New Sony Patent Will Let You Replay A Game From Any Point Possible to – 111 points –
New Sony Patent Will Let You Replay A Game From Any Point Possible - Insider Gaming

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I just had a revolutionary idea: what if every time you reach a new point in a game, it showed you a certain sequence of icons related to that point in the game. Then, if you ever want to play that part of the game again you can just insert that same sequence of icons into an option of the game and it'll play from there.

Then people could also share the sequences they discover with their friends, allowing said friends to skip part of the game if they want to.

So many people did not read the sarcasm from this lol

I was afraid I was too old and people wouldn't even know games used to do this.

Just got flashbacks of Lemmings from my childhood when reading this comment, lol

The OG Crash bandicoot had this as memory cards were not widely used at the time. So you would write down the sequence to get back to that section.

That’s how our games worked in the 80’s. Most of them used passwords. I remember one that used a tic-tac-toe looking thing where you entered a combination of dots to load your game. I think it may have been Mega Man. Zelda was the first one I remember that actually saved your game. There was a battery in the cartridge.