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Joined 12 months ago

Your average friendly nihilist from Finland.

Found my wifes disapproval, even before I even had a chance to buy the detector. It wasn't just cool, it was cold.

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If you had said 'I can't do it, I have been trying that for two weeks'.

I would have said 'going great, keep on it'

Your fingers need to harden to play more than punk rock.

Like every one after that it made a greasy mess.

I know a lot of people that have started with Metallica - Nothing Else Matters.

So much so that it's locally almost corny.

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It's time again to buy dozen games cheap I never play.

At least get a picture of a F-117. Putting up an image from the game with a random aircraft is just lazy.

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From a viewpoint of a 40+ you are practically the same age.

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If you work hard and long hours for the company, you'll advance in your career and become esteemed leader and collect rich rewards.

"You", but in Chinese.

Thats a take away box. You're safely at home and not in a public place, soon to be beaten to death.

Is this about the shitty copper delivery and bad attitude at customer service?

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In Finland we steal dynamite from construction sites and do some sudden nightly dismantling. No crackheads needed.

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Sorry Mr. Zuckerburg, but I'm gonna pass on your wonderful new service with pubic hair logo.

Your company CEOs golf buddies from the real estate business are complaining that they are losing money because rental office space value is dropping. It's the only reason.

At some point they'll cook up some funded research to show that remote working is detrimental in various ways and soon the 1% will demand the end of remote working, due to looming economic Armageddon. However bs science takes time.

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You can put shirts with swastikas on both of them and it still wouldn't surprise me.

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People usually worry because "Can you do something about it -> Yes" involves something unpleasant or work intensive stuff with strict time limit.

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Introverts unite ٩( ᐛ )و

^oh, wait...^

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So the term "old wives' tale" is still holds up?

Is he deliberately trying to be a clown?

They say Russia is nice these days

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Before Ukraine Russia funded right-wingers because they were anti-EU. Some of them were quite open about it. I don't think anything has changed. Money just takes a longer route and people keep quiet about it.

Trump is ready to leak anything to win browny point with millionaires and billionaires. Would also probably sell he's two sons, but nobody wants them. 'Only he matters', like he once elegantly put.

That just means its rewatchable.

Try the movie Primer and then come back to that. Then watch Primer again. Then mix in a little bit of Annihilation and start over.

Extra points if you're stoned.

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You don't need to be in IT, you just need boomer parents.

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...and no remote work! Office real estate will loose it's value banks become sad.

Reddit was the only service I used. The day my favorite 3rd party app stopped working. I gave them the finger and created a lemmy account and installed Jerboa.

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I don't shower before work.

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Maybe not yet, but soon. I'm a member of the first gaming generation. I started with C64 and various 'standolone one game hand consoles' that Nintendo built back then before NES.

One thing you have to understand is that in the 80's males older than me thought gaming was for children only. Only childish nerds were interested about such things. "Cool" kids feared they'd get socially ostracized if caught using a computer, let alone playing video games.

This attitude is still quite strong in 50+ and fact that we revert back as we get old makes it worse. From their perspective it's same as giving then shitload of legos/dublos to build stuff and they will resent you for insulting their dignity.

I think in 20 years PCs and consoles will be basic hardware for nursing homes.

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It's all about unused office space and it's value.

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There was no written language, so he probably pulled out his hollow log, drummed some impressive beats and impressed his homies with song about shit-death-berry that everyone remembered and repeated.

...or his song was shit and nobody cared till the next poor sod shit himself to death.

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Yeah. It's all video games.

Nothing to do with years brutal bullying, social excommunication and schools "boys will be boys" attitude.

My employer sells "stocks" to employees that don't show anywhere and you can only sell them back to the company after two year. Exchange also isn't immediate. Company chooses the date.

They really want people to buy those things and are heavily campaigning for it.

They also give a small amount of these stocks as bonuses to people that have performed well.

When I say to people that buying those "stocks" just gives the company free loan, they look at me weird.

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It'll be opt-in, till it isn't.

Yeah. That's the worst.

They used to hang out with flat earthers and earth centrics, but I'm guessing they had to cut out some of the crazy stuff to appeal to larger audience, with the less tangible stuff.

So, what is "Russian elite troops" these days. Non-conscripted?

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It's not stupid if it works. I can even see some artistry in that.

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You're gonna give the world a new STD. Use a rubber.

Straight out of republican voting ballots.

But the mold, it's just reaching the age of enlightenment.

Aww. China invading Taiwan with Super Soakers.