5 Post – 110 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Like every PvE game which does not have hundreds of people working to churn out content, its playerbase will dwindle until only those who do not get bored by its gameplay stick around. Whether it's Left 4 Dead, Payday, Deep Rock Galactic or Vermintide, those types of games follow this pattern...

And I for one, see no fucking issue with that. It's a great game, people play it until they have had their fill and then move on. Helldivers 2 is only an outlier because of how hard it hit at launch. It absolutely does not have the content pipeline to keep a large playerbase engaged, so yeah it will not keep printing a lot of money, just a little bit every now and then.

Now excuse me as I go and spread some managed democracy.

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Vivaldi is closed source and based on Chromium (albeit modified), so it does not sound all that appealing. As long as uBlock origin, NoScript and Tampermonkey can unleash their full potential in Firefox, I'm likely to stick with it.

On the other end of that spectrum, I have been playing this game on and off for the last 12 years.

You can hear a more detailed explanation on VLC's stance from the man himself (JB Kempf) in the FOSS pod S1E11 episode around 22:10.


  • Not that many threats become lawsuits
  • Patent trolling is countered with publicly accessible prior art
  • Having no money is also a good deterrent

I would say it is more of a practical consideration. Private trackers generally enforce upload/download ratios. This ensures the health of the sharing pool stays good.

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Fuck me, that is some quadruple-A-level bullshit from our man Yves. I played the closed beta and I am sorry to say that this game is going to tank, hard. Its gameplay loop is waaaay too simplistic to be making those grandiose claims.

The new MW3 steam reviews are locked until its official release, as is always the case. People are venting where it is both possible and making some sense.

The author likely is aware of this and just likes to poke fun at angry CoD fans.

tl;dr: Watch what you put online and who you friend, especially on Steam. Once itโ€™s on the internet, itโ€™s there forever.

That right here is very much what it boils down to. Whether it's SteamHistory or The Internet Archive or whatever public or private data store... Any information you publish is out of your control as soon as you do.

Be your own streaming service, and keep using the FireTV stick with the Jellyfin app.

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It's kind of amazing they chose to go with that design, when they hadthe benefit of hindsight with recent superhero-backed games:

  • the live service Avengers game flopped pretty hard
  • the singleplayer Spider-man games did gangbusters

"Well duh, let's try and make one of these live service games".

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Ordered-ish by recommendation:

  • SUPERHOT (it's the most innovative shooter I've played in years)
  • Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
  • Sayonara Wild Hearts
  • Carrion
  • Planet of Lana
  • Jusant
  • The Artful Escape
  • The Gunk
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Let's go with some good non-AAA games that were not sequels and never got one either.

Single player:

  • Baba is you
  • Brothers
  • Mark of the Ninja
  • Vanquish

Better in co-op:

  • Astroneer
  • Deep Rock Galactic
  • Nine Parchments
  • Outward
  • Renegade Ops
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$200M ain't no pocket change. One would hope such high-profile failures as this or Avengers would curb execs enthusiasm for live service games, but I'm not holding my breath.

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Here are a few picks off the top of my head:

  • Control: TPS, open-ish world, present day setting, solo only
  • Deep Rock Galactic: FPS, mission-centric, sci-fi setting, solo & co-op
  • Generation Zero: FPS, open world, sci-fi setting, solo & co-op
  • Kena: Bridge of Spirits: Action-Adventure, open-ish world, fantasy setting, solo only
  • Outward: RPG, open world, fantasy setting, solo & co-op
  • Remnant: From the Ashes / Remnant 2: TPS, open-ish world, sci-fi & fantasy setting, solo & co-op
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Welcome, you're in for a treat !

  • If you stick to verified games on Steam, there is little need for tinkering, if at all.
  • If you do want to tinker, this well is so deep it can become a hobby in and of itself.
  • As for recommendations for single player games, there are so many and often heavily discounted. Somewhat randomly, I'm going to suggest Prey (FPS, scifi setting) and Sniper Elite 4 (TPS, WW2 setting). Get them on sale !

I do not know, but the Vinegar people give it straight:

Also last time around Wine support was broken for like 6 months and no one found a workaround. It was Roblox devs who re-enabled it later.

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Honestly even the very best VR-only games are only interesting because they are in VR.

Half-Life: Alyx is IMO still the best of those and it can be played outside of VR thanks to mods... But in that case it's a curiosity, not an actual good traditional game.

HLA in VR is incredible though and I wish there were more games like it.

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Still, it bears reiterating lest some start believing in the marketing they spin. No company or division of a company can be a friend to anyone. Even PC darling Valve isn't ! (and I say that having spent thousands of euros on Valve's products and services)

Sure he's an exec. He's also one of the devs who started Arrowhead 15 years ago to make Magicka. Given his track record, I would give his word more credence than those of the likes of Yves "quadruple-A" Guillemot or Bobby "packaged goods" Kotick. His comms when the servers were on fire felt genuine.

That means the community servers running on leaked code are now the de-facto official servers, doesn't it ?

