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Some Vines are so deeply embedded in my memory that I'm sure I'll still be able to quote them even after the dementia has destroyed my ability to recognize my loved ones.

In hospice, surrounded by grieving loved ones saying their last goodbyes, the nurse watching on as I'm drifting away confused and irritable, doing their best to ensure my passing is as comfortable as possible, with my last breath I'll mutter "road work ahead? Yeah I sure hope it does"...

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The picture is from old footage of a nuclear bomb test. The long shadow is cast by the flash of the explosion and this is right before the shockwave hits and levels the house.

4 more...\_mortality/firearm.htm

Illinois doesn't even rate in the top half of states.

Between 2008 and 2016 115 domestic terror incidents were far-right inspired, 19 were far-left.

Since 9/11 73% of violent extremist incidents that resulted in deaths were caused by right wing radicalism.

From the KKK, to Oklahoma City, to Jacksonville and El Paso, the vast majority of politically/religious motivated gun violence were far-right inspired.

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Maybe you should read it. You do understand that electromagnetic radiation and ionizing radiation (which is what this symbol means ☢️) are different right? Their phones aren't radioactive, they emit electromagnetic radiation, similar to how a heater emits thermal radiation, and a speaker emits acoustic radiation.

This War of Mine. Honestly can't believe nobody else has mentioned it.

You play as a group of civilians in a war torn country. By day you craft things needed for survival like a stove for cooking, guns for protection, barricades to prevent raiders. At night you send one person with a backpack to scavenge an area of your choice for things like food, medicine, supplies etc. The others will either sleep or guard the property. Things you do while scavenging have real effects on your characters. Decided to rob an elderly couple? Your characters will react based on their personality.

Things become grim fast if you decide to start robbing supplies or get attacked. Your players get sick, become depressed, starve, get hurt etc. I've never made it to the end.

It's a great way to understand the struggles of being a civilian in a war. The Polish government actually recommends it for educational purposes and the devs have donated a lot of proceeds to charities serving people impacted by war, including Ukraine most recently.

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There's no state that allows recreational purchase under 21. Vapes are considered a tobacco product regardless of nicotine content and also require you to be 21.

Prometheus was chained in the mountains of Georgia, the country...

Girls go to HD 189733b to get a degree, boys go to Kepler 11b to get drunk on Hennessy?

Man I hope you stretched before those mental gymnastics, wouldn't want you to pull your victim complex muscle.

Since individuals aren't 501(c)3 non-profits it wouldnt be tax deductible and is treated by the IRS as a gift, so a gift tax may apply depending on amount given. Just in case you were curious as to why it's not a tax write-off.

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Anybody can get a sunburn. The melanin in the darkest skin tone only gives a baseline SPF of around 10. While they are far less likely to get burns, it's still possible and when they develop skin cancer it's usually diagnosed in a later stage with a negative prognosis.

Sunburns are radiation burns, and doesn't have to include red skin to be present.

Let's see... dollar sign? Well that cuts out a lot of the world. Written in English, so that leaves about 3 countries. Australia doesn't have a tipping culture the same way we do in North America so that leaves either Canada or the US, in which case you can replace state with province and cover your bases.

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Gambling that is prohibited by local laws.

Each state has its own restrictions and laws so really it depends on your location.

If your talking about the firearm mortality rate, the top 4 states for firearm mortality are also the top 4 for homicide rate... there are a lot of similarities between the two and a strong correlation.\_mortality/homicide.htm

To further your point, there's a reason Republican law makers and red states are attacking and demonizing education, and stepping it down. Critical thinking skills aren't really developed in a lot of curricula as it is, it's a lot of date memorization and fact regurgitation unless a student takes an AP or honors class or their school's equivalent.

A lot of people, especially politicians and law makers, don't seem to understand that the best tools to give students is the ability to think critically, do actual research (not just watch jimbob's YouTube rants), media literacy, and to question what their leaders tell them. The amount of times I've asked for sources from right-wingers and they give me links to articles and studies published by organizations with an obvious bias or funded by groups with an obvious agenda and they don't understand how that impacts their credibility.

The same thing with abortions. You really think Republican politicians care that much about abortions? Their loudest constituents might on "religious" grounds. But for them it helps prevent an educated voting population from growing. Forcing a woman to birth and care for a child impacts their ability to get an education.

A lot of it just comes down to educating people with the proper skills rather than preparing them for some standardized test.

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To add onto what @bumblebrainbee said, the American revolution, the French revolution, the Russian revolution, the Haitian revolution. The American Civil War, Arab Spring, the Irish War of Independence. Violence has long been an unfortunately necessary tool to better the lives of oppressed people.

Propaganda does not have to have a hidden agenda. Literally the "I want you" uncle Sam poster is propaganda. That agenda was pretty obvious, there was no question who was behind it and it was pretty clear why it was commissioned in the first place.

There has been propaganda encouraging car-pooling, reusing materials, conserving electricity, promoting employment etc, and many of them even had credits as to who the message was coming from.

Propaganda is not inherently evil, but it's important to understand the context and where it's coming from.

Why did Israeli police do nothing to stop the increasing violence perpetrated by illegal Israeli Settlers attacking Palestinians, of which Palestinian police are forbidden to react to? Their cops aren't allowed to do anything, their illegal occupants cops won't do anything, and the majority of Israeli Jews say they dont want Palestinians to have the right to vote if they annex Gaza. A minority of Israelis support a two state solution.

It's not like Israel has been trying to play ball with them.

