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Crap article that doesn’t even have the video in question. Here it is. The Cybertruck sure does look unimpressive in the video. It’s making weird rattling sounds too. This thing looks like a shit box.

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If Trump is the Republican nominee I would vote for Biden even if he was dead.

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Windows 10 replaced 7 for most people because 8 was a piece of junk. Windows 7 was old by the time 10 came out so there was pent up demand and 10 was a pretty solid showing.

There’s not much that’s compelling about 11 and they’ve introduced unwanted things. It shouldn’t be surprising that people prefer to stay on 10, which is one of the better operating systems Microsoft has ever released. Combine that with the dominance of Linux in the server space and what seems like increased adoption on the desktop and it’s a recipe for poor numbers. For a lot of developers, it’s easier being on a Linux desktop when Linux is the deployment target.

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It’s hard to take the Mac seriously. This is even more dumbfounding because they have an excellent processor. Then they pair it with anemic RAM and make demonstrably false statements about the system’s performance. I don’t get it.

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A couple days ago I was swapping out my GPU. As I was carefully removing the glass side cover, it basically exploded in my hands. I don’t even know how.

There’s glass all over the room and I’m bleeding from the little shards that hit my hands and arms. Every time I think I got all the glass I find another piece. I finally get it all, replace the GPU and fire up the PC.

I hear crunching sounds that seem like they’re coming from the fans on the front. I shut down so I can vacuum out the remaining shards. As I’m taking off the glass front cover, that shit slips out of my fingers and fucking shatters on the floor.

I couldn’t do anything but laugh at that point. I cleaned up again and decided I’m not going anywhere today because it’s one of those fucking days.

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This is insane. Why would anyone want to bail out the world's richest man?

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It’s a satellite provider. Cell networks don’t work at that altitude. Starlink was my first guess too but, after some more thought, it could be Hughesnet. They probably have wider coverage.

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I remember it being good hardware and the OS was actually really good. It felt very fast when a lot of Android phones still felt sluggish. What they really screwed up was the third party apps. Nobody was making anything for it and they didn’t give developers a reason to. It was a product that should have succeeded if not for bad management.

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Framework if you want to repair it yourself and Lenovo if you don’t. Lenovo makes a good machine and has very reasonably priced on-site support options.

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I’ve voted for both Democrats and Republicans in the past. Frankly, neither one of them deserves too much power.

If Trump is the nominee I’m voting for the other candidate no matter who that is. There is no circumstance in which I would vote for Trump. The devil himself could be running against Trump and I would either vote for the devil or abstain. If he is the nominee then the election is essentially a fight for democracy.

Although I generally like Biden’s administration, I am concerned about him and his age. If there was a normal candidate running against him I would consider voting for them, but it’s mostly a bunch of wackadoos on the Republican side.

Chris Christie and Nikki Haley were the only ones in the last Republican debate who had any common sense. Christie’s campaign isn’t going anywhere because he’s anti-Trump. Haley is too conservative for my liking. Ramaswamy and DeSantis are garbage humans. The Republicans need a reboot because they really suck.

In other words, I’m team blue - not because I’m thrilled with them but because I’m afraid of the alternative.

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Don’t do it.

First off, I love Linux. It’s my daily driver and I wouldn’t want to use anything else.

But in my past career I was the CIO at a very large firm. Lawyers need Microsoft Office and Windows. If you hire a good assistant or paralegal with word processing experience, they are going to need Microsoft Word. LibreOffice is good, but it’s not a replacement in this scenario. Good word processors are like wizards and will save you hours. It’s not worth it to make them learn something else.

Then there’s drafting software, templating, practice-specific tools, etc. Anything geared for legal is going to run on Windows. What are you using for time entry? What about accounting?

Not to mention, you have some information security obligations under the model rules and you don’t want to mess with that. Although Linux has security advantages over Windows, you still have to take measures to secure it. Maybe that’s easy enough for you to do on your own laptop, but your practice will grow to at least a few staff and an associate. Somebody has to do IT because you’re sure as hell not going to waste billable hours on it.

I had to use Windows in that old gig and it really wasn’t bad. It’s stable, reliable, easy to support. Everyone you hire will have used it before. It’s an unpopular opinion around here, but it’s a quality operating system that’s affordable. I guarantee your cost of ownership will be lower on Windows in your particular situation.

