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Joined 12 months ago

Do you really want to work for a company that allows their HR department to abuse AI as a tool?

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Once again, ad blockers prove to be a great security measure.

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His argument is:

  1. A lot of people were using poor adblockers.
  2. Youtube can block the bad ones but struggles with the good ones.
  3. People switch to the better adblockers (some of which require a subscription)
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OP: "Hey, guys! Here are some objects that hack the nature of reality."

Posters: *Uses them to further hack the nature of reality, just in other ways*


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More like:

Drivers: I am the main character. All else are mere obstacles for me getting to my destination.

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I think you mean:

"the quality and expediency of healthcare ... in America."

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Ah the ol' "If I didn't accept the money to do something unethical, then someone else would have done it." argument.

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At their second jobs.

What year is it? The 737 Max was a certified death trap since 2018.

Now, now, don't be hasty. Sony can still screw it up somehow.

delaying the start of her maternity leave

"Hey, can you give birth a little later? It's totally going to hurt our performance metrics this quarter."

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Fml I’m going to have to learn what a package manager is ew

Two minutes later

"Wait, you mean I get fast, convenient package delivery without being advertised to?"

Translation: Please don't leave! We need to exploit your private data! 😥

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I always preferred the "bait" analogy when describing these tactics.

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if a firm achieves monopoly through predatory or exclusionary acts, then it leads to anti-trust concern

Hey, ChatGPT ...?

Closed Ecosystem: Apple is known for its closed ecosystem, which can limit users' choices. For instance, iOS users can only download apps from the App Store, and Apple tightly controls the app approval process.

Proprietary Connectors: Apple often uses proprietary connectors and cables, such as the Lightning port, which can be inconvenient for users who want more universal standards like USB-C.

Repairability Issues: Apple products are often criticized for being difficult to repair. For example, the company discourages third-party repairs and designs its products with components that are challenging to replace.

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Dude, I'm willing to bet the son has at least one.

"I’m proud to tell ya, my son has got a clean slate."

A quote like this tempts fate. I thought he was trying to avoid temptation.

There will never be a poop knife, or chili soap, or any of that here

My brother in Christ, do you already forget about the no pooping meme?

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I figure as long as I make room it “shouldn’t” be a problem.


As a cyclist, I'd say "welcome" because more people using the road means motorists are going to see more varied road users and thus be more conscious of them. So that should make the roads safer. I hope that reasoning works out.

15mph (24 km/h) is pretty quick. I could keep up with you, and I'm only using leg power. I average around 12mph.

My brother in Christ, we've all switched to bidets anyway.

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Also, knowledge workers have a higher average salary than laborers. No guesses for which one is better suited to working from home.

Sometimes it's best to wait a while to see if the fad can survive wider culture. Remember:

  • fidget spinners,
  • what does the fox say
  • ice bucket challenge
  • flossing,
  • harlem shake,
  • planking,
  • what colour is the dress?
  • pwned

Neither does anyone else.

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about the most trivial things

That's so it gets interpreted as a light ribbing.

It would be mean to say it about something that is actually serious.

"You have a genetic disease. Please don't reproduce." *Seinfeld laugh track*

That's how the shape of benzene was first theorised.

Here Kekulé spoke of the creation of the theory. He said that he had discovered the ring shape of the benzene molecule after having a reverie or day-dream of a snake biting its own tail (a symbol in ancient cultures known as the ouroboros).


I imagine after a decade the phone will be useless.

Can someone explain this joke to me

"I'm writing a recursive method with threads to optimize the CPU usage in a 0.02%"

I understand everything apart from the "in a 0.02%". What does that mean? How can something be in a percentage?

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... as long as that criticism doesn't put into question the ideas that I base my identity on.

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Just to clarify: people don't have to be nice to you, but they don't get to be a dick.

Remember: neutrality is the way.

I didn’t realise so many non-Nintendo studios made games for Nintendo.

List Length: 41

Nintendo Developed Games: 21

Nintendo Published Games: 41

I think the point is [Nintendo goes] for new games instead of remakes.

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Apple normally isn’t this blatantly shitty.

(¬_¬ ) Dude, you been living under a rock?

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no one knows who is responsible

That's not correct. We all know that first to smell it, dealt it.

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What is this?! A healthy relationship based on trust and communication? I came here to laugh at dysfunction, get out of here. /s

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