Do you add pasta when the water is boiling or do you add pasta when it's 100°C? Because right now the boilng point of water for my location is 95.23°C. If I were to go skiing and wanted to boil some instant Ramen does it matter that the boiling point is 90.04°C in Leadville, CO? Or do I just put some water on the stove and wait till it boils?

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Netanyahu saying there will be time to answer why he didn't do anything to stop that Oct 7th attack after the war has to be top of the list right now.

Well the Toybox killer for one...

Where I pulled that statistic out actually kept them separate...

The problem is that there are no other sources on this. All the articles I've read through cite i24 or the IDF who only have soldier accounts of what was seen, but no soldiers named.

One of the articles mentioned multiple journalists being there yet i24 is the only one talking about it. i24 is also based in Tel Aviv.

Until separate accounts or physical evidence comes out, this can't be taken as the whole truth. Too many red flags.

Yeah I'm going to have to agree. I'm an alcoholic myself and this is a problematic way of living with it. Moderation seldom works for alcoholics as it is and by putting your choice to drink on someone else's offerings seems to just be a way to escape any blame should it end in full relapse.

Everybody's journey is different though so I'm not going to judge. But at no point was I able to stop drinking until I straight stopped drinking. As they say "one drink is too much and a hundred isn't enough."

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Close. He died on 4/30, he was born on 4/20. But there were many deaths at Columbine High School on 4/20/1999.

Because he retired from the show in 2015. Hence why he's only coming back part time. It was his choice to leave the first time, so that's probably why he was the last one to reach out to.

Yes, but people who order a burger medium can still get sick. Not to mention heightened risk of cross contamination with ready to eat foods.

It's just safer to not use meat from a source known to have food-borne bacteria. Food safety is designed with many layers of protection, if you already know the first layer has failed, an unsafe source of food, then you're now counting on kitchen staff to protect you.

Not to say kitchen staff are inherenrly unreliable, but during a weekend dinner rush with low pay and high pressure, things can go wrong, so it's just best to take out food that is already a risk.

Don't forget a charger, otherwise you'll be screwed for awhile

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I remember the dress. Mostly because it's related to a recent attempted murder.

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Only increased taxes on the amount in the next bracket. If they're making 110k a year, only about 10k will be taxed at the 24% rate. Everything else stays the same.

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December can skew the wrap though. People will listen to more holiday music in December, they might use their spotify for Xmas parties, while wrapping presents, or just listen to it because 'tis the season. Suddenly Mariah Carey is contending for a top 10 artist and holiday music could be one of your top genres.

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Talking about politicians not understanding the importance includes all politicians. No Child Left Behind set the groundwork for standardized testing and removing funding from schools that performed poorly.

Republicans in power are constantly gerrymandering districts, lying about statistics they know are wrong like blue states having higher crime, claiming that CRT is being taught in public schools to indoctrinate their kids, punishing students who talk about their sexuality (especially if it's not heterosexual), ban books, incite insurrections, and they never call out extremist tterrorists for what they are, because they are their own creation. They literally called themselves domestic terrorists to downplay the extremist violence that has come out of their party.

The vast majority of domestic terrorism in the last 30 years comes from the far-right. From Timothy McVeigh, to El Paso.

I think you underestimate the powerful in the GOP. They're not uneducated. Rupert Murdoch studied philosophy and politics at Oxford and had a bust of Lenin in his dorm. DeSantis graduated magna cum laude from Yale and cum laude from Harvard Law.

These people aren't dumb, backwater reactionaries. You might think it's cartoonish, but there's a reason that so much extreme policies and laws have been spreading through red states. Roe v Wade was a 50 year precedent, and then Alito's opinion was leaked, something that rarely happens, which led to many states passing trigger laws.

I'm not saying everything is planned out and calculated. But it's not just a happy accident that more and more right wing politicians have embraced extremism.

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Seconds is based on speed though. It's literally how speed is defined. Distance over time. At 60mph you travel 88 feet per second. So if you count out the seconds between when the car ahead passes say a road sign and you pass the same road sign and it's two seconds, there's roughly 176ft between your two vehicles. If you're going 25 mph, then two seconds equates to 73ft of space.

Which really gives you more space than car lengths per 10mph, so it's safer. 10mph=~14fps. The average length of a car is 14ft. So you end up giving double the space if you count out 2 seconds.

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Scanning your own ID probably won't be a thing since it won't be able to determine whether the ID belongs to you or not.

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First of all, Jews make up 2.4% of the US. Second, Supreme Court justices are appointed, not elected. They are not meant to be representative of population demographics. That's the entire reason they aren't elected.

Maybe you should retake your high school civics and US Govt classes, it's pretty clear your susceptibility to Russian troll farms has eroded what little understanding of the way the government is meant to work and replaced it with an irrational fear of anything that doesn't walk, talk and look like you.

Prosecutors recommended to not pursue charges against Gaetz due to it being unlikely they would get a conviction. Not enough evidence and the two central witnesses lacked credibility. His ex claimed to have evidence proving his guilt and then a year later her attorney said it was good prosecutors decided not to charge him as she didn't have evidence to prove a crime.

I was a bit aggressive on like my second playthrough and ended up killing a couple people to get their medicine. The guy that killed them was too depressed to scavenge and killed himself. Then another person got depressed because of that and wouldn't do anything. Then she got sick and died shortly after. I was too sad to play for awhile after that one.

Loss leaders work because customers will purchase other products/services. Operating in a market at a loss isn't what a loss leader is.

Yeah but then that could be said about literally everything.

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