Almost zero chance she is with a serious firm right now. No large firm wants Trump as a client. She’s most likely operating a little boutique firm. This happens all the time when a lawyer wants the client and the firm doesn’t due to a conflict, negative attention, etc. A handful of people and maybe an office manager with no other admin staff. There’s no IT. She needed a laptop with HDMI out for presentations in court and wanted it to be fast too. She probably went to Best Buy asking for that and walked out with a gaming laptop.

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This is an SEC filing. They are required to disclose to investors that this is going on and could impact their investment. Pretty standard stuff. They are not complaining that the feds are hurting their business or scaring people away from buying their cars - at least not in this filing. All they are saying is there’s this significant thing going on that could have an impact on the company’s value.

It would probably be smart for Tesla to settle this quickly and quietly because their range estimates are completely bonkers. Some kind of “agree to disagree on testing methods and we will pay up and do a better job” thing without this going too far. A VW diesel-gate kind of situation would be devastating to them. Elon is such a polarizing figure to begin with and there are some pretty good EV alternatives out there now. The only real killer feature they have left is the Supercharger network. Before anyone says FSD, it’s a scam and it doesn’t work.

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Do what you feel you need to do. Beehaw was my first Lemmy instance, although I have since left. What I initially liked about it was that there was active moderation and the admins seemed to do a good job keeping things running. It was a chill place that didn’t really appeal to the more toxic types you run into on the internet. It was like a friendly little bubble and a good home base in the fediverse.

While I appreciated that toxic instances were blocked, I felt blocking instances simply because they didn’t have great moderation was a little too much. It meant I was missing out on a lot of good content too. I understand the decision but I realized then that the original Beehaw community was more content to be insulated than I was. For a lot of people there, it was more important to have their own tight community than to be part of the fediverse. There’s no hard feelings about it. I enjoyed my time on Beehaw and contributed to server costs. I found another good instance that’s better federated and manages not to have a bunch of nazi and racist garbage so it’s all good.

These conversations have been brewing for a while at Beehaw. I would imagine a lot of the people who don’t especially like the insulated approach have moved on to other instances or created alt accounts for when they want to interact with the larger fediverse.

I don’t think anyone will miss anything if Beehaw migrates to a non-federated platform.

Anything in the online sports betting space. Addicts, scumbags, degenerates, and the people who make money off them.

Then what’s it for? Looking pretty?

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It’s made by a lot of the original Opera team, including the founder. They have some nifty features that either require an addon in Firefox or are unavailable. Tab tiling is the one that I miss almost daily when I’m using Firefox.

They are an innovative group that often pioneers features that eventually trickle down to other browsers. Although it’s based on chromium, it’s an excellent browser that offers better privacy than Chrome. They have done a great job building a browser that caters to power users but can also be configured to use a simplified UI similar to Chrome.

If they had container tabs like Firefox it would be my favorite browser hands down. They have profiles like Chrome that work much better than Firefox profiles, but each profile is a separate window whereas container tabs can be mixed in a single window.

Exactly. The price keeps inching upward and the last generation of MacBooks was awful. After getting burned by one of those things I’m not about to buy another one even if the new processor is awesome.

Not to mention, the OS has become junk over the years. It used to be great for developers. They still ship crusty old versions of programming languages, window management sucks, and it’s just a pain in the ass to work with. These days, I would rather be on a Linux machine. Plus, most games work on Linux now, which is something Apple still hasn’t figured out.

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Probably a mistake to reveal this info. After recovering the SIM, it may have been possible to go back and see the network traffic from the drone. That could create an opportunity to disrupt or hijack drone c&c in the future.

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How is getting an MBA from Stanford nepotism? She probably worked her ass off not only to earn the degree but to be accepted to the university in the first place. Without knowing anything about her, I’m going to assume she’s a total rockstar until there’s a good reason to believe otherwise.

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Anything but Manjaro. I won’t get into the reasons why because it’s easy to find, but suffice it to say that it’s an amateur distro that makes dumb mistakes.

If you want rolling, Arch, Tumbleweed and Endeavour are the first places to look. Maybe even Fedora because it updates very fast, although it’s not rolling.

I hope he will be running from a psycho with a shank at ADX Florence in 2028. There’s a decent chance he will be dead in 2028 though. He’s not exactly the picture of fitness and good health. He’s an old, fat pig who lives on junk food.

