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I looked up the company to see what they made. Nothing too crazy, VR games mostly. I Expect You to Die was a hit from what I remember.

edit: wiki link

Not sure that would jive with their traditional way of development but I'd love to see a game dev mecca show up in Japan

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Admittedly I haven't played it in, like, five years but when I did it only had banner ads in the pause menu

Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector. You put down furniture. Cats sleep on the furniture. You get gold to buy more funiture, and the cycle repeats.

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I guess it's fine gif you want to say it like that

Old School Runescape forces you to change your character into a girl to complete a quest. You can easily change back afterwards, but I never did for some reason.

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my toxic trait is thinking I could win a fight with a goose

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Ive been taking my grandma to church on sundays for about half a year now. Sermons have usually been about not being a dick and, like, donating food and diapers.

Still waiting for someone to yell about the purity of manhood or something but I get the impression they have more important things to think about.

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Guy who worked at my place before me kept using these and GOTO statements all over the place.

His name? Cotton-eyed Joe

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Does anyone know where Jaden was going with this? Like I get that the guy is crazy but maybe the intent was introspection, like asking "if a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound?"

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I'm not huge or athletic but I probably weigh, like, twice as much as a goose. I get that they're incredibly pissy and they have teeth and pointy bits, but I'm still betting on me.

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I don't think we are but your plushies are very nice

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it's an old meme from reddit. Some designer said she had been working on a "science-based dragon MMO" for two years, and the progress she had was not promising

I wish their FAQs would answer how they expect to change Valve's mind with a list of emails... If everyone who signed that petition just played a different game then one of two things would happen.

a) Valve realizes that for the first time in twenty years their game is not earning them thousands of dollars and takes care of their issues

b) more likely, Valve continues what they're doing, but you get to play a game you enjoy without bots

it's also a reference to an existing meme

So the parents can start using the new pronouns right?


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thank you, fake anime person

Blue Eye Samurai, where the mc binds her chest and hides her neck, talks about being born different from everyone else, and insists on he/him pronouns. Then the producers are like "yeah she just pretends to be a guy because it makes her life easier".

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I had someone say they wanted me (as part of a conversation about preferences, not totally off topic) and it was honestly really flattering. I told em I was ace and we moved on. It was like seven years ago but I'll cherish that memory forever...

Receding hairline Astarion is a huge mood

mossy liked "Apple, in an attempt to leverage social pressure to drive sales instead of actually providing..."

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Yeah the guy who made my sandwich at Subway didn't apologize for Jared Fogle being a pedophile so he's a shit person too /s

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the post is asking about insults. it's not really an insult either but it'll certainly make people feel worse...

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Daang, I didn't know they changed it. It makes sense that they would, but I'm still a little sad about it.

Mustard's point was that they didn't want someone blowing up on them because they used the wrong word.

I doubt they have any problem with using a person's requested pronouns, just that it's possible to make mistakes and they'd rather be politely corrected.

Play indie games that have exactly what you're asking for or admit that you're willing to compromise to get a AAA title.

Hope this helps.

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You should've known better, the moth priests have to train for years to use these

One of my favorite things about OPM is how One, the original author, includes like zero fanservice with his character designs, but then Murata, the guy who redraws it, is like "yes it's absolutely necessary that the new character crushes a watermelon monster between her thighs".

fishing lvl?

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Coney is most famous for commentating tournaments in the super smash bros games but he's generally in the Nintendo fan base in the US

edit: I get that you probably don't give a damn but I did at one point in my life

Like the other person said, you have plenty of options, especially if you're willing to include platform fighters like Rivals of Aether 1&2 and Slap City. Skullgirls is legit if you don't mind your female characters "breasting boobily".

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umbrella didn't respond, reported for botting

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it's just more... direct

Prepositions are fine, they're definitely something you can end sentences with.

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The liberals think they can push cathode ray tubes on the rest of us?? I'm fine with them using sinful processing components in their own homes, but this would be violating my rights as an american!

You're welcome mossy!

This is absolutely a tone shift from R&C and Splatoon but you could try Warframe. It is a third-person shooter with a heavy emphasis on movement. It's not huge on platforming but the gunplay is nice.

"Pussy in Boots"

Typo or sexy spin-off?

Also Blue-Eye Samurai was super cool and Dreamworks has been killing itwith their movies

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