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Joined 8 months ago

He and Thatcher were instrumental in bringing neoliberalism into mainstream politics. Neoliberalism differs from classical liberalism in that its about freeing capital and not people. This directly led to all the problems we face today with a government that used to be by and for the people but now the only people the government serves are the corporations we gave out rights to.

We have to stop thinking about news media as being the fourth estate and realize that it is a business. Their business is reliant on the status quo, in not rocking the boat. With advertisers like weapon manufacturers: Raytheon, Northrop Grumman: oil companies Exxon, etc and big pharma. They have a clear profit motive to not do journalism and to run whitewashing propaganda campaigns as their business model.

Some news orgs lie outright and others through omission. Either way they have a clear bias and an interest in guiding a narrative.

Its not about being cowardly or timid. Its about profit. The serve the same monied interests that buy our politician's.

48 and don't even answer known numbers.

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We have lost control of our governance completely long ago. We let corporations become people while we became a product.

A gardener's love is different from that of a square.

I've always thought that duplicate's should be somehow grouped together in some way and not outright closed unless it truly is a true duplicate without that nuances. If questions that are similar can generate differing quality answers it would be beneficial. Then linked together as a group.

He and his co-conspirators are what gitmo was built for and where they belong. Traitor's and terrorists the lot of them.

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I'm in the process of deleting my posts in a few accounts in preparation to delete them.

Reddit isn't the same place it was when I first signed up. On so many levels it proceeded to get worse year after year. Shitty mods, paid political bot brigading to drown out discussion, general discourse devolution, innovation decline of generally loved features are some of my biggest complaints of that platform.

Don't get me wrong reddit was always a bit of anarchy, but the best comments somehow managed to rise up. Not so much anymore. Maybe I'm just getting old and some of the comment contents don't interest me in the same way it used to.

I don't mind being part of this community even though some of the sub's have less activity. The activity seems to be of a better quality for the most part imho.

For me I don't miss reddit at all.

Likely glaciation, the bottom rock was likely on the bottom of an ice sheet and millions of tons of ice moving over it over time had smoothed it out.

The top rock is probably from many miles away and was carried and placed there from the receding glacier. To me the top rock looks like it is a completely different type of stone then the bottom.

I'm starting to think that loosing this election is the dnc's plan.

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Country wide general strike. Tank the stock market by withholding the engine of commerce. Demand to reforge our democracy and if needed eat the rich.

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Nationalize his business and sanction all his assets for aiding and abetting the enemy and working as a foreign agent against the US and our allies. Lock him up or deport his ass to Russia.

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He never meant speech in terms of the spoken word, he only ever ment speech in the terms set out by the highest court dictating that money is speech.

It's a misery index. A measure of how much wealth can be extracted from the working class and given to the wealthy, nothing more.

Still running on my GalaxyS4. Lite, stable and reliable.

var mc = new MovieClip();
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Eleven. Twelve!

Check out testdisk file recovery.

Spoken like a true child of Atom.

I pray to Joe Pesci, because he looks like a guy that can get things done!

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QI with Stephen Fry was absolute gold! Sandi is great too. Anything with David Mitchell is awesome. I think my favorite is Johnny Vegas, that guy is a riot. Bill Baily, Phill Juputus,Sean Lock coming to think of it there wasn't anyone on that show I didn't love.

Marsupials are strange and awesome like that.

From around the same eara Chuck and Eureka are pretty fun and lighthearted as well.

There doing what now?

I go out of my way to offer to return peoples carts for them, generally anyone but especially women with children and the elderly. To me its no big deal to mash a couple carts together and return theirs with mine.

Cowsay, figlet, telnet, misfortune, cava, xscreensaver are a few that come to mind.

That's why my mom bought me an Amega 4000. It was a birthday present. Never got that Video Toaster and never did get into animation back then but I had Brilliance and used it allot. I cant remember for sure but I think I remember the os being more Unix like. God I loved that machine!

Ever since I saw Beyond the Minds Eye I've wanted to do computer animation.


Any closed circuit security systems, ones that aren't cloud based will come with an NVR (like a DVR) that hosts your recordings locally. Most are wired but some support wireless as well. Generally more expensive but in my opinion worth it.

My mom bought a simple setup for I think 3 or 400 dollars at Costco.

INAL but law enforcement can still request or subpoena your video if they suspect a crime has been witnessed by your cameras AFAIK. But at least you'll know about it.

Corporations only obligations are to make profits. The left has been and will always be a threat to corporate power and as such has always and will continue to rely on the power of the people. There is simply no incentive for corporations to align against their purpose.

Bought Starfield, still can't play it. Linux, nvidia no MUX switch. Starfield won't use the discrete GPU. Doesn't even know its there. Thrown every launch option I could find at it. Uninstalled and hidden now. Worst purchases I ever made on a game.

Oldrim and Starfield are the only bethesda games I didn't buy on super sale. I'll never make that mistake again. I even purposefully bought it without waiting for sales to throw some support to the devs for building the majority of my favorite games I've ever played.

The up side is that after about two weeks of tinkering I bought Baldurs Gate 3 on a whim. Been playing it non stop ever since. I might not have bought BG3 if bethesdas didn't have such a shity unpayable game at launch, so in a way I thank them. BG3 has far exceeded my every expectation. What I thought would be a mediocre time waster turned out to be the best game I've ever played.

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How'd you get the beans above the frank?

I love my little zebra jumpers! I often think of them as pets and try to give them a good life. Sometimes I move them to where some food is. Relatively harmless and playful.

Generally there is the rule of three's. Three weeks without food. Three days without water. Three minutes without air. Every one is different and circumstances under any of these conditions may very but it's a good rough timeline.

Beer has caloric value but I'm unsure how long that would keep you going.

Good luck, hope everything works out and you can get to a place that makes you happy!


One of the reasons Trump appeals to the oligarch class is he will put an end to democracy before the younger generations get a chance to threaten their power.