12 Post – 1012 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Formerly /u/Zagorath on the alien site.

The reason is that too be a Short it has to be vertical.

I don't love the way it has to tear down the other characters in order to prop up the one. Surely the message could have been gotten across in a more wholesome way?

Thank goodness 4-chan is there

Isn't this Tumblr?

YT Shorts are basically just TikTok crossposts anyway

Hey that's not true! Some of them a small clips from longer main videos.

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I thought they mostly made money through sponsorships rather than direct payments.

Yeah same for Australia.

Very popular Netflix show. Other than that, the only thing I know about it is that the paladin in the D&D movie is in it.

Bruh I'm comfortable building my own PCs and that still sounds way more effort than just buying an external optical drive with USB interface.

For what it's worth, Philly D is someone I could have answered the original question with too. Not for any spectacular reason like the above—I had already stopped watching him before that occurred. For me it was just finding his focus was too much on sensationalist pop culture news rather than news reporting that interested me. He wasn't doing anything wrong, it just wasn't right for me.

Oh whoops! My mistake! I'll edit the above comment to fix that. It was Kurzgesagt who was in the wrong.

The drama was (to copy/paste an earlier comment, because it's rather lengthy):

It started when a YouTuber whose channel is called Coffee Break reached out to Philip of Kurzgesagt as part of a video he was doing into the flaws of popular science communication. Specifically, about some significant errors in K's video on Addiction. Instead of agreeing to collaborate, or even giving a simple "not interested, sorry", K took an instant accusatory tone, claiming CB must have been making a "gotcha" piece. CB and K agreed that they would talk more about the matter to try and assuage K's concerns, but K kept stalling while working on a retraction video, at which time K took down the video that was the impetus for this discussion (shortly after, as one of those aforementioned stalling efforts, having said "I never could bring myself to take it down", claiming it would be "cruel and unnecessary" to do so—funny, considering in his AMA attempting to spin the story, he said "I was really stressed out about the addiction and the refugee video for years. Being finally open about my mistakes and deleting them felt like weight leaving my body."). The Refugee video was also taken down along with the Addiction one that CB was interested in.

K claims to be interested in science communication. But here, he decided to make the selfish decision to do what he thought would protect his own personal brand through duplicitous means. He got ahead of the story that falsely assumed was coming, and put up a pre-emptive response to that. Now, CB isn't entirely blameless. In response to the above, CB put out a rather hot-headed reaction to the whole incident. He didn't follow up with K to try to understand what had happened; he lashed out in anger at K's self-righteous arse-covering video.

And then CB started getting harassed. K called out CB, and many of K's friends (other very large, powerful YouTubers such as CGP Grey and Philip de Franco) made very public statements to their audiences attacking CB. It ended up forcing CB into taking down his video, deleting a whole heap of tweets explaining what happened, and putting out an apology. Perhaps it was an apology that CB should have indeed made, but the need for an apology from K was much, much greater. And one never came. K used his larger platform to spin the narrative so that his large audience, and now also the general public who becomes aware of this, almost all take his side.

Incidentally, here's the video that CB was working on at the time. Hari, the scientist discussed in the video whom K worked with on his video discussed earlier, communicated very well with CB on it.

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Just mentioning this here because I literally can't see's comment while signed in and hoping they'll see this.

Duke, you've accidentally mislabelled all your comments as being in German. This has the effect that anybody whose account is set to say which languages they speak, but hasn't included German in that list, won't be able to see your comments.

On Jerboa it shows up saying "There is no record of this comment"

On lemmy-ui (the default web UI) it's way worse: it doesn't show your comments, and it doesn't show any replies to you either. It shows a "load more replies" button, which spins for a couple of seconds before failing and still showing the load more button when you click it.

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Ha. Thanks to the user tag I can see this one from my inbox but if I click through...nothing.

Anyway, that's unfortunate. Is Voyager being actively developed still, and are the devs responsive to feedback? May be worth filing a bug report with them if so.

I always found the fact that he thinks Nebula is not a viable business and only exists to sell out and get a big payoff says a lot about Linus and his way of thinking.


Oh boy. I do HEMA, and let me tell you, he is not popular among people who actually have any understanding of historical fighting. The guy preaches his own opinion based on vague vibes and what seems right to him, and I think he's even put out some videos saying how HEMA is terrible and wrong. Meanwhile, we read actual historical texts from people who were using these weapons and techniques at a time when it was actively being used, and we regularly train and fight people to prove to ourselves just how effective they are.

