5 Post – 274 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's your fault, accept the shame and teach her.

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And highly processed foods?

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Yes, but no...

For a basic user, who does not expect to be doing anything special beyond opening existing programs, or using programs downloaded from the package-manager its possible to never touch terminal.

I have two kids who daily drive Manjaro based light gaming PC's, they never touch the terminal, but they also dont administer their systems, I do.

I do use the terminal, frequently for updates, and some specialized tasks like minecraft mods which require unpacking files and sometimes fixing permissions.

So my TLDR, is that its possible to be a USER without touching the terminal, but I dont think its possible to be an administrator without.

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Depends on your goals but right now AMD is eating high end thin and lights for dinner. Their new APUs are more powerful, more efficient, and have better graphics than anything from Intel.

But Intel is also still good and very available with more choices and lower cost due to the higher demand for AMD.

Both are great Linux choices, but ARM/Apple are currently not great for desktop.

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I think that is the most frustrating part, is the main criticism is take time, get it right, and that seems to be something that Linus totally ignored in his response.

He is laser focused on the criticism of a single video and missing the greater concern being raised.

They are still selling literal boat loads of Oil, just not as much to Europe.

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My elderly neighbor was struggling to use her front door because the walkway had pulled away from the porch.

So I ordered some hand rails and got some pavers and made her a half step so she can safely use her front door and walk her dog.

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To late already formatted and installed lineageOS and f-droid

Narrator: it was.

The part of this that really makes me mad is that brother use to be the chosen one but they pushed a firmware update and now I have to pry the chips of first party toner and glue them into generic.

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Only because the Democrats have contributed to support a failed and broken system because it sometimes kept them in power.

Conservatives have been openly stating their goals for the last hundred years all the Democrats had to do was stop supporting the status quo.

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The goal is to break the government and had been for years. They don't even pretend to govern.

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If the choice is starve or work for this company, then yes its ethical.

If your skills and experience can transfer to other companies and jobs, then no its not ethical IMO.

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Coke wants you to remember that it's your responsibility to make sure their bottles get recycled. So remember to put them in the recycle bin not the trash!

If I ever do something dumb that requires this type of public hearing please make sure this kid is the one doing the public roasting.

Omg.... You fired all the check out people and now your mad that people are stealing from a faceless for profit company!

Will anyone think of the investors?

Easy: I'm Vegan, and by the way I use Arch.

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But he's rich, worth billions, and he's the perfect kind of criminal to bond why would he have issues?

Even treated this is me 😭 Vyvanse helps Zoloft helps but this is still my daily struggle.

Oppression, economic disenfranchisement, implicit slavery, oh yeah and racism.

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RIP 11 year old tablet, hopefully I will still have access to unofficial ROMs that are being updated.

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My Nexus 7 still lives and it's running Android 12. I use it for mostly YouTube these days.

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Can we please impeach him and revisit all his judgements while he was being bribed? (fixed link)

the actual recording... and wow. I just dont even know how we can reach people like this. They are so convinced that they are the victims and that anything done to them is infringement on their right to hurt others.

I dont want to be a doomsayer but I think this country may be really screwed, without focused deprogramming they are convinced that the democrats want communism. Which is insane, because the democrats want status quo, and corporate oligarchy.

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I am not going to worry about it, sounds like a problem for my IT department since they are the ones who insist I use windows for work.

Me, I will be just fine on my Linux gaming PC.

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I dont see any issues!

/me hides his 16 4tb 12g SAS drives.....

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The sooner the better. How else will you make sure we have a white Christian nationalists government before the election.

Why would a billionaire need a bond? Could he be lying about his wealth?

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I would still turn off auto updates.

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Just going to hope that the Democratic institution is strong enough to survive another 4 years.

Its not a TexMex taco, its a Beaner taco... Its not a race car, its a beaner car.... Substitute with any other racist name or description and its easy to see why its not ok.

Nothing. I would need to be compensated for my commute and honestly I would need a driver so I could work on the commute. And the salary I would need to justify working in an office I'm just not worth.

So any company willing to meet me here clearly has bad management so I don't want to work for them anyway.

Most cameras are self hosted but they are not marketed to consumers because they require running cables to them either for power and/or data.

Reolink camera with onvif so support can be connected to Frigate or Shinobi.

Hikvison and Dahua are common Chinese brands that have lots of options across lots of prices points but are treated as insecure or hostile iot devices required closed networks.

Costco often has camera and NVR packages that are passable.

Whenever possible make sure any camera you get is onvif so you can use it with any NVR or software.

He was just listening to Moscow in his ear price and his attention drifted.

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Opensource FOSS civ clone based on Civ 5. Works well as a mobile game which I enjoy because decent mobile games are hard to find.

Narrator: it's not.

they wont until the leopard eats their face. They assume they are part of the in-group and will be shocked when they find out that they were never part of the in-group, Trump is the only member of the in-group.

Would not recommend this. It's fun to tinker with but a poor substitute for real cameras.

Open source would be amazing!

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O man, this is one of my jamb's!

  1. Conduit: not required, you can run through walls with cable, but!!!! Any time I open up a wall for any reason I run conduit. I chose to run metal so I can run power in the future. Running "smurf tube" or PVC is perfectly ok for networking. The big advantage of conduit is that you can leave a pull string and/or fish new cables easily until its full

  1. YES!
  1. Use interior walls as much as you can. Very often you can find closet walls and interior walls that have almost no electrical in them and have no insulation which makes running cable very easy. I would avoid exterior walls as drilling into the top plate near the roof line is a tight space and running fish tape with insulation is a pain in the butt.

Example of a decent interior wall that should go from basement to attic even on a multi story house.

I like to use low cost bike hooks to keep my cables off the ceiling in the attic that way im not walking all over them they are very affordable but are not great for long pulls as they drag on the cable jacket. real J Hooks that are designed for cable are $$$

I ended up installing 2x 3" PVC conduits from my basement rack through a closet wall into the attic. From there I run cable through the bike hooks until I get to the wall I need to do the drop in, and then I drill a hole in the wall top plate and drop my cables down that wall.

I always try to drop my cables along side a vertical stud so I will cut into the wall BEFORE i run cable and do so directly adjacent to the stud. I dont install the box until the cable is run, but I use the cheap new construction boxes and just cut the nails off rather than use more expensive "old work" boxes

Some drywall screws in the side of the box going into the stud are more than enough to secure it.

When cutting the box in I find the stud (use a magnet, never trust a stud-finder) measure to the middle of any existing boxes or outlets. I then measure that hight out about about 1" from where I expect to find the stud, and I cut in the direction of the stud with my drywall saw. Once I hit the stud I pull out the saw, and I align the box center to the cut, and the edge to the vertical stud. I trace the outline of the box using a pencil and then cut along that line. If you do it this way it should end up level, the same height as other outlets/boxes, and be permanently secured so it wont fall out like some of the cheap low voltage cutin's that cable companies LOVE.

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