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I wonder how many of the devs working on the title actually believe in this direction

Aragami 2 with a friend if we can align schedules. It‘s not as good as the first game, feels pretty uninspired and passionless. It‘s still a servicable stealth game, but you can probably find better games for that itch if you look around.

On my own, I‘d like to finish Marsupilami. It‘s a neat little colorful platformer that I‘d say is perfect for children. It‘s pretty easy and short but the last couple levels are more challenging. Since the Steam sale is on right now and the game‘s dirt cheap discounted, I‘d say give it a try if you guys like platformers and need a chill one. Runs at a locked 90 on Steam Deck at 7-8W (IIRC, maybe even less, you‘ll figure it out).

I‘d also like to play more Monument Valley 2. The first and second game (so far) are splendid. They‘re very creative (but not hard) puzzle games in the look of an optical illusion (the exact term for these kinda optical illusions escapes me right now, but if you have a look at the store page‘s trailer, you‘ll instantly know what I mean). Both games are dirt cheap on sale too and you just can‘t go wrong with them, IMO. Even if you don‘t like puzzle games, the games are a unique experience and short anyway.

Edit: Also forgot Wuthering Waves got its update today, definitely gonna check that one out, I liked it a lot so far.

It’s such a headscratcher to not put upscalers (and maybe frame gen) into the game when they can be modded into Elden Ring. If a dude can figure it out, surely so can FROM.

It blew my fucking mind. They put out Ghostwire too, right? Two great new IPs for XBOX and theoretically more to come but nah, they didn‘t make CoD 420 so good riddance. Closing a performing, innovative studio. Mindboggling. I just wish and hope they all just go straight founding a new studio and stay as independent as possible.

In case you‘re unaware, you can check out how almost anything runs on Steam Deck at!

My favorite superhero, can‘t wait for the movie adaption

Fantastic game. As an achievement hunter I shake my head a bit at the gold chip on all jokers thing, but for now I just see it as another excuse to play it more. I still feel like I‘m shit at the game though around 40 hours in.

Unravel 2 and Styx Shardssomething, a friend and I need more coop games.

(Any suggestions are welcome, we might‘ve played a lot of them already though)

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The title made me think I was about to read a young earth creationist‘s opinion on the Apple Vision Pro

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Ok, but how much Blizzard is even left at Blizzard? lol

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The dream duo: Suits that are out of touch with their customers and chasing trends with a multi year delay lol

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The English voiceover is apparently done by an independent studio. MHY pays the studio, the studio pays the actors. Or doesn‘t, in this case.

The good thing was that games were complete and they didn‘t try to suck ever last penny out of you post-launch. Also, no updates meant they actually couldn‘t just ship them broken and fix later…

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Why though? Each Final Fantasy has its own world and whatnot. FF15 played a lot differently than FF13 which played a lot differently than FF12 which played a lot differently than FF9. They‘re all JRPGs of course but I don‘t see why they should throw away the brand recognition for the heck of it. It‘s not like they’re FIFAing. It seems to me like whoever is gonna develope the next game isn‘t gonna be held back by the name.

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Wait until the reviews are out so people can‘t be warned, and the product can’t be dunked on and then…

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That‘s a user-vote, no? I can‘t say I‘m surprised that there‘s some headscratchers, I doubt the average user knows what innovative gameplay is supposed to be. They should let people vote as they did, then curate the top 20 of each category into 10 fitting games so those that don‘t match the award category are out, and then let people put their final vote between those 10.

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I liked the weekly/bi-weekly „What are you playing“ posts, but they seem to have stopped, even on the bigger „games“ subs.

I‘d post about games I‘ve played lately (like Unravel) but I feel like „was a cool game with a cool style which made me enjoy the graphics even today and was interesting to platinum“ doesn‘t start much of a discussion.

Maybe I‘m just jaded by Reddit‘s „ackshually“ culture that jumps on you if a post‘s not a well thought out thesis, but I feel pressured to deliver substantial quality when posting (not commenting) on boards and I‘m too tired from the day for that.

Which is why I liked the „What are you playing“ posts since I could just drop a one liner and comment on other one liners of people who are enjoying games I‘ve enjoyed as well lol

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Please backwards compatible, please OLED, please enough power to 720p60fps everything natively (no upscaling, cause that sucks on such low res, Idm 4k upscaling).