More seriously, he has zero chance in 2028 if he loses in 2024, which is almost certainly what will happen. He’s been decisively rejected by voters once already. I find it hard to believe he has won over any new voters with his behavior since the last election.

Or maybe the government will step up and treat him like the terrorist that he is. If it was anyone else, they’d be waterboarding him with Diet Coke at Guantanamo right now. I mean, he’s openly calling for states to send the National Guard to Texas to fight the federal government. This fucker is on trial for insurrection and he’s out trying to incite another insurrection. Holy shit.

He’s had his deranged followers make threats against judges, prosecutors, federal agents, etc. He’s threatened his opponent in the primaries with a federal investigation if she doesn’t drop out of the race. He’s threatened her donors.

This dude is straight up nuts. I think it’s a legitimate question whether he’s eventually detained for the safety of the public pending his trials. At what point do the feds have an obligation to protect the country from this lunatic?

Forget about him and 2028. He might not even make it through 2024.

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It really is terrible. I was a DDG early adopter and then Kagi. It’s been a while since Google has been my daily driver, but I do sometimes use it and the results are just bad. There’s so much spam and the results page is a mess. To my eyes, Google is worse than either Kagi or DDG in just about every way except speed. The only other thing I can really think of where Google is much better is in local search. They are damn good at that.

Starfield. I want to like it - and there are some things I really do like about it - but it’s just not a very good game. The menus and inventory management is atrocious, which is unforgivable when you have to spend so much time on those screens. The enemies are bullet sponges. It’s not fun dumping a magazine into a guy, reloading and doing it again while the guy just walks right into it like you’re spraying him with a garden hose. I’m ok with there not being a map on remote planets, but it makes no sense that there wouldn’t be one in a city. It’s the kind of stuff you’d overlook if it was an indie early access game, but it doesn’t fly when it’s a $70 game from a major studio. I can’t imagine what they were doing all those years the game was in development because it’s not reflected in the product.

Can confirm it’s terrible all around. FSD is horrendous. It also has problems in bright sun and rain.

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As others have pointed out, this sounds like a sleep disorder. A healthy person who gets enough sleep should not have trouble staying awake for an 8 hour shift. This can be a serious condition and needs to be checked by a doctor. The good news is sleep disorders - and there are various kinds - can be resolved fairly quickly with treatment. Going straight to stimulants is not the answer. You should start with your primary physician and consider seeing a specialist for a sleep study.

I hope that orange bastard Trump goes to prison or dies in 2024. I prefer prison because he needs to pay for his crimes, but dead is good too. The only thing is it would have to be a really dumb accident out in public so there wouldn’t be any conspiracy theories. Maybe he could fall off the stairs while getting off his plane and crack his skull on the tarmac.

None of them this time around. Christie is a moderate, but he will be out pretty soon. I’m surprised he’s hung on this long, although I’m happy that he has because he and Hutchinson are the only ones with the guts to tell the truth about Trump. Hutchinson hasn’t been polling high enough to be in the debates, but at least he’s on the sidelines saying Trump is trash.

Out of the declared candidates, my preference would probably be Christie or Haley as the nominee. I still wouldn’t vote for them, but they would be better than the others if the Republicans somehow win.

Overall, it’s a pretty piss poor field on both sides. If Biden was 15 years younger I would consider it a pretty solid ticket.

I hope Antony Blinken eventually runs. For me, he’s the brightest star in a pretty solid administration. Best Secretary of State in decades.

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Linux is Linux and you will be running the same or similar apps on most distros. One of them isn’t magically going to use less RAM. That’s dictated by the apps you run and the kernel’s memory management. Hell, you want to use RAM. It makes things faster and it’s doing nothing sitting there unused.

Just find something you like and stop worrying about it. Endeavour is a fine distro. If you want something a little more minimal then go with Arch. Fedora works too.

You could even use Ubuntu. For all the shit it gets for being a noob distro, there’s nothing really wrong with it. There’s this ridiculous notion that you’re supposed to start there and then move to a more advanced distro. They are all packaging similar software and have a convenient package manager. Unless you have a specific use case, there’s less difference than you think.

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Who? The intelligence people, the Chinese spies or the internet people?

