35 Post – 722 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Currently between olives

The same thing is happening to every commodity and service – "enshittification" isn't just an internet thing.

It all boils down to psychopathic greedy executives and boards squeezing every last cent from consumers (and workers) to make themselves richer. Prices and therefore corporate profits keep going up, pay keeps going down (because it's not inflation-adjusted) and the quality of everything is going down the shitter, just to benefit the 1%

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Protect your hearing, kids!

Seriously, PROTECT YOUR FUCKING HEARING. I was young and stupid (now I'm no longer young) and went to way too many raves, gigs etc. without any sort of hearing protection, and now I have a nice constant background track of EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and can't hear higher frequencies worth shit

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It's a bullshit answer to placate people. "We don't want this to turn into DRM for the web" when it's literally doing exactly that, regardless of what they claim they're doing

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A whopping 80% of bosses regret their initial return-to-office decisions and say they would have approached their plans differently if they had a better understanding of what their employees wanted

In other words, 80% of executives / bosses are completely incapable of listening to their employees and are now shocked that things aren't working out, when they were undoubtedly explicitly told this wouldn't go the way they think it will.

Ah well, time to blame the plebs, cut their pay and benefits, and give the execs a raise so they can confidently execute a new disaster.

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So it's not actually a smartphone vulnerability as much as it is an SMS (or any other similar system with delivery receipts) vulnerability? Your old brick of a Nokia phone would have this same problem

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Neofascists will do neofascist things, who would have guessed

Oh yeah, packet sniffing exit nodes in a privacy oriented network will surely go down well and will have no unforeseen consequences

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There's a special place in hell for the inventor of semantically significant whitespace.

YAML itself is one of the circles of hell. You have to copy-paste YAML from web etc sources with dubious formatting for all eternity, and the editor doesn't have YAML support. Also you can only use Python

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It's understandable that that's a sensitive issue for you, but the advice honestly is pretty accurate

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Joke's on you: I don't consider myself a real programmer either

I've been on a hiatus due to some medical stuff making it hard for me to concentrate, but I'm a lock nerd. I collect cool locks ("cool" being very subjective here 😅) and pick / manipulate them.

edit: here's a tiny part of my collection. I'd upload more but I'm having a hard time with the mobile site and image uploads

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I swear they all have some sort of brain slug that makes them cultish and just generally unlikeable

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I live in an area with a lot of Russian immigrants, many of them fairly recent (likely moved because they didn't want to get drafted), and I wish I could say I was surprised by this behavior. Vatniks are violently belligerent

Ha, I didn't know there's a name for that, but it's definitely what I assume they're going to do. My initial reaction was to wonder what they'll now present as the "reasonable" option to WEI.

Considering they're rolling it out in Android, maybe they'll just wait a moment and then integrate it into desktop Chrome as well, just without any of the fanfare?

Ha, I didn't even think of the PayPal connection, but now that you mention it, he's exactly the sort of petty manchild that that sounds plausible. He might figure that it'd be a nice double whammy: he can finally get even with those fucks at PayPal who didn't see how brilliant he is, and it'd help keep Twitter afloat so he can feel like he's not a complete failure.

impregnating every woman

Inseminating; the majority of Musk's spawn was conceived with IVF. Musk does not fuck

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then you will realize the pandemic was just a test run

The pandemic isn't a test anything. It's a pandemic, they happen.

Everything is getting worse as companies are exclusively trying to squeeze more money out of everyone rather than build good products or services. Everything is done by fewer more overworked workers, with shittier components and features that are designed to extract money out of you rather than be useful or "good" (my favorite example is BMW's subscription based bench warmers.)

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lol since when have business "leaders" ever had to face consequences of their own idiotic decisions?

Management types are often power-tripping narcissistic idiots who'll make dumb-as-fuck decisions, and when things go to shit they'll just fire the people doing the actual work and congratulate themselves on being such savvy businesspeople

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I didn't see it as her being angry at the ones 40 years ago, but the ones who continued the hype even though it was obvious string theory wasn't falsifiable

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Not much of a surprise that it's being done quietly. It's the same with the EU "chat control" legislation, nobody really seems to know about it and if passed it'll have serious consequences for the privacy of everyone in the EU

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But isn't this study exactly about asking trans folks how they feel about their top surgery? Not doing a study however would be ignoring the ones who didn't feel satisfied with their surgery, and now those voices are included as well. They're in the minority as expected, but at least now we have some sort of statistical validation for it as well

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Moderate conservatives pretty much don't exist anymore. I had a "fiscally conservative" and "moderate" acquaintance tell me that the world would be better if there were no sexual or gender minorities

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Unsurprisingly this has made some people very ANGY. So much of the anger is coming from the sort of people that validates to me that I'd rather be a part of an "lib SJW hugbox" run by "dictators" than whatever those people see as their ideal community. Why is it that freedom of speech maximalists are never pleasant people?

Of course it's not an ideal solution, but barring better moderation tools it seems like the least bad solution when considering Beehaw's goals, which don't include 100% unfettered free speech or having to federate with every single other Lemmy instance out there.

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"So, what Valve invested in was WiNE, a protocol […]". Ah, game journalists; the profession where sniffing glue will actually give you an advantage

Rydman is the perfect image of the "Finns Party", who like all right wing extremists love pretending they represent the whole country.

