0 Post – 145 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Please stop calling Macron's party centrist. It's right wing and has always been, regardless of what they pretend.

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Please stop posting good reasons to use Linux, I already feel bad enough for the poor people stuck in Win$ and MacO$

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That's true, and it's a subset of another reality: execs are ruining life.

The article talks about sudo and doas being SUID binaries and having a larger attack surface than run0 would. Could someone ELI5 what this means?

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I don't think you understand how hard and resource-intensive it is to fight against the nipple crowd. I for one am grateful that they chose to do something about the real issues ! Yes, a world with free nazis is kind of a bother, but most of us would survive. Can you imagine the horror of a world with free nipples ? We would all be doomed, that's for sure. /big s

When I said "fuck that racist piece of shit", it's not what I had in mind.

Meloni is a trash politician who pushes Italy towards fascism, but I find it appalling that she's being degraded specifically as a women this way.
There are enough valid criticisms and enough ways to satire her shitty views without sexualizing without her approval.

I hope she loses in all the other domains but I hope she (and all the other people who have to go through this kindof stuff) wins this thing.

In the Paris area, there seem to be more and more recent reports of bedbugs. 3 of my friends actually had to move after the treatment of their flats failed.

Idk how bedbugs feel about the cold, but our winters are getting milder, resulting (among other things) in an increase in mosquitos population.

They still miss the "declare here the wages you stole"

So we replace the latest straight incompetent piece of shit with a gay incompetent piece of shit. I guess it's good for gay visibility and I hope it'll bring intolerant behaviour down.

As for the youngest part, Macron is our youngest president and has been hell-bent on destroying our social system and having the far-right rise for the past 7 years and shows no sign of becoming smarter.

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Is there a reason why you didn't list "using the web client in firefox and install none of their crap on my machine" among the options you consider ?

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The world feels very lonely when you care about linux.

Le Figaro and Le Point are two trashy nationalistic and regressives papers anyway, so if they didn't like it that's a good sign.


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Or the immigrants.

I don't get the comment here, they didn't 'express their opinion' about Israel. They behaved like a bunch of lunatics within Google's offices.

Yes, they did express their opinion on the ongoing genocide. They did that in a fashion that disturbed the workplace - which some comments seem to deem holy ground that should never be disturbed by anything - but they did express their opinion.

If you want to protest Google's actions send a signed letter of resignation stating the reason, send it to the press and form a union of techies that won't work for companies that work with Israel recursively.

Iirc they tried some regular stuff before resorting to this method. Also, it's always funny how when people try to change things, they never seem to do it the right way.

On a side note, I like how none of them mind building mass surveillance tools, pushing ads, Google-China relations, etc... But Israel's genocide is trending, so they jump on that. What a bunch of shallow fucks.

Well congrats on being less of a hyprocrite than the rest of us.
The world is shit, nothing goes in the right direction, and some of us are more sensitive to some issues than others.
I mean I despise alphabet and their business model, but I also understand than people are less horrified by their work being used to serve ads than it being used in a genocide. And again, I hate that ads exist.

Protestation and strike are supposed to inconvenience the higher ups, please stop advising to use methods that don't disturb anything.

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Share prices catching up to reality, good one 🤣🤣🤣

In France it's illegal not to allow them to unlock your phone once they take you to the station. That's why most of the time we clean our phones or use burners during civil desobedience actions.

Thanks for this summary that's a lot better than the title which implies they went to Russia voluntarily to "get wives".

Thanks, I didn't know that Time was supposed to do journalism. I get it now !

Waoh, someone invented frequent incremental auto-save !

Too bad this is not included in the title (or subtitle) !

First, thanks for doing the work of checking sources for articles posted here, I believe you add value to the conversation.
This being said, I happen to disagree with you - here's why.

There seems to be a common misconception about bias and trustability.

The site you linked to has two ratings: factual reporting and bias.

Factual reporting is determined by how they do their jobs: do they check their facts and sources before they publish?
ABC news australia is voted 4/5 on that scale, which I'd say makes them pretty trustworthy - most of the time, they report accurate and verified information.

