0 Post – 106 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

There is just no point in hoarding. Whatever you bought and didn't play immediately is gonna be on sale again. So either play it within the next two weeks or so or don't buy.

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Generative AI is not deterministic. The same input doesn't necessarily mean the same output every time.

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Compared to America, Europe might look socialist. I assure you it's not.

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Actually they're mostly reactionary conservative supercops who only act to preserve the status quo, aren't they?

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Jewish people are attacked on the streets, synagogues are being attacked and smeared with swastikas etc.
You can condemn that and still think Israel is making a mistake in Gaza.

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The first stanza is not officially banned but it's only really sung by nazis or edgy teenagers.

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Millions of dollars of pay are always absurd but this really puts it into perspective

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I bought a Steam Deck 1 1/2 years ago and most of my idle time is now spent playing all the games I never had time or energy for. It's amazing if you're into video games.

Studying the blade

Honestly, stock KDE is pretty nice, i barely change a thing and feel right at home.

Aggressive DRM mostly punishes paying customers. The game will probably be cracked anyways.

Man, a kid shot themselves and that's what you have to say?

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Competitors have better performance, but the overall hardware of Steam Deck is unmatched so far. Trackpads alone make it so much more flexible.

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Piss off "the Jews"? Can we please condemn Israels violence without antisemitism?

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There is no profit being made by harassing some innocent modders. If anything, projects like these are free advertising for Nintendo.

They are making an effort though. Every other manufacturer also produces in China. Fairphone at least pays the workers better and tries to make the supply chain as ethical as possible.

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Apart from exploiting gambling addicts and you not really owning most games, Valve are rather consumer friendly. Or at least they appear to be because their competitors are even worse.

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The life expectancy for 77 year olds is higher than 79 and the life expectancy of rich fucks is also higher than the average population. Don't count on him dying anytime soon.

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Nuclear power is expensive and slow to build. Wind and solar are much, much cheaper and quicker.

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Can you elaborate on how I'm wrong? That's a pretty destructive comment you wrote there

That maneuver will cost them a few % market share at best. Most people don't even use ad blockers at all

Germany's electric energy emissions steadily went down despite exiting nuclear power because Germany actually invests in renewables.

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Climate change and the loss of biodiversity is going to be catastrophic. The world is getting better by many metrics but that's worthless if we can't solve climate change.

If it were for security reasons, they wouldn't allow work devices in the WiFi at all (which is a very reasonable policy)

They actually support their phones for years. You can even still get most parts of the Fairphone 2 which was released 8 years ago. New android versions are provided for a minimum of 5 years, often longer.

They also source their materials and labor as ethically as possible.

None of it is perfect of course, but considering the fucked up phone market, they're doing an amazing job.

Steam Deck is not limited to handheld, you can hook it up to a desk setup with USB -C. Also, I used to play CSGO handheld. I'm in the low silvers even on PC and it doesn't make a big difference to me skill wise. You can be really precise with trackpad + gyroscope.

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In Germany that's the average for AMAB adults. Not short by any means, but not tall either.

Revenge is not a good motive though. It doesn't bring those children back. Removing people like him from society while not forgetting our humanity is all we can do.

I haven't tried Starfield because it's still getting patched, but Bethesda games are some of my favorites. Yes they're janky and everything but I love exploring and looting and they really nail that.

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With a quick Google search I can also find out why the earth is in fact a flat triangle. You need to use your critical thinking skills and evaluate sources.

There are states without hard limits, but it is not "legal to kill a 9 month old baby".

  1. Late term abortions are really rare and only performed if there is no chance of survival for the fetus while the mother is at risk.

  2. If these horrible conditions are met, doctors will find out well before the 9th month, often before the 3rd trimester.

For the same price, a Fair Phone is always going to be outdated. They can't scale as much as the big manufacturers can and they (are trying to) avoid slave labor etc.
It's simply not possible to be as cheap as the others who do everything to be as cheap as can be.

He's 60 years old. He'll probably be around in good health for another 10 years.

I had a very similar idea but it's about avoiding contact and conversation out on the street and on public transportation. May or may not be influenced by real life experience.

This is the way. Why would I hoard 5 more games just because there is a sale? The next one will come shortly. Only buy games you plan to play in the next 2 weeks.

There is also Mint Debian if you want Mint. But honestly, distro doesn't matter at all to most users. Pick any desktop environment that looks nice to you and go for it.

Processing power wise it's almost exactly the same. The main appeal of the new APU is its increased power efficiency.

It's really damn complicated. There is so much history to this conflict. I honestly don't know what Israel's best move would be.
I just think there has to be a way to have less civilian casualties. People are suffering greatly in Gaza and it somehow needs to stop.
On the other hand I understand that the Israeli government has to react to the Hamas attacks. Hundreds of innocents were slaughtered and Israel is surrounded by enemies. Constantly in danger. They need to make sure nobody else dares to attack.

In a perfect world they would (or rather: could) treat Gaza like the US treated Germany after WWII. But I'm afraid even with massive humanitarian and economic help there would still be terror and violence from Hamas. This conflict is too old and too dogmatic to be solved in a matter of weeks or even years.

Look around in this thread - even people who don't have any personal stakes in the conflict have such radical options about it. I can't imagine what it must feel like to be a Palestinian or Israeli who has lost family members to this.

I can't speak for that specific article but is usually full of shit. They spread misinformation and are nazi apologists. Please be careful with your sources and try to verify information you read online.

In Germany, if you're in jail you can't be elected into office. You can however always cast your vote even from jail (except for rare and extreme political crimes such as terrorism, starting a war and such)

I thought the B was for the British?