you don't like is automatically a tankie bot. That's what lemmy is. From tankies, for tankies.

I constantly feel the need to argue with this dumb fuck and his 99% wrong opinions. I usually have to take a step back, remember it's not worth it, and then move on. It would be a great help if I had a Firefox add-on that precedes all of musk's tweets with "retard weighing in: ", just as a reminder that he's also allowed a point of view, despite his mental issues.

13 more...

I don't get how you can be 'too progressive'. Surely progress is a good thing, no? If you're against progress, you're in favor of things remaining as they are or getting worse. To me, that's just being a cunt.

I guess what I'm saying is, "Pope removes bishop for being too much of a cunt" would've been a good headline also.

16 more...

It could be, if she wants it to be.

It could also be the type of case where her lawyers stop openAI from ever using her voice again, if she wants that to be the case.

Being rich opens up options. If openAI would be using my voice instead, they'd have a wildly less popular product but nobody to sue them for it, cause I'd be using my money to still dream about home ownership at some point before I die, not to hire lawyers or fight windmills.

2 more...

Musk and Grimes first had a son together, named X Æ A-12, and then a daughter born via surrogate in 2021 named Exa Dark Sideræl Musk. They refer to them as "X" and "Y."

At this point I'm convinced there should be a test you take before the court allows you to procreate. Now hear me out, cause I know how it sounds. But maybe it can be a very simple test, with just one question: "do you plan to put more thought into naming your children than a junior dev does into naming their variables?"

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I didn't think Texans would be so easily convinced to give up their civil liberties, this doesn't sound like the "stand your ground" state. If this isn't reason enough for the people of Texas to make use of the second amendment's right to bare arms, intended exactly for situations like this - for citizens to protect themselves when their government oversteps, I don't know what is.

11 more...

This is not tragic. This is, has been, and will always be Israeli foreign policy. Ever since the state was created, they were supposed to be a "foothold of civilization in the region". They have constantly settled outside of borders and into Palestinian territory, and then defended their settlements with their superior firepower. They have constantly waged this type of unorthodox war. They supported Hamas as a tactical strike against the more moderate candidates in Palestine, because you can't paint moderates as the aggressor as easily - this worked wonders for their PR - they managed to clean their image, because they had an enemy that looked even worse.

Make no mistake friend - Israel has never been the abused, and throughout their short lifetime as a state they have only abused. They have been conducting an ethnic cleansing in the area. The only hope Palestinians have is that history books write the truth, but seeing as how Israel's money isn't running out and their reach is long, even this seems unlikely - just look at all the support they still have despite their foreign policy being literally genocide.

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This is a very dumb comment.

Proceeds to write a very dumb comment.

Hey, I appreciate the honesty.

Then subsidize them for the recall, and take a percentage of their profits every year until it's paid back. How is it OK to pass on a manufacturer defect to all consumers?

"We Need to Start Befriending Neo Nazis.” (Mandel is Jewish.)

“Not nuking these fucking animals is the only restraint I expect and that’s only because the cloud would hurt Israelis,” she’s written about Palestinians.

Oh hey, looks like you already started making those friends. What a worthless cunt.

Yup. I'm in Automotive, I work for a company that makes software for basically any car brand you can think of. I just recently left an internally developed project that aimed to create a personal assistant in the car. It was terribly ran and will go nowhere, but other departments in other companies will probably have more success, especially since the rise of chatgpt.

To add to your point though - the main idea on how to sell this assistant to car makers was the features, but the driving force behind developing the project was customer data. Collect a huge amount of info from customers, info that is shared with the car brand, but also accessible to us. To give some credit, discussions were never about using it for evil purposes - imagine a secretary knowing their boss' schedule, our software would make suggestions like "you can't make your 1 PM luch appointment with the client, would you like to reschedule it" and "I see you're headed to Chicago and will arrive in 2 hours, should I make a reservation at that restaurant you like?" or some shit like that. But we all know that it's not the engineers who decide what the company does with the data once access to that data exists. And knowing where a user eats, having access to their calendar, having access to their phone... This shit can get out of hand so easily when a budget-oriented executive type decides it's time for this project to be even more profitable by selling the data to advertisers.

Last I heard before I left, the plan was to "get consent" to process this data through a disclaimer when booting the car's infotainment system, saying that attached devices share data with our servers etc. Read the manuals, ToS and pop-ups and don't connect your devices to systems that do this. You're already the client when buying a car worth thousands of dollars. Don't also be the product.

5 more...

I'll take the uranium. It doesn't matter what I blow up with it, the butterfly effect will mean the rest of the world is changed forever. Because fuck you, you should've asked before sending people to the medieval era.

4 more...

These are Apple's devices

But that's the thing - they aren't. Not once they're bought. At that point, they're my device, or your device.

Surely you can see how having a single supplier can be a bad thing, right? That supplier has no incentive to deliver quality. Why would they?

If you want to start baking cookies and sell them, you need to beat several bakers in your town and several companies in the rest of the country if you ever want to be successful and profitable. This is because there are already several well-established suppliers who have proven they make great cookies - why would anyone buy from you?

