6 Post – 277 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Oh I trust my code, but I don't trust my coworkers not to break something on the very next commit.

Last presidential election here in Brazil there were some some traffic light salesman selling towels with the presidential candidates. And they walked around with a score board showing which one had sold more. And they sold a lot more because people didn't want to see their beloved candidate on the losing side.

The best thing about lemmy is that it brings back things like this that I often thought about and really wanted to find again to be able to fill the gaps in my memory, but couldn't remember enough about it to be able to find on Google.

Its not the first time it happens to me. Anyway, thanks op. I had given up hope on finding this one again.

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Because the American left would be considered right wing in most of the world.

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Hey, free shipping.

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I've been using windows for nearly as long as it has existed and I used to always be happy with updates. Even windows vista, despite all its problem, still felt like an upgrade compared to xp.

Then windows 8 started changing things in a direction I was not happy with, but at the same time it also had improvements over win7. Windows 10 repeated that with plenty of bad things but still overshadowed by massive improvements in many areas.

At this point windows was at its peak in some areas, like stability (when was the last time you saw a BSOD without actual faulty hardware?) and usability. Multiple Desktops, WSL2, the new many great things added in win10 updates.

And then comes win11 and shits at everything. Removed a ton of core features that didn't need removing, broke a lot of compatibility with older stuff (something that Microsoft used to care deeply about) and adds... Nothing. It's been quite a while since win11 released and there's still nothing I can point at and say it does better than win10.

If you're going to do all sorts of stuff with my data you should at least try to make me happy with your product in exchange, not make me dread using it every time.

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Last presidential election here in Brazil some churches were asking their people to swap children with other couples so that those children could keep watch to ensure everybody is voting for the right candidate (children are the only ones allowed to join you in the voting booth).

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It'll only run on cloud. Their employer would probably block that too.

About the claims that X and Starlink are separate entities and one shouldn't be affected by the other: it has since been revealed that it was Starlink who paid the salaries of X's employees.

On the subject of remote working being more productive or not, my anedoctal experience is that when remote working is fully embraced, the productivity skyrockets, but when it is embraced half-way it may have a negative effect.

When 2/3 of the employees are in an office, they tend to reach out to one another to discuss things and remote workers often get out of the loop. When everyone is working remotely, these discussions happen on slack channels for everyone to see. And if they are written down in a channel, folks can read it as many times as they need to ensure nothing was missed.

This may seem not to be too important, but it makes a massive difference at the end of the day. And you could try to make that happen without remote working but people will not stop walking out to someone else's cubicle for small questions when they have that option.

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We've had enough of artificial intelligence so they're switching to artificial stupidity?

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I think they're just talking about the game being open world in a full planet that you can clearly see is a planet and is large and diverse enough to actually feel like a full planet.

Still not the first at that either. Valheim for example is a round planet and open world and has several biomes. But there the world isn't really impressive, so maybe that's what they are trying to be the first of?

Based on the trailer they are clearly trying to be the first game to actually achieve something but it's hard to define what that something really is.

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Curious how this study suggesting we need a new way to prevent bots came out just a fews days after Google started taking shit for proposing something that among other things would do just that.

Everytime this shows up I wonder if this is really a male nipple or if the creator used a female one just for extra laughs. If it was a serious thing that people actually did it would be hilarious if they were replacing one female nipple for another.

Somehow also reminds me of a story about a singer's album cover released during the latest military dictatorship in Brazil (it was a heavily censored period). Folks went out of their way photographing a woman's asshole with a marble ball on it until they managed to get one that looked like an eye - then used that picture as the album cover.

I wish they would put a proper keyboard on a phone again. There's dozens of people like me who misses those things, why is nobody doing it?

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It really surprised me that Astarion is so popular.

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The eu rules are mostly about unnecessary cookies. Most web devs just copied whatever everyone else was doing and now there's this standard of having to accept cookies but the EU doesn't really enforce it like that

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I didn't even want the windows search results to include web links in the first place....

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I just had a revolutionary idea: what if every time you reach a new point in a game, it showed you a certain sequence of icons related to that point in the game. Then, if you ever want to play that part of the game again you can just insert that same sequence of icons into an option of the game and it'll play from there.

Then people could also share the sequences they discover with their friends, allowing said friends to skip part of the game if they want to.

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On PCs (specially steam):

  • Games are often discounted, so you can buy them at lower prices
  • Games remain available in your account "forever" (as long as the service exist). You can upgrade to new PCs as many times as you want and the games will remain available.
  • You can play online for free, you can make cloud backups automatically, you get achievements, tradeable cards and items, extra visuals and fake points for karma.

On Consoles (specially nintendo):

  • Games pretty much never get any discount, even after a sequel is released.
  • Once you replace it with a new console, you likely won't have access to games you bought on previous iterations (up until recently you would lose games even by buying the same console).
  • You need to pay extra to play online, or to backup your saves, and there's no extra useless goodies.