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The headline makes it sound like a bad thing, but that's more than plenty for launch if they are distinct apps that represent a variety of use cases. Frankly, it's a lot more than I would expect for a new product like this. Sure, there's VR and AR available now, but Apple has a track record of rolling together existing tech in a package that's more accessible and often more useful. You can throw a few things out there to showcase what's possible, but you also have to wait and see how consumers actually want to use it. They will find use cases the creators didn't think of or were unsure about. Then the floodgates can really open up in terms of apps. I really wouldn't be surprised to see people wearing these things out in public.

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LMAO! This comment is so much better because you misspelled college. Made my day. 😂😂😂

Things could be better, but it’s a far cry from the IE monopoly days. It’s amusing to hear Microsoft complain. DDG and Kagi are both very good search engines and DDG is a built-in option on iOS. Kagi even requires a fee and it’s still blowing up in popularity. I think the real issue for Microsoft is nobody chooses Bing.

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I don’t think so. The man is truly stupid.

Because they can glide a long way and are stealthier without propellant. It’s still a standoff weapon. The B21 is a stone cold killer. It can get in fairly close undetected and drop from high altitude in still relatively safe airspace. The bombs are away without anyone ever knowing it was there. Then you’ve got a stealthy bomb gliding in silently. It probably shows up on radar like a raindrop.

On the surface, the biggest difference between distros will be the package manager and the update cadence. Most package managers are generally comparable so I won’t get into that. The cadence has to do with release type - rolling or fixed - and the speed with which updates are released. Do you want the newest packages, LTS or somewhere in the middle? This is probably the first big decision to make when choosing a distro. The only real must-have here is you want a distro that provides timely security updates. Even a highly stable LTS should be pushing out security updates asap.

Then you have default package choices, which are often superficial like DE or default apps. This can all be changed so it’s not much of a concern. But there could also be more impactful choices like whether a distro uses systemd or glibc vs musl. The mainstream distros tend to use systemd and glibc, which is generally good, but know that you have other options if your specific use case requires it. There’s also package availability, meaning the number of packages available in the repository, although this is less important than it used to be because you have options like Flatpak or Nix for getting packages that aren’t in your distro’s repository.

There are also some distros created with a specific use case in mind, such as Alpine for containers or Kali for testing network security.

Finally, you have structure and governance. Some distros have corporate backing, others are community supported and still others aren’t much more than a hobby. The ones with corporate backing typically have options for paid support. In general, you want something with stable and competent governance where it will continue to thrive even as team members change. You can find examples of this in corporate-backed distros as well as community distros.

So your biggest choices are going to be cadence, structure/governance, and whether you may need paid support now or in the future.

As for what distro developers actually do… First, they build the tooling and infrastructure to make their distro work - package manager, packaging tools, repository, etc. Then, they are responsible for packaging everything available in the distro. They are pulling in source code for all these apps, compiling it and putting binaries in the repository. They rebuild packages as required when there are updates to the source code. Some distros like Arch will build vanilla packages, meaning they don’t make changes to upstream code. Others may apply their own patches for various reasons. Some like Red Hat will provide patches to upstream apps requested by customers as part of their paid support services. So let’s say something isn’t working the way you need it for some random FOSS app included with the distro. You can put in a request and they will change it for you.

As for your specific question about simulating Ubuntu on Fedora, that is not possible. They each use their own distinct package manager and repository. They generally have similar packages, but they are not interchangeable. However, there are tools like distrobox and distros like VanillaOS that have mechanisms for using another distro’s packages. These use containers under the hood so it’s not quite the same as just installing .deb on Fedora or .rpm on Ubuntu.

It’s more than weather. I don’t believe it’s possible to achieve the advertised range on any public road in any weather. I can drive like an old lady and I’m nowhere close. Driving normally typically results in at least 75 miles below advertised range and I live in a warm place.

That said, the range hasn’t been a problem. I always have enough range. It’s not really something consumers need to worry about because you can drive like you stole the car and still have plenty of juice to get to the next Supercharger.

However, it is a problem that the stated range is so far off the mark. You sort of expect it to be off in every car under normal driving but possible if you drive in a way to extend range. That’s not the case with Tesla. Their range estimates are entirely misleading like so many other things with the car.

This actually was the advance payment that he didn’t pay. He agreed to a $1.5M retainer and only paid a couple hundred thousand of it. I guess they got pretty deep into the case anyway. I doubt the next firm will make the same mistake. What a bum.

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He behaves like he already has one.

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“We put a bigger number on the box.”

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