What was the last rumor you heard?

Phen@lemmy.eco.br to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 17 points –

The local police let a local business leader escape custody.
TW: sexual abuse and child abuse.
He was very well connected in the community, including higher ups at fortune 500 and other multi-million dollar businesses. He was arrested for multiple rapes, as well as multiple child abuse and sexual abuse cases. When he escaped custody, he was left alone in a police vehicle, in an area away from cameras, the police camera inside the car was deactivated, he wasn't properly restrained according to department policy, and the handcuffs were found inside the police vehicle.

Angie Simmons was smoking a cigarette behind the bike shed with Steve Thompson. True fact.

There were rumors he was into field hockey players. He was gone the next day.

I mean technically everything is a rumor if it isn't verified. The last rumor I heard (and remarked about) is therefore the one about Putin dying. However, if you mean rumors I know can never be verified beyond being a rumor, some people were using what I mentioned here to claim I was a stalker... the ultra bad kind.