I've reached the age where I just wait to see if they go away.

The Picard Maneuver@startrek.website to Memes@sopuli.xyz – 279 points –

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Sometimes it's best to wait a while to see if the fad can survive wider culture. Remember:

  • fidget spinners,
  • what does the fox say
  • ice bucket challenge
  • flossing,
  • harlem shake,
  • planking,
  • what colour is the dress?
  • pwned

Neither does anyone else.

I mean, the Ice Bucket challenge wasn't supposed to be a long term, it raised quite a lot of money

I remember the dress. Mostly because it's related to a recent attempted murder. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/jul/14/man-mother-in-law-blue-black-dress-viral-charged-trying-to-kill-wife

This is bananas.

Also why did they focus the story on the son-in-law that way, instead of talking about the murder victim? The murder victim whose mother owned that dress? If you're going to force that connection, the verbiage would be much easier to deal with talking about the victim, her mother, and her husband the alleged murderer.

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I remember all of those except planking, unless you mean the exercise.

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