On the other hand if you're the only one selling - you can reduce cocoa content in half to save costs, you can replace quality ingredients with cheaper versions for the same reason, you can increase prices as much as you want - the cookie-seeking customer will still buy, because there are no other options.

Sure, you can also be the best baker in the world. You can put love and care into every cookie that leaves your shop. You can care about customers and make sure they get the best stuff, because you have a monopoly and you can enforce that view.

But in reality, what actually happens is that those decisions don't belong to you. They belong to the soulless company that only has one purpose: maximize profits. And you can be the best person ever, but if you're working for a publicly traded company you're at the mercy of shareholders.

Why would you want this? Forget about apple, why would you want this in any field?

1 more...

This reeks of small tits energy.

Oh shit, well if you watched an Instagram reel then it's probably true.

Note though how I'm here reacting to something different with neither fear nor judgement, just with sarcasm.

First time I ever seriously used Linux was for work, back when I was a developer. You'd have to pay me to use it again. I like gaming, but I don't like wasting my time troubleshooting games. Nor do I enjoy debugging random crashes/black screens in random drivers. Sure, it's fun, but if I'm gonna work for it, someone somewhere better be signing my overtime slip. Cause I get a few hours free per day, and I'd rather not deal with sigsegv anymore if I can help it.

Not to mention sound. My job as dev included using ALSA for some use cases. I don't know if you ever had the misfortune to need to do that or how it went for you, but if I ever need to touch that shit again I will scalp Torvalds with a goddamn headphone jack.

I installed windows 11 when I bought my last PC. I figured I'd give it a shot, see if it's as bad as all my dev friends say it is. You know how many drivers I've had to fix to make my games work? Zero. You know how many hours I spent debugging weird issues? Also zero.

There's a reason windows has a price tag. And part of that reason is that it works better than free stuff. I'm a believer in FOSS, but if you're a craftsman and you can't hammer a nail without needing to adjust your hammer every few swings, you should find a hammer that's not made out of silly putty and dreams.

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I recently had a game I was waiting for released on steam and epic. The steam version (with some supporter pack stuff, because I like the dev) was $100, while the epic version was less than $50(with the same extras). I considered for a moment buying it on epic, but then I thought - "fuck, it's epic games" and bought it on steam instead. I just couldn't handle the thought of epic fucking games being in charge of my ability to play the game. I don't trust them. Not even if all their shit is 50% off.

Idk much about business, but if you can't be trusted to be reliable even when you're offering massive discounts, maybe you don't have a lasting business on your hands.

When the opponent is weaker, the honorable thing is to give yourself a handicap.

Hell, he may name 5 if he guns down 5 of the current ones. Crime doesn't matter when you're the president, and the next 5 you name can agree with you. Or they can also be gunned down.

Well, indie studios aren't known for huge budgets - they generally don't include voice acting at all. Between no voice acting and AI voice acting, which is better?

5 more...

Fetus listens to TTS, but I abort every time chat talks about Logan Paul

Add a thumbnail of a cut-through, sad looking Logan Paul, a dead baby, the streamer face-palming and the LOL emote. Easy 20 million views

Why doesn't Biden just shoot this fuck? I thought presidents can't be charged for crimes they commit while in office.

My friend works from home he does all his work and in the down time he'll run errands, work out, and play pool at his local bar. Whatever. His work is fully completed and submitted and his performance views are top notch.

I had 2 people like that back when the pandemic started, the only "grown-ups" in the team - married and with children. They were doing some tasks manually but you could tell it's stressing them out because you could see them work until 8-9PM, sometimes even later. And you would constantly hear their kids in the background - probably a difficult adjustment to make at home in the beginning.

So I had to sit them both down and sell them on the idea of automating everything. They liked it (they prefer automating things also), but mostly said they'd never have time for it, because of all the priority stuff they need to work on. So I asked them to work on automating the tasks in-between other, more important ones, and if they were ever getting bothered by management, send them to me and I'd run interference. We came up with a plan, we had milestones for ourselves, the whole thing.

I had to lie in some meetings and claim we were working on what management wanted(and take a lot of shit for being late sometimes, or just flat out saying 'no' to requests, which didn't get me any fans either), but it was worth it in the end. A year and a half later, they were done. Instead of working together until 8PM, they were each working 2h per week by the end. The rest was their time to enjoy, I never asked how they spent it. Along the way, it was even visible how each automated task would clear their schedule even more.

A few months in, they started being really great together and working as a team, completely covering when the other was missing, not needing their hand held with anything... Just awesome to work with them. 4-5 months after we started, they were no longer doing overtime - there was no need to, the tasks which took the longest were now a script. 8-9 months in, you'd have trouble catching them both at work at the same time - they'd cover one for the other, and tasks would still get done. Easy to say to upper mgmt "yeah, they've been doing this intensive activity which usually takes a lot of time" - no questions asked. They would never drop the ball, and in return I'd never bother them about how they got organized, I trusted them completely to deliver on time and take care of the hiccups. Beautiful stuff.

