Goodbye Roblox on Steam Deck to Steam – 103 points –

Well, shit. Unfortunate news from the Vinegar Discord: Roblox will block Wine in future releases.

This is going to end my "Steam Deck as a primary desktop PC for my kid" experiment.


And nothing of value was lost

It's an extremely popular platform for kids, and I think anything that will get kids trying Linux instead of windows is something we should want working.

Some people just hate fun, it seems.

Roblox kids are future Linux admins, anyway. May as well let them get started under Wine.

How do you even block wine? It's a compatibility layer? Even if you block it someone will just add a fix to get around it eventually won't they?

I do not know, but the Vinegar people give it straight:

Also last time around Wine support was broken for like 6 months and no one found a workaround. It was Roblox devs who re-enabled it later.

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Why block Wine? It's gotta be a tiny fraction of their user base.

There's a gamingonlinux article which might explain a bit.

Very roughly, a few alterations to the anticheat to make it work on Wine made some of the anticheat's workings apparent, which in turn allowed people to work out new exploits.

Wine is an excellent tool for reverse engineering. Additionally, we had to disable many antitamper checks to make Hyperion run on Wine. This has allowed interested parties to learn a lot about the internal workings of Hyperion, relevant to both Win32 and UWP. As the initial shock of Hyperion’s release started wearing off, many people have begun discovering the various angles through which one can learn more about the inner workings of Hyperion.

As to why all the anticheat stuff matters so much, I'm not quite sure.

As to why all the anticheat stuff matters so much, I'm not quite sure.

it's probably not about anti-cheat but something with collecting data which is probably easier when you install a rootkit

2 big reasons I've seen.

First is idiot csuite/suits at the top who think linux = haxxing and they somehow lose business by supporting them.

Second is kind of true, that people have trouble running on linux and go to official forums asking for help, or leave negative reviews that they couldn't get it to work, which isn't fair to the developer.

Wasn't it unofficial support? The kind of "at your own risk" stuff linux users get from everywhere.

This is going to end my “Steam Deck as a primary desktop PC for my kid” experiment.

dual booting windows is always an option...

It's not hard to dual boot with Windows. I set it up with one of these:

What if I don't want to use windows? What if I find windows to be buggy and unstable and all around just unpleasant to use? What if I don't want to have to reboot my PC or my deck every time I get the slightest urge to play shitty simulators or one of the millions of backrooms games?

I wonder if it's possible to get running via waydroid, ofc, not really an option on SteamOS, but outside of that.

Why not realy an option on SteamOS?

You need the binder kernel modules such as binder_linux which aren't included in the SteamOS kernel as well a needing to config up systemd services, etc.
Updating SteamOS will break all this do to it's image based "immutable" nature.

Some applications just require Windows. You have to acknowledge that if you're going to use a non-Windows device.

I have the same discussion with my wife every time some website doesn't work. "Are you using a real browser or are you in Safari?"

I think you're missing the point that it is working and they are intentionally breaking it.

Not unusual, Bungie does the same thing only actively banning non-Windows users.

Right, someone else does it too, so that obviously makes it OK right?

just because doom runs on everything not every software needs to run in any environment. it's a shitty move to actively break working things but in the end they are not obligated to anyone but their shareholders. and if they think that is what they need to do then let them.

And apathy is why so many businesses are getting away with anti consumer practices.

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