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The race started with Hillary having a commanding lead because the superdelegates were allowed to pre vote. It was clearly intended to manipulate the voters. Let’s not feign ignorance.

The delegates all predicated their votes to make it look like Hillary had already won before the elections even started

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I don’t. She was predicted to be the weakest against Trump during the primaries.

I wish the democrats didn’t force her, the candidate that was predicted to be weakest against Trump and the only one likely to lose, through the primary with every trick they could. The democrats tried to skew and steer their own voters and we all lost because of it.

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“Democrats are liberal/progressive”

In reality, they’re pretty conservative.

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Wasn’t he the one who made a bunch of ridiculous demands? This car seems like it was designed by Homer Simpson.

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Aren’t performance improvement plan’s really meant to give the employee a task that’s representative of what they are failing to do, so they will fail, and then you can fire them with proof of poor performance?

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Or all billionaires are scum who have written the laws and ensured that the fine for this is no more than an annoyance and removing the sign without a permit was a worthwhile risk and the right call to make.

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Police need to be made to fear the law. Until they do they will continue to be sadistic monsters.

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Everyone is joking, but an ai specifically made to manipulate public discourse on social media is basically inevitable and will either kill the internet as a source of human interaction or effectively warp the majority of public opinion to whatever the ruling class wants. Even more than it does now.

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I’ve always gotten strong Ellen vibes from Fallon.

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My favorite is “Java is slow” said by someone advocating for a language that’s at least 10 times slower.

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I’m skeptical of this article, but I know my own usage went to almost 0 because of how awful the bots and trolls are now. Blue checks are prioritized in the comment section and they’re usually awful people or maybe paid trolls or bots, and it makes the app unusable and unpleasant. That’s really the thing that killed it for me.

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This sounds like it’s exactly what Broadcom intended. They are going to charge as much as they can and companies that depend on it will have to pay until they can move away and that may take years. Broadcom didn’t dig a hole. They triggered a trap on their customers.

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I wonder what percentage of people who would be put off by Budweiser caving to bigots so quickly would actually regularly drink Budweiser in the first place?

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What isn’t covered by HIPPA?

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Manipulative, interactive sex workers are not the same as “nudity”.

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The original meme was mocking him, but just like the Chuck Norris memes, people will be too stupid to realize that.

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This feels so much like a cyberpunk story. It’s so dehumanizing and has such disregard for humanity that it feels like a perfect match for the genre.

I’m really starting to understand how old people get to a point where they no longer want to keep with the times. This is gross.

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When Republican states start doing this to democratic candidates for basically no reason, then democracy is completely over.

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Where was that? I found compsci to be an extremely supportive environment where almost everyone was trying to help each other.

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One of those groups are corrupt government officials and the other is citizens compelled by law to do their duty.

A full time job that paid $12500 without benefits for roughly 5.5 months of work if they release 3 videos a day, 7 days a week with sponsored content. No one should take that.

Edit: fixed missing 0.

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Does this include “forced to penetrate” so male victims can get some justice when they’re raped by women?

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Also, why wouldn’t the board fire him for saying that he isn’t going to to his job?

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I know exactly one person who ever survived that process. I know a lot who were fired and found the whole process to be humiliating from start to finish.

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If I was more paranoid, I’d say that the fucking stupid bean meme bs that happened right when the Reddit api shut down was awfully convenient for Reddit.

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FF16 sold really well though. Square Enix likes making unrealistic expectations for their games and they do it every time. I don’t think they even believe their expectations are real. The real reason for their share loss is increased operational costs.

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This does seem super anti democratic. Banning things for only people of a specific group made up of people who were born into it is pretty gross no matter what it is. If it’s worth banning then it should be banned for everyone. Or no one.

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Back then, that was a pretty damn normal thing for people to say. It’s really awful that that it was so normal, but hopefully most people regret saying things like that now.

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Still not ok.

If you’re technically competent enough to have a mobi locally and send it to a kindle, then you’re technically competent enough to convert it, so it’s not a huge deal. I agree it’s weird though.

Honest question: what non-piracy reasons are there for having a mobi file locally and not already having it attached to your Amazon account ready to download straight to your kindle? Did anyone but Amazon ever even sell mobi files?

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Tiffany was a really common name in Ancient Rome.

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I think he was trying to dump Tesla stock without making it look like he didn’t have faith in the company. His plan was always to say he was buying it. sell a bunch of Tesla stock. Back out of the Twitter deal and walk away with a ton of cash.

He tried to get out of it based on a bunch of bullshit and then was surprised when a judge actually forced him to buy Twitter.

You help economic classes and people in need. If the people in need are primarily of a specific demographic than that demographic will be helped the most… along with everyone else who needs it. And you won’t get poor people from demographics that aren’t being helped fighting you. You’ll get their support instead.

Most people don’t consider this to be a danger because it’s such a rare situation that it’s newsworthy when it happens.

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Essentially popular music is made via assembly lines owned by manufacturers now.

  1. People churn out beats.

  2. Other people lay down gibberish lyrics to set a melody to the best from step 1.

  3. The best from step 2 get, writers, actual lyrics and an artist.

  4. Artist records

  5. Engineers heavily rework the recorded vocals

The companies that run these assembly lines aren’t going to rock the boat like that. Writers that neither made the music nor will have any part of recording or performing are making a product. It’s not a passion project, so they aren’t going to write protest lyrics either. In the 60s and 70s, there was a lot of popular music that really was made by individual artists and bands.

Today, there is plenty of protest music. It’s just not popular music because it doesn’t have as much industry backing.

They stand for whatever the ruling elite that own both them and the conservative propaganda networks tell them to stand for.

Unfortunately if the U.S. gets really bad, everywhere will get really bad. If Trump does putin’s bidding, then it will creat power vacuums around the world and will lead to wars. Leaving might be less safe than staying.

Or it won’t be as bad as predicted and it will just be very bad. Then I’m not sure.

Tech workers often don’t make enough money for it to make sense to live in the city long term unless it’s really important to them. If they have kids, this goes double. A lot of people commute from upstate and that is a hellish commute, even by train.

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