And that's without even getting in to the very clear bigotry he demonstrates on his second channel, and which occasionally makes its way subtly into the main channel.

Anyway, as far as bigotry and people interested in swords are concerned, Jill Bearup. I haven't watched her since she did the collab with Tom Scott and as a result her history of transphobia and refusal to denounce those beliefs became more widely known, leading to Tom Scott taking down the collab, and Nebula kicking her off their platform.

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Like, I found out about it thanks to the Nebula stuff and stopped watching then. What was the insane comment he made in a later video?

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I still watch his main videos (when they actually happen...), but with a much higher degree of scepticism than I used to. And I stopped listening to his podcast (singular...).

My disillusionment with him started with a few issues with his videos. The blatantly ridiculous "royal family is good actually" video. The less obvious but no less egregious touting of Guns, Germs, and Steel. The AI techbroism of his automation video. Then he just killed off the podcast with no explanation, leaving his cohost Brady to put out a note saying "yeah we're just on hiatus for now". Over 4 years ago that was. There was the fact that he sided very vocally with Kurzgesagt in the CoffeeBreak drama, despite CB Kurzgesagt obviously being in the wrong at every step of the way.

Then the final straw where I was no longer willing to say I was a fan of his was when he did a video about some missile silo in America, in which he used the name of a submarine-based missile instead of a land-based missile at some point. Shortly afterwards he put out a massive mea culpa video saying it was a "catastrophic" error that he could not live with himself for, and that he holds himself to too high a standard to let that stand. All while still not acknowledging the problems with those earlier videos. So one nitpicky detail gets a massive hullabaloo and a retraction, but fundamental flaws in the underlying thesis of the video gets nothing? Give me a break.

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  • Tor, from Old English torr, meaning hill.
  • Pen, from Celtic *penn, meaning hill.
  • How, from Danish hoh, meaning hill.
  • Hill, from English hill, meaning hill.

^Unfortunately,^ ^it's^ ^not^ ^actually^ ^a^ ^real^ ^official^ ^name^ ^for^ ^a^ ^hill,^ ^though^ ^it^ ^could^ ^be...^

How rude they are to Jerry in Parks & Rec. Doing a rewatch of it now and wow it is way worse than I remembered, and starts way earlier. It's not a flanderisation thing, there was a season 2 joke that made me have to pause and go online just to see how many other people felt the same way as me.

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Personally I don't have as much of an issue with when they're poking fun at him per se, but when they denegrate or damage things he has clearly worked hard on and put a lot of passion into, that's crossing a line for me. It becomes incredibly mean-spirited.

There are two examples in this compilation video. One at the linked time, and another at 6:33. Especially with how happy he is to see Leslie in the second clip until she destroys his art. It's honestly heart-breaking. The pie to the face that came a little bit before that was also hard to watch and really felt mean. Dunno if that's because of how cold and calculated it was (vs the more usual off-the-cuff comments), or because it was a physical act rather than verbal, or something else. But I didn't like it.

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It turned out to be from a "satire" news company (scare quotes because I just don't see how it was's not poking fun at any institutions or beliefs or advocating for any particular action), and not a real story.

But it's worth investigating how we feel about it anyway, because stories where something similar has happened have also been true.

I think the people doing the interviews are the lowest scum-tier "influencers". I hate that they exist, I can't understand who's watching them. They're not producing anything of value. But they're not doing anything morally wrong, in my opinion.

The blame here lies 100% on the employer. What she's doing when not on company time or in company uniform are none of the company's business. It should not be legal and is definitely not ethical for an employer to take any disciplinary action for something an employee does that has no connection to their business.

To me, the word sexting implies very explicitly sexual content. If it's with a minor, far more mild content could still be inappropriate.

Not a sitcom joke (yet...) but wow yeah. A moderately funny joke for about a day, but the memes have been tiresome since.

The poor girl allegedly lost her job as a preschool teacher over it, too.

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Actually long desks are no longer considered best practice. At my work, some devs have a lazy suzan, while others prefer a circle that they can pivot around to face the right computer.

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bcs they were too stupid to use plumbing

IIRC it was because she was talking about what they did before there was plumbing? So it's because they were too stupid to use a garderobe. But the bigger question is why the fuck she thought it was an appropriate thing to mention at all? It's fucking Harry Potter. You'd expect that sort of thing from a story with a grimdark tone like George Martin's world. Nobody wanted that from her.

That last sentence is particularly appropriate here too. Nobody wants to hear her shitty views. Except, apparently, the Labour party. It'd be one thing if they agreed to meet with her, but actively saying they're seeking her out? Wtf Starmer.

