1 Post – 91 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

No. The open source drivers are better at almost everything. The only reasons to use the propriatary one is if you need some OpenCL improvements of if you are using a Radeon Pro GPU. For normal usage and gaming the open source driver will offer more performance and better compatibility.

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For anyone wondering what this is, I'm pretty sure it's the Crooked Forest in Poland.

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Once ALVR becomes even remotly usable on Linux im wiping my windows partition and going full Linux (I'm already using it for everything exept VR)

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What's wrong with world? (serious question) I know that ml has tankies and such but I've never heard of issues with world.

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Dosen't that depend on the type of bond between the atoms? Ions are created only if there is a ionic bond. Water has covalent bonds so it dosen't create ions.

Seems that the DMCA only concerns distributing the modified ipa and not the patches themselves and most android projects don't distribute apk, only the patches so they should be fine. Tho I will still run through and clone all the revanced repos.

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The "get a better computer" response to slow software is unfortunetly more and more popular especialy among game devs.

"Our game runs like **** on your 2 yr old top of the line pc? Just get a 4090 and a 13900k. Its not our problem that the game eats 21GB of VRAM and takes up 700GB of storage."

Ticket printers use a special thermosensitive paper.

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Like: advanced phisics engines - some of my favourite games are phisics sandboxes

Dislike: equipment durability - it rarely adds any difficultyand is most times an anoyence

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Side note. What you posted is just the RAR archive. The actual file is much worse.

Approx. 163 cm

Pretty sure that Revanced still has google tracking since its a patched version of the official app.

Also if anyone here intends to use it: Please be careful. The real revenced site ( has awfull SEO and usualy appears way below fake websites (that sometimes spread malware). The only real websites are and the github.

Also you have to patch the app yourself for copyright reasons so don't trust and websites that offer a direct apk of revanced (the real website offers a manager app that you can use to patch the official app)

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You forgot to include the sketchy link

Unless you overclocked you deck the SoC will automaticly slow down if the temps get high preventing damage.

Not if you do "/*". The warning only appears if you try to remove "/"

Intresting. But I'm curious about the performance.

A bigger LLM (mixtral) already struggles to run on my mid-range gaming PC. Trying to run an LLM that isn't terrible on a standard laptop wouldn't be a good experience.

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Thats a good solution only if you:

  1. Don't use BS software that refuses to run in a VM.
  2. Don't need proper graphical acceleration.

Depending on what OP need on windows this could be a problem.

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ClearURLs is an extention to automaticly remove tracking elements.

Don't forget about Madisons accusations

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Are you sure your using the official (propriatary) drivers? Sometimes just installing the official drivers isn't enough and you still might be using the nouvau drivers. Run lspci -v find your gpu and check whats listed as the Kernel driver in use.

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Not realy. Youtube for example uses stuff after the "?" to actualy specify the video you want.

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Only testing. The default repos got it just now

No. Its an ad.

On one hand preventing kids from developing a social media addiciton is good. On the other this law will probably cause a lot of issues. Some issues that i can think of on the spot are:

  1. How exactly do you verify age. Kids can just lie about it and social media platforms requiring a national ID is a stupidly bad idea just from the privacy concerns. I don't want every website to have my ID because:

    A. This would make tracking people between platforms much easier.

    B. One data leak from one website and milions of people have their govt IDs available on-line along with names, phone numbers, e-mail addreses and possibly even addresses (from billing information) and answers to security questions (from posts)

  2. I'm worried that this will cause a lot of social media platforms to go the way that youtube went, ie. no NSFW, swearing or anything even remotly not kid-friendly.

DAP - Digital Audio Player - a dedicated device for playing music. Usually will offer higher quality playback then a phone.

SD Card - Secure Digital Card - A common standard for removable flash storage

IEM - In Ear Monitors - A type of headphones

OP is saying to buy this stuff and have your music downloaded as normal files on the SD card.

What software is this?

Just a note for people wanting to install it:

The only official website is and , all other websites are unoffincial and can sometimes spread malware. Unfortunetley the official site has terrible SEO and shows up very low in search results. Also the revanced team dosen't distibute prebuilt apks for copyright reasons, you have to patch the stock apk yourself.

Just gonna leave these completly unrelated links here:

uBlock Origin (Web):

Revanced (Android):

Newpipe (Android):

SmartTube Next (Android Based Smart TVs):

uYou+ (iOS):

Looks like seank got a new job at motorola

Revanced. Just be carefull google is full of fake downolads. The only real site is or the github

I guess i need to update revanced

The Nvidia X Server Settings is quite limited but im pretty sure that it can do color correction, but i noticed that on Pop OS the app needs some extra tinkering to get all the options to show up.

Try running it from the terminal and see if any errors show up. I remember it threw some errors about keys or smth and because off that a lot of options would be missing (including color correction).

The brittlenes apparently depends on the form it takes (polycrystalline or single-crystalline). And while there are some radioactive isotopes of tungsten most of them are synthetic and only made in a lab. The vast majority of the tungsten found on earth is stable.


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Lithium iron phosphate. A type of lithium battery chemistry.

What are the advantages of Wayland?

The big one is proper support for diffrent refresh rate monitors and VRR. Also some security improvment and long term support (X11 probably has only a few years before development stops).

What are the disadvantages?

Its still a little buggy in some cases (especialy when using Nvidia hardware) but with an AMD or Intel GPU its more then usable. Some apps don't play nice with Xwayland but its pretty rare.

How's gaming?

I haven't encontered any major issues with games. Some games might need launch parameters but usualy you can just google it and find the answer very quickly. Performance its exactly the same as on X (maybe even slightly better)

What would be the best way to switch?

On your desktop with KDE you can just select "KDE (Wayland)" in your display manager and KDE should just run like normal but with Wayland. On you laptop you'd need to switch to a diffrent WM since i3 dosen't support Wayland. Your best bet would probably be Sway since its compatible with i3 configurations.

Why have you made the switch?

I wanted to check out how well Wayland works and found that it works fine for me, and so i decided to move. Also X was giving me issues with screen tearing and multiple monitors.

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I think a pi hole dosen't work for youtube ads.

Piholes rely on blocking DNS requests to ad servers, but on youtube the servers that host the videos and the servers that host the ads are the same thing.

I've made a post on their meta community ( ! ), hopefully an admin will see it and will take care of the situation.

I like btop because of its ease of use and modern gui. When I open top or even htop it feels like I'm using something designed for a dumb terminal from the 70s. When opening btop it feels like something designed for how computers are used now and not 50 years ago.

Also to my knowledge It's the only full system monitor to include GPU monitoring (while other GPU monitors exist they usually only monitor the GPU and not the whole system)