
0 Post – 68 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ah so the Lemmy World server isn’t a Raspberry Pie? Nice.

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Yep AI at best can supplement talent, not replace it.

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This is what rehabilitation feels like

Rings of Power and Wheel of Time were crushing in their ability to deliver disappointment.

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Watch how they steadily increase the price now (which they’ve already been doing)

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For a shitpost this is quality

Ffs this is literally what most people predicted when these developers doubled down on the shitty direction of the new Saints Row.

Exactly I’m tired of all these capitalism apologists. The aim is to innovate, there must be a more decent way to monetise or profit. If pursuing such hardline tactics means profitable at the expense of your customers and enshitification of your platform, I’d urge you to reconsider your business setup.

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I know right? I’ve barely come across any porn

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Who the fuck asked for this?

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I hope so too, but history has shown us time and again that sequels are usually worse off compared to the originals ;)

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Nah I’m with the guy above, I’m sure they’ll find a way to fuck this up

Sir, explain

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I don’t get it?

The beauty of the RE engine is that it looks fucking spectacular while running like a dream too

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I always groan when I seen an article start with Chinese scientists

I’m out of the loop on this - what’s the deal with acorns?

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I don’t get it?

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This is Valve thinking ahead - when we invent the ability to respawn, we can just log back in like death never happened.

Controversially - I loved Dishonoured and the sequel but couldn’t figure out Prey

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Haha were you ever wrong?

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You’re also eating a piece of art which in 6-8hrs be yet another entirely transformative piece of art

That’s not what the pic is implying. The pic is implying that yes, while third world countries don’t need vpn as their isps don’t care what they download, the downside of being in a third world country is the god awful internet speeds. It’s not saying a vpn would improve the experience.

So it’s not just me? So glad!!

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Every time I see a news article like this I’m confused as it seems Republicans are clearly putting their own voter base down, yet continue to be supported by them.

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I’d like UK politics but not US - how should I go about this?

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I see charisma as an innate quality and panache is something you put on.

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You might enjoy the new Zelda game

I’m going to take a guess - survival.

From my experience so far most things in life can be found cheap, moderate price and expensively priced. However there’s a point of diminishing returns on your investment ie after that point you could spend loads for marginal gains. Find this point see where on the graph you can afford it.

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Sounds like game development has become toast. Burnt and crunchy.

If they pee on us can we get some of that trickle down economics?

Is it bad that I only recently discovered this site?

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Aww adorable #relationshipgoals

Oh my god…

Correction - clearly he likes flying xD

Oh man can we not make the fediverse an outlet for US politics doom cycle?

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Yep! I remember being genuinely surprised by the amazing graphics of RE5 and DMC4 back in the day!