He was chosen as the replacement of a neo-Nazi who had to quit the ministerial post due to, you know, being a neo-Nazi, and not only is he also a neo-Nazi but he's a pedophile on top of that – and this is not a rumor but based on an investigation carried out by the police. He unfortunately didn't get sentenced as being a slimeball isn't illegal and they couldn't prove any of the illegal stuff that he's rumored to have done, but there's multiple instances of him harassing teenagers and even asking a 16 year old out for a date when he was in his 30s.

A Nazi pedophile was seriously the best they could muster up, and he'll fit right in. Our current Speaker of the Parliament has for example publicly fantasized about shooting a gay man in the head and has called everyone criticizing the literal neo-Nazis in his party mentally ill, and the head of the party thinks climate scientists are stalinists, has also publicly fantasized about murdering people, and absolutely detests foreigners and pretty much anyone who's not a bigoted waste of perfectly good carbon like she is. Naturally the party is also claiming that this stuff you can read in non-Finnish newspapers about their latest PR disasters is all a lie planted by us evil leftists.

That party is absolutely filled to the brim with the sickest people you could imagine, and the vast majority of their supporters are hideous people. It's disheartening that they're also the most popular party of the under 25's here – 2nd most popular was the "fiscally conservative" one (ie. they're fine with bigotry and often bigots themselves, they just understand enough to mainly not be bigoted in public) – which really made me lose hope in the future. Well, even more than I already have.

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Doubtful you even understand what a Marxist is, honestly

I mean, it's a protocol. Nobody needs to "allow" you to use it any more than HTTP; Meta can set up a service and they're good to go.

Whether others will want to federate with them is the question.

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For me, the whole point of paying for streaming was so that I could support the film makers without dealing with ads.

That doesn't sound profitable. How about artists and content creators only getting 0.1% of the profits and you have to watch ads? That sounds like it'd make the executives much richer.

Seems like you had a "when it rains, it pours" start to your week, ugh.

The same thing is happening globally, and it's becoming clear that moderate conservatives are very much in the minority. It worries me to no end that fascism seems to be winning, and there doesn't seem to be much we can do about it

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Be gay, do federation.

Also crime 🏳️‍🌈

But yeah, makes this particular enby happy that the Fediverse isn't as bigoted as the big platforms

Honestly I was expecting the headline to go in a totally different direction, something like "Russia's air force is barely able to leave its own airspace because of poor maintenence, parts and munitions shortages, and widespread alcoholism among flight crews".

Considering they've resorted to lobbing glide-modified free fall bombs, I wouldn't be surprised if some of this actually was due to stockpiles getting so low that they can't use guided munitions for anything but very high value targets (such as maternity hospitals and residential buildings)

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I'm not entirely convinced that anything we do at this point can save us – or rather, save modern industrial society.

The human race will likely be fine in almost any scenario except some sort of Venus-like hellscape (which probably isn't as unlikely as we'd like to think…), but we've set in motion such enormous changes that the damage is already done even if we went carbon negative right at this very second, so personally I think it's unlikely that current mass-scale industrial society will survive a 100 years or that we'll be able to avert billions of deaths.

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Eh, I wouldn't go as far as calling distributed ledger tech a scam. Sure, 99% of the current ecosystem is at best digital tulip trading if not an outright scam, but that doesn't mean everything blockchain-related is a scam.

There's valid use cases for what's essentially a distributed database with immutable history (or a "smart contract" system which is essentially a distributed singleton VM with immutable state history), but NFTs etc ain't it. Fintech will probably incorporate some of the stuff that came out of the blockchain craze, but I figure that at best it'll be like Linux; most people who use the internet interact with Linux systems pretty much all the time, and of course Android is a Linux-based phone OS, but very few actually run Linux or even care about the whole concept. It's just part of the infrastructure, which in my assumption some kinds of blockchain-ish technologies might be. Probably just not the public networks people associate with it now, but private / internal ones with limited validator sets etc

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All you have to do is add a wide ALU to process more data at once.

Oh that's all? 😄

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Yeah, I looked at the first couple of fonts, then read all that stuff about readability this, state of the art that, expressive palettes la-di-da and I thought "ok maybe they have an idea here".

Then I looked at the rest of the examples and ran into that… thing. Like, the fucker's so aggressively irritating to read that you could use that font to hide eg. backdoors in code, and reviewers would instinctively skip over those parts just to avoid the pain.

I see considerably more conservative outrage online (by conservatives themselves, not just reportedly by them) directed at frankly breathtakingly stupid things than I see eg. leftist outrage, so I'd say the chances are pretty good that this isn't just a reaction of one or two randos being amplified by media.

Interestingly, more often than not it feels like when the media reports on "leftist outrage" it really does seem to be like half a dozen people at most being made to seem like it's half the population.

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IBM sold machines to the original Nazis, so I guess this time around they at least want to keep up the appearance of giving a shit where their money comes from

Welp, maybe I'll finally have to get around to installing some sort of anti-virus/malware software after 20 years of macOS and/or Linux. At least the system architecture isn't quite as much of a dumpster fire as Windows' is, but nothing is invulnerable when there's enough incentive

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I may be an anomalous IT professional, but despite being a coder and generally a ginormous nerd, I've never really understood why people buy "smart" devices. This isn't a criticism; I honestly just don't understand why they're popular. The amount of convenience they provide really doesn't seem like it's worth it at all, to me

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