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Joined 13 months ago

You will never ever in any case be able to stop technology from progressing. Instead of fearing the loss of jobs, how about making sure that we can properly handle and integrate AI into our society with everyone benefitting from it?

Stop the defeatist attitude, get politically active and help kick conservatives and fascists into the ditch where they belong.

14 more...

I don't see a problem with it training on all materials, fuck copyright. I see the problem in it infringing on everyone's copyright and then being proprietary, monetized bullshit.

If it trains on an open dataset, it must be completely and fully open. Everything else is peak capitalism.

9 more...

It's just abuse and people are most often helpless to leave. Actors are just normal bags of meat too.

Calm down, that was a general statement that is true. If your circumstances don't allow it, that sucks.

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Not sure why the others are lying - disliking a platform is not a reason for spreading misinformation.


They are paying eligible users based on karma and gold.

Of course, the program is more of a "see, we have something" than a proper revenue share because of the "get at least 10 gold" criterium and all the other hoops you have to jump through.

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Look at you with your emotional maturity and introspection. Not sure you fit this place! :)

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To jerk himself off about being a genius businessman.

Something similar happened to me just last month with the person I called my "best friend".

He had been having personal issues for the past year that he can't figure out on his own, but he's generally someone who can't honestly take responsibility for himself and regards his opinion as the word of god, basically.

He has been putting me down often in the past, even though he said he "always looked up for me for the peace I found". I never really cared much for those words of his because I knew they came from a place of deep hurt.

However, he has not apologized once and at some point I started asking myself why I was calling this person my (best) friend. Well, after his last lashing out I just gave up and cut contact. I was trying a lot to help and understand him, but how do you help someone who went to 4 different therapists and called them all incompetent?

You don't. They have to figure out that they don't live in reality themselves, and I was not going to tolerate his disrespect anymore - I have enough other friends who treat me well, and my life honestly has not changed at all. He is not an interesting person anyway, all he can talk about are games, his pain and his delusions.

So what I'm trying to say is - cut your losses. This person, for whatever reason, does not want to gove you the respect you deserve, and that is alright. There are a lot of others who will, and those are the people you should put your energy into.

Lmao living in filth and being proud of it. Congratz, you're the epitome of intellect!

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These things are often saved in entirely different places, so no, that is not a stretch.

Inscryption. What a masterpiece!

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Check out openvas.


I use Nessus professionally, they are somewhat similar. I can't decide which one has the worse user interface.

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"Always" is a really strong word that you should not be using in this context since it's just not true.

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Not Ruby sure what you're saying, but I dream of getting strangled by a Python that can't C#. 🤤

Lemmy is a collection of mostly contrarians who feel superior, it really isn't better than this for the most part.

Telegram is a security disaster.

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How are people still hyped like this for video games? I personally haven't been for a very long time because most of them are just money-grabbing shit.

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Sorry, but you got offended for nothing. OP rightfully pointed out that it's crucial to link to what you're talking about... You taking it personally is completely misplaced.

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Vucic on his knees in front of dictators, cock in mouth.

Because good journalism isn't free and the expectation that it is leads to societal downfall ;)

It's not as vulnerable but it still is.

Interestingly, Android is the only operating system that fully immunizes VPN apps from the attack because it doesn't implement option 121. For all other OSes, there are no complete fixes. When apps run on Linux there’s a setting that minimizes the effects, but even then TunnelVision can be used to exploit a side channel that can be used to de-anonymize destination traffic and perform targeted denial-of-service attacks.

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Adam Ragusea has great videos on mashed potatoes, even talking about exactly your point:



You really have less than zero idea of what you're talking about, this is actually hilarious.

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The EU is a collection of people of various political leanings, parties and affiliations. You cannot, in this context, throw them together under one word.

They keep trying to make money so they don't go under if/when Google pulls the plug on their easy money.

Soviets* ;)

.. could.

Or he (and anyone else) could go and do one of 20000 other potentially way more interesting things with their life.

Imagine that?

Yeah, authoritarianism and nationalism are very fragile when looking behind their mask.

IPv6 is not made with internal networks in mind lol

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Copyright for individuals is to be respected. But corporations? Fuck them.


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I'll be talking about digital signatures which is the basis for such things. I assume basic understanding of asymmetric cryptography and hashing.

Basically, you hash the content you want to verify with a secure hashing function and encrypt the value with your private key. You can now append this encrypted value to the content or just release it alongside it.

To now verify this content they can use your public key to decrypt your signature and get the original hash value, and compare it to their own. To get that, they just need to hash the content themselves with the same function.

So by signing their videos with the white house private key and publishing their public key somewhere, you can verify the video's authenticity like that.

For a proper understanding check out DSA :)

The point is that green energy, so solar, wind, etc. is cheaper, quicker, easier, and more sustainable while providing everything that is necessary.

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Removing those draconic entry requirements would be a start.

It's not an excuse, it's an explanation. There is no community here, there are many. Your words, unfortunately, ring hollow.

There are a few communities here that are great, but so many from the front page are just toxic junk, be it regarding economics or politics. I find myself closing comment sections and not interacting here way more often than in the past on reddit - so much childishness, it's quite sad.

But I also have to say that I find it too annoying and empty here to properly build my front page with my interests, so I'm just cruising on the Everything page. Since there are no limits here for Everything like on reddit, of course I (we) have to dig through all the intellectual trash too. I want to block that toxic shithole hexbear so bad.


That's really clever, you finally got me to dislodge this turd. Thank you!

You're really trying to make this more complicated than it is. Should they just call it NASA? NASA Streaming? NASA VOD?

It's just a catchy name.

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Infringement depends on the use, and they are not selling it - they are informing.


You can see it here too: https://www.uasvision.com/2023/07/07/french-navy-holds-at-sea-anti-drone-exercise/

Though unfortunately I cannot really find the model, "BADA" as it's called in the article returns nothing.