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Joined 1 years ago

Brewery process engineer here. The reasons beer doesn't need as strict of regulation in terms of food safety and in terms of labeling is twofold.

Part of that is because it's lobbied to keep it that way, because if you put numbers down they're not great (no surprise)

Part of it is because beer's pH and alcohol content makes it nearly impossible for human-harming-pathogens to grow. On the scale of danger for you from a food safety perspective, beer is low.

NA beer is full strength beer with the alcohol removed. It goes through the same kill steps and processes as normal beer. Alcohol removal can be done a few ways (RO, filtration, boiling) but is I think always or effectively always followed by pasteurization.

Not saying it should be beyond labelling, but that's the reasoning why it's not a high priority for labeling like food.

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I have about a hundred hours in it. Here's some scattered thoughts:

–The devs clearly care a lot and it's a labor of love. They communicate well, provide updates, listen to feedback, engage with the community. They're lovely.

–the game has a fun series of mechanics, good visuals, good music, fun vibes. It's a bit.... Sandboxy, towards later in most runs. I don't know what to do with my settlement come cycle 12-15 (cycle is 12-20 days or so). I wish there was a little more of a goal for it, like scenarios

–good mod support and map making. People have made some dope maps for it

I'm gonna continue to revisit it as campaign/scenarios evolve, as mechanics are added, and as I want to get my beaver vibe on

The dream? User swappable battery. I would gladly trade up for that

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Massive F1 fan here.

It's more of an engineering sport than a driving sport. Don't get me wrong– the drivers are absolutely top notch and do an incredible job and it's entertaining to watch. But since it's sooooo engineering and development based, you cars that perform different on different tracks (cuz of elevation, temperature, track design, surface).

It's pretty neat; worth a watch sometime!

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I stopped using reddit, I'm on my phone a lot less. It makes me less angry and more present, and I really like that. I also comment more, as many of you have said here.

I really miss Ask Historians. It'd send me down some lovely rabbit holes, get me reading books about niche topics I never knew I wanted to learn more about.

That was hilarious.

Also no way only Sacha baron Cohen is acting in this, right? Like a few others are in on this, surely

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Holy, I had no idea it didn't auto clear the cache. 6 gigs! Well, thanks for that Internet stranger

The (absolutely gutted) organization for requiring things like nutritional information is primarily responsible for keeping people safe in the foods they consume. Should it be on there? Probably. But on the scale of things to do it's so absurdly insanely low with so many horrific things ahead of it that it probably isn't gonna happen. Nevermind the fact that it's lobbied against pretty hard at the same time.

I think it probably should have nutritional and allergenic info required on it, but hearing the horror stories of my friends in food safety who go to plants that produce dangerous products with so little rules and oversight, I can't imagine thinking it's a good idea to take any amount of FDA time and attention away from that for things like beer.

Most big breweries have nutritional info on their site for their beers, fwiw.

I've been loving Liftoff. It's completely free and ad free, feels as good as any of the "big apps" to me

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As the other commenter said, there is a lot less dependence in Stockholm on cars than most places. Sweden has extremely low poverty rates anyway, and has pretty.good systems in place for the poor

On mobile: long press on the comic itself

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Also subscribing for roller blade ball bearing facts

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That'd be pretty interesting if they could pull it off

I use VoidTools Everything for searching. It's absolutely lightning fast and super powerful.

The built in Windows search is such garbage

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Computing power and storage! By the day. It's but a silver lining with regards to the price hikes of everything all around, but it's something

I'd watch that Numberphile video

It started off a little slow, but imo it was better than the main game. It's both a little more streamlined and better story-wise. You probably should play the main game first

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Okay, I'll bite

First off, I totally agree! People are my much nicer here and the little notification is often a nice thing.

So I read a bit of your post history. I'm not the -most- socially aware but I'm assuming sans-proof you're not actually Margot Robbie. So like ... Why? Is it a promo thing? Weird quirk? Actually an actor doing "normal people stuff"? Do you actually use Arch(why?)?

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Holy shit that is absolutely bonkers.

Yeah, if you've played DnD 5E I'd say you're already well on the way to knowing how BG3 works technically. If not, it's prolly a bit of a learning curve but the game does start soooorta slow at level 1, though 4 characters is a lot. Look up some common archetypes!

And 5% lower weight!

Done! Thanks for making this visible. It wasn't too hard at all. Hopefully this will help everyone be able to continue spot passing

日本語:十一 + 二 = 十二 + 一

It works in japanese just fine, in large part because it's (written and phonetic) just "ten one" and "ten two"

I think you're correct. Super gross

Does it just ellipsis off (...)?

One tap on the alt text fixes that

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Holy hype batman. I'm so stoked!

This 1000x. The "I could do this the whole time??" Moments are so incredibly cool, and I've never felt smarter than when we pieced together the final puzzle

These all sound like emulator-ideal criteria to me!

There's a lot of non-free versions of that which are super reasonable and meet all of your other criteria nicely. Stardew Valley, Slay the Spire. Games that are full games for a one time low cost.

Yeah, a few "natural disasters" or random whatever's would add to the mid/late game. Once water is stable, it's easy to thrive anytime. Bad water is a nice mix up for that for sure.

And yeah, big time machine energy.

I'm so stoked that TUNIC is starting it off

There's a setting to make it less scary in the menus now!

I just can't put Hades II down! It's not finished, and I'm running up against that more and more. But the polish is incredible!

Hey that's our train of thought! Shopping now and it seems like a great contender.

I so wholeheartedly agree with Tunic. It absolutely blew my mind to complete. I'd love to experience that again.

I really hope you can actually shitpost your way into an Oscar and thanks for the reply potential-future-Oscar-winner-Margo-Robbie. I liked Barbie!

That's amazing, and the best reason I've heard to start using Arch. I kinda like that no one even gets it, and I'm always a tiny bit sad that package manager doesn't make their loading bars pacman eating dots

Okay now's my time to shine. The words "emoji" and "emoticon" are false cognates, as in they aren't actually related. Emoticon is a few-decade old word to describe emotion+icon, like :)

Emoji is Japanese (kanji - 絵文字) for picture-word, basically. It super outdates computers.

They just happen to sound similar; isn't that fun?

Or even just living on charger then, but yeah that would be sick!

I totally agree. It's not like the ~7-1700 time for my sunlight hours is super intuitive. If it was 23-11, I'd be fine after a few months, and a lot of problems would be solved.

I'm glad you can see the alt text! It's the best part sometimes