So in short: There's hardly any reason to pirate something on PC other than to avoid paying for it. There's several benefits to getting the game legitimately. On consoles, getting games from the high seas is actually more convenient. Sometimes people will even buy the game but still play a pirate copy instead.

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I use it for work in the rare occasions I go to the office, but there are monitors available there so I don't have to rely on the device's screen.

It works pretty well but I had to install a ton of development dependencies that tend to be standard in every Linux distro but are not there in the steam OS.

Plus some coworkers have heard that I work on a PSP, coding with the joystick buttons and that is a nice rumor I like to keep alive.

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Typescript may have a million problems that make getting into it annoyingly hard and even seem pointless, but once it's settled in your project and used well... Damn is it fucking good.

And I'm saying that even though I had to disable intellisense and most of those advanced features because the project I work for is too large and typescript would easily use over 20GB of RAM and get my computer to freeze.

But if you're trying to use it like a traditional typed language, you'll only see the bad side of it and you'll certainly hate it.

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On the realm of possibilities, windows can do whatever it wants. If it is connected to the internet then yeah it would be possible for Microsoft to do something like that, but I wouldn't be worried about it just for piracy. Something like that could be possible for detecting CP or things on that level but I doubt MS would go low enough to do that for simple pirated content.

Stack overflow still have users? These days it rarely shows up on my search results and when it does the answers are always outdated by several years.

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Considering Nintendo basically has an uncle scrooge money vault, that would've been quite an achievement.

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Google actively blocked a ton of their stuff from being accessed from windows phones. They even deprecated some communication protocols in gmail to ensure some features of Microsoft's mail app would not work with Gmail (and then Microsoft found a way to make it work with an alternative protocol and Google went ahead and dropped that too).

YouTube could only be used in internet Explorer. Google refused to let Microsoft make a client for it or do one themselves. Some folks created third party clients for it but Google was quick to block them too.

Then Pokémon Go came out for iOS and Android and it was the nail on the coffin.

Edit: I forgot to mention Instagram, it was a big part of it too. I think this was before Facebook acquired them, because Facebook (and Twitter) were VERY well integrated into Microsoft apps on top of having their own apps available.

In general windows phone was the easiest platform to make apps for (I made a few), but there was a lot of sabotage from those big names. I was very conflicted because in one hand, Microsoft was tasting a bit of their own venom - as they had done the same sort of stuff so many times before, but in the other hand windows phone really felt like the best mobile OS and I wanted it to stay relevant.

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I try to write the extended "Lots of Love" now instead of shortening it to "lol" every time.

Government sees this and thinks: time to make college more expensive and regulate more professions to require college.

In Portuguese we don't use many acronyms, but we have shorter versions of words with the vowels removed or things like that. When people tried to use acronyms we ended up with "fds" which some people read as weekend, others read as "fuck it". The only other acronyms I can think of right now are all for offenses such as fdp (son of a bitch) and cdf ("ass of iron", very old term for calling someone a nerd).

Tldr: "Colossal Order took a gamble on Unity’s new and shiny tech, and in some ways it paid off massively and in others it caused them a lot of headache."

Said new tech made the game much lighter on the CPU and able to simulate things with much more detail, but Unity never integrated it properly with everything else in the engine, so Cities' devs had to basically fill in a lot of gaps, with a lot less expertise in engine making. It turned out understandably inefficient.

His mother had him when he was 17?

My guess is that the motive is the same as every school shooting, except that shooting at schools became too normie now.

And if there has to be shootings, I personally wouldn't mind replacing the usual targets to politicians instead of school kids.

I started cycling on the wrong side of the road because I can be responsible for my own safety that way. I can't count the number of times I've been endangered by some driver acting like I wasn't on the road at all while going on the right side.

Because it impresses people and so it sells. If they didn't do that, all those EAs and Ubisofts would have to find a new selling point like making their games good or something.

You're gonna have to put more effort than that. The world has more examples of socialism working than failing, so you're gonna need to back your claims up with some examples of why it would be impossible.

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The fact that a simple OS update can make the CPU up to 13% more effective makes me wonder how much performance difference there is between Windows and Linux.

Since I have dual boot, I'll check later if I can find any benchmark tool that works on both so I can compare.

Because it wasn't a game, it was a gamified data collection app. If someone actually wanted to make a game with this concept, it could turn out well, but that was never Niantic's intention.

Nothing is actually going on with typescript. This guy who's a big name in programming for creating a lot of good things and having a lot of shitty opinions just removed typescript from one of their projects and some folks are desperate to make that be a big news.

They removed typescript because they saw no benefit in using it. Then a lot of folks who can't deal with typescript got excited because "hey someone is trashing that thing I hate".

Sending an SMS as an operation is just as expensive as checking for signal. Which every phone is constantly doing.