Do you think it is ethical to work for a company that builds drones, weaponry, or supplies parts to the military? to No Stupid – 156 points –

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If the choice is starve or work for this company, then yes its ethical.

If your skills and experience can transfer to other companies and jobs, then no its not ethical IMO.

If the choice is to starve or work for this company, then it's pragmatic to work there. No, it's not ethical. That being said, not everyone is in the fortunate position where they can let their ethics decide where they work, and there is nothing inherently wrong with that.

Yeah most engineers in defense work aren’t starved for jobs, but in fact are paid the most by military contractors. It’s like Snowden working for Booz Allen Hamilton, government contractors pay talented people a ton to advance their goals and keep their mouth shut. But they could make less working somewhere else

How far do you take it?

Work in food supply that feeds the people who make end weapons?

Working in that industry you're creating food. It's purpose is to nourish people. Working in an industry that makes weapons to harm, and kill is intrinsically different.