1080p60fps on portable would be a dream but I‘m not that delusional.

I‘d also be hyped if they could offer joycons that make it usable for extended amounts of time in portable without destroying my hands or having to rely on third party cases.

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My hot take: Skyrim is the most overrated game of all time. Not bad, but overrated. My phone hardcrashed while I typed out the reasons why I think so, so I won‘t anger the gaming gods further this time.

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Helldivers‘ success somehow caused a crazy knee jerk reaction among the management suits at Sony. This whole sudden „make a PSN account or fuck you“ is just bizarre. To me it seems like they’ve lost more than what they‘re hoping to gain from this. Just a mindboggling move.

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Too risky regarding personal info you might’ve overlooked IMO, maybe give it to a friend instead

And obviously it‘s against the ToS and might get the account banned but I assume you know that

I‘m pretty sure some greedy suit killed the whole company overnight and I can‘t control my schadenfreude

Went from not knowing this game to becoming my most anticipated this year

I‘m legit happy as long as it can do 720p60fps for stuff like TotK in portable without any upsampling and whatnot.

I‘m not playing Nintendo cause of cutting edge graphics but because of cutting edge gameplay and entertainment. Doesn‘t matter how realistic a game looks when Mario Odyssey runs laps around it in terms of the fun it provides.

Just… provide backwards compatability, please. And as a bonus I‘d love a way for „old“ games to get better resolution and fps ideally without patches (cause we know the majority of games would never get patched).

The reason is PC part prices. If you want an affordable in on modern gaming, you get a PS5 or Xbox. Yeah, you can get used parts, change settings, upsampling, upgrade down the line. But tell that to the person who just wants to buy a machine that lets them play games, hard to convince people to likely go through a bigger hassle, pay more, and have to assemble, set it up, and manage it themselves. I own a gaming PC and an OLED Switch, and if a friend asked me, I‘d tell them to just get a PS5. I would‘ve said something different five years ago.

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One of the rare showerthoughts that I like, nice one

Have three unpopular opinions:

  1. Bethesda games are insanely overrated and absolutely carried by the modding community. Do I enjoy Skyrim? Hell yeah! …With 500 mods.

  2. Everything below 50-60 FPS is stuttery, unsmoooth, and unenjoyable no matter the genre.

  3. There‘s a place and time for „Ubisoft formula“ games (aka. tick off 500 icons on a map), cause sometimes I don‘t wanna think, I just wanna mindlessly walk around with semi-purpose and do stuff.

I love unpopular opinions.

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The thing that made me reconsider buying one is the screen. Make an OLED version and I‘m gonna get one. I‘m not worried about the performance, I‘d get a deck for stuff like Dead Cells and Spelunky, not for stuff like Cyberpunk.

If they made an OLED version and offered replacement screens for burn-in cases in x years, that‘d be absolutely amazing.

Would making it a torrent be a bad thing? Since they were worried about hosting.

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How do I unread this

Infamously: League of Legends

And ngl, your post comes across as toxic too

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Probably Hollow Knight.

Saying Crusader Kings III feels like cheating cause I‘ve just been playing it for a long time.

If I ever get a cat (hopefully), then I hope it‘s gonna have that kinda zen personality

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I‘ve noticed this a few times already, they probably responded to a now deleted comment and Lemmy (or maybe just Memmy, the app I‘m using) pushes the replies to said comment up a level, making everyone‘s response look weird as the result

That‘s my guess at least

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I think I got Terraria for like a buck (can’t remember where) and while it isn‘t my favorite game ever, my gf loved it to death and I got dozens of hours out of it (my gf hundreds). It‘s undeniably a great game and the dev is a maniac in terms of long term support.

I really liked Jack as a DM. I hope he‘ll do a DnD podcast; his improv skills, voice acting, and open-mindedness to his players’ „bullshittery“ really would make for an exceptionally enjoyable podcast. And Yahtzee‘s humor also helped. The animations were great, but I don‘t think a voice only podcast would hurt and easens the production burden. I wonder how hard they could just pick up where they left off with AIN without infringing on IPs.

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Is there a specific reason for this?

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IMO Payday 3‘s biggest problem is that Payday 2 exists

FSR2, DLSS, XeSS and such

This is - crazy enough - the first time I‘ve ever read someone mentioning Goemon and I couldn‘t agree more

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