No, that's a Rubik's. A rubric is a river that traditionally marked the northern border of Italy.

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I don’t even know that she works at a preschool

Probably not. The source for that was the same hoax Facebook post that announced she had been fired.

Oh that's good to hear. And somewhat surprising, considering how easily memes get ripped off by random strangers for profit.

tetrapods are fish

I like this particularly because it allows you to tell people that whales are fish, which is generally going to get a much stronger response than if you said "people are fish". Because in the latter, they know you're up to something weird, but in the former they're not sure if you might just be wrong.

Fantasy series with a very D&D-esque world and a combat system that feels a bit like an MMO or a turnbased tactics game. It's real time with optional pausing, and you operate your whole party at once, with the ability to pause to give each of them precise orders, or to pre-program them with specific responses to situation.

I think it mainly became popular on the back of its characters. The story was good but nothing special, and personally I found the combat in Origins to be absolutely terrible. But building up your party, getting to know the characters and making decisions that affect them was amazing. At least on par in this respect with the original Mass Effect trilogy.

What is the difference between a hesitation and a censure?

Can I play it in front of my kids?

It's been a while since I played, but I think the answer is mostly yes. There are sex scenes, but they're pretty well-telegraphed ahead of time and I don't think you can get into them by accident.

how long from startup to the next save point?

What's a save point, to you? The game allows saving at any point (except maybe during combat?), but this may or may not be a satisfying experience to you. For the most satisfying experience you'd probably want to consider your camp the save point, and that can go a couple of hours between occurences, depending on the quest and how good you are (/the difficulty level).

Is it a lot like Mass Effect?

A very similar narrative style with the focus on your relation to the NPCs. Gameplay is very different. Much more about tactics and less about action. Personally I found that balance really awkward and not enjoyable: I'd rather lean more into the action like a Skyrim (or, indeed, ME) style game, or do tactics properly in a turn-based manner like BG3 or Lord of the Rings: Tactics. But I stuck it out for the story & characters which were great, though I couldn't bring myself to keep going with the big DLC once I lost momentum thanks to finishing the main story, or to pick up either of the sequels.

the u is still elongated

Eh? Resume is /ɹəˈʒuːm/ or /ɹəˈzjuːm/. Résumé is /ˈɹɛz.(j)ʉˌmeɪ/. That's in my accent and other accents will vary in the precise vowels used. But because the accent is on the first syllable in résumé, the vowel becomes de-emphasised and, in many accents, more centralised. And that is, as far as I'm aware, nearly universal among English speakers.

For more context, the Rubicon is famous less among geographers and more among historians. Famously, the governor of a province was not allowed to bring an army south of the Rubicon into Italy, so when Julius Caesar marched south with his army, that is the point at which it was impossible for Rome not to go to civil war. The phrase "crossing the Rubicon" is an English-language idiom (I don't know if equivalents exist in other languages, though I wouldn't be surprised if it's common across countries formerly in the Roman Empire) meaning "passing a point of no return".

The meme says "IRS", so it's obviously intended to refer to America.

But outside of that context, they'd fucking deserve it for their shitty dark pattern UX trying to export American tipping culture into the civilised world. If people want to tip, they can do it using cash (so the money actually goes to the person you intended it to!). Or at most, there could be a little "tip" button in the corner somewhere that then takes you to a page like this. It shouldn't be shoved in our faces like this.

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It really is impressive. Steam is honestly a pretty shitty platform in a number of ways, but their competition just keeps managing to be worse.

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I used to use AdBlock Plus. I like it specifically because of the Acceptable Ads policy where it allows through ads that are unobtrusive. Because I believe in supporting sites that want to fund themselves, as long as they do it in a way that isn't obnoxious.

But unfortunately ABP hasn't gotten around YouTube's new adblock-wall. So I've switched to uBlock Origin in the meantime. Which unfortunately doesn't do acceptable ads. So well done Google, you've now forced me into a position where I'm blocking more ads than I was before. Very smart.

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Relevant XKCD:

I recently had someone ask me to go get a computer and turn it on so I could restart it. He refused to move further in the script until I said I had done that.

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Honestly Plex has always given me the icks. Its weird hybrid of self-hosted but managed through their servers always struck me as the worst of both worlds. I'd rather put in a small amount extra effort to properly self-host my stuff, or do significantly less work and use something cloud-based. I just don't understand what niche Plex is supposed to serve.

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