Final Fantasy 17 needs "a younger generation" of lead developers, suggests FF16 producer to – 112 points –
Final Fantasy 17 needs "a younger generation" of lead developers, suggests FF16 producer

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Why though? Each Final Fantasy has its own world and whatnot. FF15 played a lot differently than FF13 which played a lot differently than FF12 which played a lot differently than FF9. They‘re all JRPGs of course but I don‘t see why they should throw away the brand recognition for the heck of it. It‘s not like they’re FIFAing. It seems to me like whoever is gonna develope the next game isn‘t gonna be held back by the name.

Why though?

seems to be because he's never played any of the games to understand that, thats why.

It's clear from the naming nomenclature that they're sequels to each other without even needing to ever play them you halfwit

Huh, turns out you do need to play a game to know about it

Do you know what the word anthology means?

You forgot your "/s"

Honestly, I picked up on that and wasn’t offended by what they said. Shame that others didn’t and they’re being downvoted for what was supposed to be a joke.