We kept this to ourselves until we left the project (just a few months after we were done), at which point I had them create a presentation for management, showing how they improved the situation (wanted them to show off their achievements, it's not often that we get to do it. And maybe also allow the people taking over to understand why this was so important and to continue using the automated way instead of the manual way). I specifically asked for a page with statistics, cause I wanted to make sure the point got across. They proudly had that slide showing how the workload went from 80-100 man hours per week to 4 man hours per week. Upper management saw it, I could see the guy's eyes light up at this. Unfortunately they never understood how to use it and how to apply it to future teams. I checked back this year, they're using the manual way. Their loss.

Probably one of the best duos I've ever had the pleasure to work with. People with full lives and responsibilities, who got their work done, were reliable, were self-organizing, and the only thing they needed were some guidance and some backup when they were being pressured to finish some random donut's idea of "important tasks", and in return I could always sleep easy knowing that I don't need to worry about anything if it's in their responsibility, cause they will get it done. I appreciated them while working with them, and even more since not working with them.

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Men who go out of their way to evaluate women’s appearances and say they like women with no makeup generally mean they prefer it when women are level ten makeup astronauts who make full face look like “I just woke up this way!”

How do you evaluate that? I'm really asking, cause I've been in long-term relationships, so I've gone to bed next to someone who just removed their makeup and liked their face better without it, so please let me know how you evaluate that "generally" that's what men mean - that they like full face make-up?

5 more...

Sure. That's why the parent can look into what game they are purchasing, if it features multiplayer, if it connects you to voice chat, etc. And from that information they can make an informed decision - do I put my toddler in the VR headset so I can have some peace and quiet for the rest of the day, or do I maybe try to parent for a while longer?

Here's a generous disclaimer: Don't leave your kids next to me in a game. I'll trick them into giving me their gear and then teach them the kind of new words that'll make you pretend you don't know them when they bring it up in public. You can do with that information what you will.

They're talking about a chicken. Source: they wrote the word "chicken".

I have shat upon better people for lesser crimes.

Since we're 'what if'ing, what if we bombed the shit out of every Israeli embassy in every country?

Shit... is this why conservatives have such high numbers in polls even if they support turning your country into a shithole? Is it because Republican voters can't understand nuance in speech, so when they promise you things, you keep believing?

Wow, this is breakthrough-level stuff. Is everyone voting republican unable to discern sarcasm for example? Here - you have a really great view on politics. How does that statement make you feel? Are all republicans affected by this condition? Is every single republican out there actually on the spectrum and waiting for a cure for a condition they don't even know they have, because half of them lack the education to understand it's real? The ramifications of this are potentially yuuge.

Ah, but what if they have other speech/written text-related issues as well? Like how we've established you lack the ability to understand subtext, maybe you lose focus when reading long series of words. Are all republicans functionally illiterate or suffering from ADHD? Are you maybe too close to dementia to even be able to communicate cohesive thoughts? It's an interesting rabbit hole we're going down here. But hey, I probably wrote too much already, I'll give you a hand with the comprehension.

TL;DR: lol retard

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What the fuck do you mean crime is out of hand. Motherfucker, you had nazis putting people in concentration camps, your current crime is well in hand you literal fucking 16 year old. This is really getting on my tits.

Charles Darwin applied for an interview, you said? Yeah I've heard of him. Tell him to contact us when he's able to solve some differential equations. Literally unhireable fuck, who does he think he is.

I'm waiting for Baldur's Gate 3, I've been saving myself from spoilers ever since early access started. I got some time off work for the launch of the full version that's a couple of weeks from now, and plan to sink some good hours into that. Until then I'm wasting time with random games like Brotato, hades, hearthstone battlegrounds, diablo 4, civ 6 and a whole bunch of others.

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When you try to read the epic of gilgamesh and the first 5 pages describe how to pick ripe avocados smh

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What does congressional immunity specify about guillotines?

I can't believe that after all these years, people still think that a driver is going to see one cent of a delivery fee

Let's get one thing straight - if the customer paid a fee for delivery, and you didn't get paid for doing your job? That's your problem to solve, my dude. It's not solved by introducing a tip, it's solved by people refusing to work for corporations with bad practices, or striking, or unionising.

To be honest, I'm really getting tired of tipping. I don't see any waiters or delivery drivers trying to save my job from getting outsourced to another country, so why am I all of a sudden responsible to help them fight the corpos?

Americans are out here needing 100 degrees of magnitude between "it's really cold outside" and "it's really hot outside" while ignoring the scientific uses of anything outside of those values and you expect them to understand decimals?

How many "it's really hot outside" until iron melts, or water boils, or meat cooks? Fuck knows. But I'll be damned if I use punctuation in my maths, this country was founded on addition and subtraction and that's all the founding fathers ever needed, now gtfo with your letters and periods and symbols in my mathematics.

Please don't suggest that people call 911. Not in the replies to this article.