Cyclist Rule to – 281 points –

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Drivers: I am the main character. All else are mere obstacles for me getting to my destination.

That's a major marketing point for "light trucks" actually

"Killed a kid on a bike because you couldn't see over the hood? The roads are dangerous! It's their fault for not driving something safer like the Kinderstampferwagen K3500™"

I started cycling on the wrong side of the road because I can be responsible for my own safety that way. I can't count the number of times I've been endangered by some driver acting like I wasn't on the road at all while going on the right side.

When I have to bike in a zone without bike path I take the entire road. Im usually stuck behind a car anyway, so the cars stuck behind me don't tried to overpass me.

Drivers: «Pedestrians better be careful not to be hit by my car»