Bias is the way you choose the informations you report and how you comment on them. For exemple, while reporting the same information "billionaires are now x% richer than last year", a left biased paper could comment on how non billionaires are getting poorer and a right biased paper could list the billionaires and applaud their financial choices. As a strongly left biased person myself, I'll ignore the right biased paper nit because I think they're lying, but because I don't find their commentary relevant.
Everybody and every news source is biased, and it's okay. There is usually no neutrality possible when you do journalistic work, because your job is to provide context and commentary around the facts that you report.

IMO, bias is not a metric helpful to determine credibility, and I find it a little detrimental that the site you linked to has bias and fact checking displayed at the same place without providing a better differentation between the two.

On a side note, the pursuit of a fictionnal "journalistic neutrality" supposedly devoid of any bias has been and still is weaponized in the french news, where women, muslils or people or color are told they can't report on subjects that they know well because they are supposedly too close to the topic and wouldn't be able to stay neutral. While of course cishet white privileged men can report on those subjects because they are more "objective"...

IIRC the vaccine was not free. Governments paid for it, so we all did pay for it.

You don't get paid money "just for existing".

You get paid money to pretend you enjoy the company of the guy who tips, even if he's the biggest piece of shit you've ever met. You get paid money not to hit him in the balls when he says sexist and degrading things about you. You get paid money not to break his nose when you hear him saying racist stuff to his friends. You get paid to say "remember, no touching" with a smile instead of pepper-spraying him when the guy touches your ass although you explicitely told him not to before.

You don't only get told you are beautiful and sexy. You also get told that you'll only have value as long as people find you beautiful and sexy. You are not complimented on your ethics, your intellect, your achievements - and you know that these would not get you any tips if you didn't have a body men 20 years older than you find beautiful and sexy.

Please stop romanticizing sexual exploitation in a capitalistic world. It's at least as stupid as romanticizing the grind, or the billionaire's success.

These scooters were not a low-pollution way to move around, at least not in France. In Paris, they were so abused and treated like disposable stuff that they had a very short life. All in all, they emitted as much co2 per km per persone as a commercial airplane.

Other towns had better luck with cheap long-term rentals including repairs and battery replacement when necessary, this made people behave more responsibly.

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Neither a hexbear or a lemmygrad, but there are humans on both sides, I don't see how you could deny that.

Should the perpetrators be prosecuted and punished ? Of course, and I hope nobody ever argued the opposite.

Should the current political, army and economy leaders be destituted, trialed and imprisoned ? Yeah, no doubt.

But should all of Russia and its inhabitants be bombed "back into the stone age" ? I really dont' think so. I mean, following this logic, we should bomb USA, most of Europe, China and probably many more countries where the authorities allowed and encouraged hateful and violent crimes to be commited for their own personal gain.

I live in France, and we have a history of destroying lives in other countries for no real reason. French governement officials are more or less friends with industry ceos whose companies have used and still use armed militias to maintain instability in African countries via violence, intilidation, murder and rape in order to get resources cheaper. And it fucking sickens me. But most people here don't even know about it, and we have (for the most part) free press.

So I'm guessing it must be really difficult for a Russian resident to really know what's happening in this war and on the frontlines, and I'd wager your average Russian doesn't think torturing kids is ok.

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CS2 linux version has some issues. Sometimes forcing steam to install the windows version and to run it via proton makes things better.

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Microsoft sneakilu trying to achieve dominant market position and go for monopoly ? That can't be right /s

Our flag means death - comedy about an english lord becoming a pirate, their crew and adventures. It's funny, cute and often heartfelt.

Who could have guessed that giving strength to the far-right for the past 7 years in order to face them instead of the left in national elections could lead to the far-right winning elections ?

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Time to deactivate autoamtic updates in case they fix the bug before I can visit !

IIRC they usually try to push you towards installing their spyware desktop client and the option to join the meeting from your browser is made as less visible as possible.

Sounds great for the planet ! /s

I don't think anyone uses the "we are destroying the earth" in a litteral sense. Common acception is more along the lines of "we are destroying the ecosystem we live in".

Is there some drama I'm not aware of here?

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Nah, it's a matter of personnal preferences and use case.

I love CLI mainly because it allows me to sceipt suff, but lots of people don't mind actually seeing what they are doing and clicking on stuff to achieve it.

It's a good news there are piracy tools with a CLI, makes it more accessible to more people - and we should rejoice about it.

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You also need full root access to you bank's machines.

I'm totally out of the loop here, would someone be kind enough to give me some context ?

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Wait till you hear about the aviation impact on climate change !

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