0 Post – 132 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The series shit the bed with the online only bullshit with small maps, and then Cities Skyline came along shortly thereafter to steal their lunch.

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Didn't Ubisoft make a statement afterwards that they would not be deleting accounts that have game purchases?

The title is a bit click-baity. Even the article acknowledges that Ubisoft has stated they won't be deleting accounts that have purchased games. That's no excuse not to take precautions, of course, but it feels a bit like fearmongering, and the world has far too much of that these days.

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Rogue*. I'm not usually that guy, but this particular typo makes me see red.

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towing the company line

Just an FYI, it's toeing in the idiom, not towing. Thought you might want to know.

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Oh look, yet another fucking post complaining about new users posting about their experiences switching to Linux. This should be a welcoming community welcoming to all Linux users new and old.

But what, practically, is the difference? If more and more websites use shit that only works in Chrome or Chromium based browsers, the effect is the same. The web doesn't work as well for Firefox users.

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One of my Cats is officially named Cat. The other's called Later.

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I can see why you might think that, but that's not how it works. All of the text is downloaded up front, but is hidden initially. It is made to appear as you scroll, but it does not get the text via additional web requests. If you view the page source, or inspect element you can see it all there.

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For anyone interested, that's called a palimpsest.

a manuscript or piece of writing material on which the original writing has been effaced to make room for later writing but of which traces remain.

Well... not that shocked.

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There's absolutely nothing scientific about Homeopathy, despite what its practitioners would have you believe.

DS9 gets way better in the last few seasons, IMO. Worth sticking with it.

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I'd argue that Ears is even better knowing he's deaf. And what does he care, he can't hear you anyway.

Well yes, ultimately that was the problem in the end. But they had 2 good releases under EA before that happened. Somewhere along the way EA went entirely to shit and Sim City was one of many casualties.

Yeah, that is indeed the joke I was making.

Emacs Org-Mode is pretty powerful, but can be a bit of challenge to learn at first.

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Using the web-ui, on this post there is an icon made up of two squares. It's right next to the star for saving the post. That's the cross post button.

There's no flying in atmosphere at all. To do what the parent commenter says would require going back to orbit (loading screen) then choosing a spot on the planet to land (another loading screen). When you land like that on planet, it generates an instance for you that is procedurally generated, but won't contain any of your mission markers. (I haven't actually tried that part, but I've seen others talk about it.)

The game is basically areas, separated by loading screens. You get in your ship, that's a loading screen, you fly to orbit, another loading screen. Then in orbit if you want to go to another planet, you set course and do another loading screen. Once there, you choose a spot and land for another loading screen. There is flying in space, but it's limited to small instances with some other ships, and POIs. Your ship's speed is very slow, and as far as I've been able to tell you cannot walk around your ship while it's in flight (this may be a limitation of the controller controls, I saw a streamer stand up in flight, but I don't know if that was a bug or not. There's no binding to stand up when you are in flight on controller.) I just wasn't holding B long enough, you can stand up when you are in space, you just have to hold the normal binding for longer than I expected.

All that being said, I'm still enjoying the game. But I went in with low expectations.

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We used to blow tobacco smoke up people's asses, literally.

I’ve never heard of that type of action occurring anywhere else.

There were a couple of high profile cases in Canada a while back.

I had a similar problem with one of my displays going wibbly like that every time I rebooted during POST and system boot. Only going back to normal once X started.

When I checked my monitor's display settings when it was wonky, I found that it had the refresh rate set to 14hz and really strange resolution. Turns out it was the display port cable. Replacing that fixed it right up.

I'm not sure the game is popular enough to get quite the modding support of the community like previous Bethesda games.

Yep me too. I don't eat cookies often, but when I do. All of the cookies!

Right, someone else does it too, so that obviously makes it OK right?

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Someone, somewhere thought it looked cool and marketing people have been copying it ever since to make their site "pop".

I ended up googling cancel prime membership, and that led me to a page with a cancel button.

I hate it too, but irregardless has officially been a word in dictionaries for years now.

I will take that under advisement.

Personally, I'm finding all of these complaining posts to be far more irritating.

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I can't see the name Crash and not think of the 1996 movie with James Spader. Which is weird as fuck.

It's in contrast to something like LaTex or markdown, where you edit the syntax for formatting directly and don't see the final result until you preview or save it.

If you want that block quote to format correctly, don't indent the >. That way it will turn out like this, instead of a single line that can't fit on the screen without scrolling (some mobile clients like Sync, probably show it alright, but the web client certainly doesn't.):

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Not only that, but it comes off as some weird replacement kid for their dead son. The Pitch Meeting is fun

What you've said is technically correct (the best kind of correct). But the word cattle is also used to refer to other similar animals such as Yak, Bison, Buffalo.

Merriam-Webster defines cattle as

: domesticated quadrupeds held as property or raised for use
specifically : bovine animals on a farm or ranch

Cambridge defines it as:

a group of animals that includes cows, buffalo, and bison, that are often kept for their milk or meat

And Oxford as:

cows and bulls that are kept as farm animals for their milk or meat

Wikipedia is more specific and defines it as:

Cattle or oxen (Bos taurus) are large, domesticated, bovid ungulates. They are prominent modern members of the subfamily Bovinae and the most widespread species of the genus Bos.

Not disputing your fact at all, just clarifying that words often have multiple meanings and meanings also change over time according to popular usage, so saying cattle means livestock isn't necessarily wrong, it's just not as precise as the technical definition. And the more people that use it that way the more correct it becomes. As I dove deeper into the topic, I'm seeing evidence that suggests that Cattle is also an American term that means Livestock, but is marked as archaic. Which honestly makes sense as the word's etymology is the following according to Merriam-Webster:

Middle English catel, cadel "property (whether real or personal), goods, treasure, livestock, (in plural cateles) possessions," borrowed from Anglo-French katil "property, goods, wealth," borrowed from medieval French (dialects of Picardy and French Flanders) catel, going back to Medieval Latin capitāle "movable property, riches," (in Anglo-Saxon law texts) "head of cattle," noun derivative from neuter of capitālis "of the head, chief, principal"

Anyway, good fact nonetheless.

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That person seemed to really be struggling with the controls. Either that or it's their first time ever playing a video game.

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Or how about all the words that are spelled the same but have different pronunciations.

  • Invalid - The data is invalid.

  • Invalid - The old man is an invalid.

  • Content - I'm content with my lot in life.

  • Content - The website's content is full of ads.


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I saw this getting traction on Tik Tok a few days ago warning rightsholders they have until, I think, Mar 5th to pull their content from the platform.

But the constant criticism of these new users posting in this community makes for a pretty unwelcoming community. If we want Linux's market share to grow and become more relevant to the average user, and we really should, then we need to be a welcoming community that encourages new users. Not a community that is hostile to new users. The good news is that it seems the majority of users here aren't complaining. But the complaint posts have been increasing it seems, and I'd personally like to see that stop.

Instead of complaining, if you don't like a post downvote and move on.

Krieger (The character int he GIF) built himself a virtual girlfriend.

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This is English, but Canada specific as far as I know.

"Fucking the dog" - means to slack off, particularly at work.

"I fucked the dog all day at work today" basically means I got nothing done.

It is distinct from "screw the pooch" which means to fuck something up badly.