Has such a thing ever happened before ? Usually these servers are at best ignored, and at worst being threatened or sued into shutting down.

I've been an engineering manager myself for the last 10 years and one thing I have also found is that I still like doing hands on stuff. You have to manage your own motivation, not just that of your team(s), regardless of what the "ideal way" to spend your time looks like in your environment.

Sure as a manager you have to plan, communicate, go to meetings, handle conflicts, prioritize tasks and so on. When all is said and done, keeping a slice of time doing what originally got you in the engineering business in the first place, might be just the thing that keeps you going.

It was OK but not great. I used the official dock and had frequent peripherals issues which could were only solved by rebooting both the SD and the dock. Turning it off and on again is more a Windows that a Linux thing usually, so that was disappointing.

On the software side, the "flatpak" way of applications delivery usually works well, except when the Discover "store" randomly chooses to offer downgrades instead of upgrades. I used software such as Firefox, GIMP, LibreOffice, OpenShot, OpenRGB, LosslessCut, LocalSend with no hassle.

As expected, gaming performance on a 1080p screen was not as smooth as the native SD screen resolution. I would not recommend it for games needing a bit of oomph unless you are fine with sub 30fps.

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Here are a couple I played back in the day:

  • Oni (Bungie, 2001)
  • Remember Me (Dontnod, 2013)
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I've been using Keepass for years for this ! And yet in the fever of tinkering with the hot new toy back then, forgot to save the password. But yes, this time around I did save it ๐Ÿ˜… .

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Debatable, likely because Google pretty much killed it.

If you're not in a hurry, get the OLED.

Yeah well, some of the most popular games in the world like Fortnite or Valorant cannot be played on Linux. Hell even Roblox which used to work was broken for 6 months this year due to a new anticheat (until it got fixed).

As for Xbox Gamepass ? Streaming only. Using a Thrustmaster wheel ? Fortunately someone is working on that, but not everyone is willing or able to build and load their own drivers into the kernel.

Setting aside potential "hurr hurr don't play these games" comments ; there is no way around using windows if you want access to all PC games, not just some PC games.

Good for them !

And since Epic is publishing the game, this is one rare case where it's legit for them to make it exclusive to their storefront on PC (as opposed to swooping in and offering timed exclusives deals to third party devs for distribution). Then again, it likely means this one will not be coming to Steam for a long time, if ever.

I have been using it for the last ~6 months and found it to be very useful and easy to use. Transferring stuff between Android phones, Windows 10 & 11 PCs and a Steam Deck (i.e. Linux PC) has been a breeze.

This game is so good I can't stop playing, even through its server woes and annoying bugs.

Yup, seems like the larger the company the more they gravitate to placing fewer and larger bets. After all, why be satisfied with some money when you could attempt to get ALL of the money ?

Except a lot of these bets are lost, and they do not come cheap. We'll see about this one but it looks bound to have the same trajectory as Avengers (which had in fact a pretty decent campaign, followed by a mediocre grindy live service "endgame").

It does not look like Dead Space is getting any more patches. However in my recent (last month) experience it was very much playable from start to finish with very good performance on my PC (i9 10850K / RTX 3080). I guess your mileage may vary.

I do not know about Jedi Survivor yet, because I am waiting for it to come to EA Play. Last patch was in October so it looks like it is still maintained. Recent Steam reviews do still mention technical issues though.

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It's not just EA unfortunately. Plenty of multiplayer titles that could run on SD are prevented to do so because of anticheat.

Hell even Roblox used to work until they broke it with anticheat a few months ago. My kid was not happy with that.

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Complete written instructions are in fact in the video description, too. Here they are, for first timers ๐Ÿ˜‰

  1. While the Steam Deck is powered off, hold the 3dots (QAM) and turn on the Steam Deck.
  2. The recovery menu will appear. On your keyboard highlight the 3rd option - CURRENT (OS Boot Menu) then press enter.
  3. The GRUB menu will appear. Highlight the 1st option - SteamOS then on your keyboard press "e" to edit the boot options.
  4. Press down cursor on the keyboard until steamenv_boot is highlighted. Press "end" to go to the end of the line.
  5. Enter the command - systemd.debug_shell
  6. Press CTRL-X to boot!
  7. Once SteamOS loads, press CTL-ALT-F9 on the keyboard to access the root debug shell.
  8. Enter the command - passwd deck
  9. Enter new password and retype the new password.
  10. Once done, press CTL-ALT-F1 on the keyboard to go back to game mode.

Amazing game, but its servers are not keeping up with demand. Being too popular is a good problem to have, until it's not.

You could buy the game on Steam, get the source code archive and then refund I guess. Or keep it anyway to play, I understand it's quite good.

NGL, I'm really digging what they are showing in this marketing campaign.

I mean... Nothing is stopping people from setting up ad-hoc PvP matches, is there ? I think Magicka PvP started as a grassroots thing back in the day, before there even were proper arenas in the game.

No more RIF means I can't use it on the shitter no more.

Aaaand off the wishlist it goes.

Here's the late TB piece on the original game: WTF Is... - Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons ?

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